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The Free Land Act of 2011

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posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 09:09 PM
who will work your feilds while your wroking at your career . Growing food is labour intensive , beatiful Idea but I thinks its not posible

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

We'll need a powerful police land to take the land fm the greedy owners of it. as for the help building the house, i have enoguh trees in my back yard to build a house so when are you coming over.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Maybe we shouldnt have taken that step forward, but whats done is done. Additionally I dont own any land, and my income is far from disposable. I have been renting tiny 'efficiency' apartments, and in most cases splitting the rent with one or more friends. I only earn enough money to cover my necessary monthly expenses which I have cut down drastically. For example my rent is under $200. my cell phone is only $25 a month. I dont have car payments so I can avoid car insurance and gasoline as well. When you learn to grocery shop 'efficiently' you would be surprised at how little you need to spend. I do keep some beer money and spending cash around, but its not hard to earn when everything else is so fairly cheap.

That being said, I dont have a wife or kids. I rarely ever go out and spend money on entertainment. I entertain myself with hiking, camping, kayaking, etc. This is the lifestyle I choose for myself. Having so little expenses allows me to have lots of free time for 'me' time.

Lastly I would like to address something I may have missed in the first post. It sounds like you want to distribute land evenly among the US population, thereby distributing population density. Everything would be relatively far from everything else. I strongly advocate urban centers and high density population, the problem is that we have gone about it all wrong. I could go on for paragraphs and paragraphs outlining things we are doing wrong, and potential ways to fix them. Ill leave you with food for thought, and expand on them in the future...

Impervious surfaces leading to excessive storm water runoff? Use permeable pavers, and green roofs
Black rooftops contributing to the heat island effect? Green rooftops by planting gardens on wasted roof space.
Excessive cars causing traffic jams and pollution? Use public transportation, and renewable energy sources to power them. Promote walking and biking. Urban densities lend to this concept very well.

There are many other issues such as water supply, sewage, waste management, energy supply. The problem is that even implementing just one of these solutions is entirely cost prohibitive at this point in time, let alone many or all of them together.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Never taken the step forward?
Have fun living in te dark ages. Doesn't that sound like alot of fun.

There are good things and bad things about moving from farm life to industrial life, but the good outweigh the bad. It's just that TPTB aren't letting us enjoy all o the good.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by stevooo
reply to post by smithjustinb

We'll need a powerful police land to take the land fm the greedy owners of it. as for the help building the house, i have enoguh trees in my back yard to build a house so when are you coming over.

I would gladly help you out tomorrow if you lived near me. But since I can't make it, I'm sure you know someone that could help you out that lives a little closer. They could probably do as good of job as I could.

And nobody is taking land away from anybody. In my vision, no one owns any land to begin with. They're just borrowing it and they have a house there. If there is vacant land that you don't have a garden on, then I have the right to do whatever with it I want. It's not like you're using it. Isn't that fair?

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 09:48 PM
Who would make the farm equipment? Who would mine the minerals needed for farm equipment? Who would produce fertilizer? Or make automobiles and other modern technology?

I come from a ranching family and my Dad always told me what made agriculture so efficient, so that the Government actually pays ranchers and farmers not to produce more crops, was machinery and modern technology. Without it we would be pulling plows with horses which is a step in the wrong direction.

Not to mention that most of the "farmland" your talking about is already owned by farmers. Granted there are millions of acre's of land in the US that is not farmed or ranched but still this is not a good idea. You want to be self sufficient and farm and ranch? More power to you, there is plenty of land in these western states.

edit on 19-6-2011 by asmall89 because: typos

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by asmall89

Urban homesteading... what a cool idea.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by hederahelix

Yeah if you have land you should do something with it. If you have the resources grow gardens in urban area's I'm not opposed to this as I do this myself. I have a garden where I grow vegetables and berries. Giving a person 3 acre's of land is not a way to solve food problems or anything. There is a difference between gardens and 13,000 acres and 120+ head of cattle. Meaning you need heavy machinery, tractors, knowledge of irrigation, welding, fencing, crop rotation, pesticides and fertilizer, how many acre's per a cow is required (precipitation), and loads more. I'm personally not a farmer or rancher, but my father was and I always was kind of out of the loop with my dad's side because I was a "city boy".

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
All we need is free land.

There are 2,260,994,361 acres of land in the United States.
There are 922,095,840 acres of farmland in the United States.
There are 308,745,538 people in the United States.
That's enough land so that every person in the United States has about 3 acres of farmland.
That's 130,680 square feet of farmland per person. (plus 188901 sq. ft. of "other" land)

Actually to make a correction, The "United States", according to the Constitution, IS the capital building and the surrounding ten miles square. However, "these united states of America", and spelled in just that way in proper gramar with no mistake of the nouns, IS made up of approximately 2,260,994,361 acres of land minus the federal enclaves which include military bases.

This misunderstanding of "America" and the "U.S." is what really pisses me off to no end and shows continually the ignorance of the "American people".

If you do not know what the "Nation" IS, then we might as well all lay down and die, for we have given our consent to be slaves and subjects and to be ruled as such because of our collective ignorance of terms of art used in their legal capacities.

How sad a country are we and is it? Truly very sad.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb

Originally posted by Nosred

Originally posted by smithjustinb
You can build your house on 100 acres of land if you wanted, but anyone can come and build a house on an acre away from your house. There wouldn't be any legal action you could take against them, but you could still go to them and talk it out like civilized people and come to a mutual peaceful agreement.

So you want an agrarian anarcho-communist society? Like I said, that'll work.

You are strongly misinterpreting my vision. I didn't say anything about anarchy. This is capitalism with free land. Plain and simple.

Anarchy is still untolerable.

And my plan is just an overview. There are obviously going to be a lot of specifics to get it to work smoothly.

And it could work.

Whether you like it or not, whether you want to believe it or not, whether you believe you are independently capable or not, free land is a human civil right.

That's absurd: No it's not... And what if two people want the same scenic lookout? who gets the vertical cliff faces and swamps?

edit on 19-6-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
All we need is free land.

There are 2,260,994,361 acres of land in the United States.
There are 922,095,840 acres of farmland in the United States.
There are 308,745,538 people in the United States.
That's enough land so that every person in the United States has about 3 acres of farmland.
That's 130,680 square feet of farmland per person. (plus 188901 sq. ft. of "other" land)

With that much land, we could all plant huge gardens and own some livestock. We would never need to go to a grocery store again. Good bye Wal-Mart!

Chop down some trees and build a house. If you don't have that many trees, I'll give you any extra I have. If you don't know how to build a house, I'll help you. Good bye Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac!

The average mortgage payment in the US is around $20,244 per year. The average American spends about $2,078 on food per year. That's $22,322 per year that could be saved if the government had the humanity to allow us the basic human right to reside on free land.

These are just basic needs. Sure we might not be able to fully get rid of currency all together at this early stage of human development, and become fully self-sufficient while satisfying all of our wants and needs, but if we just had free land, the economy might not be our enemy any more. We are part of this Earth, and what is part of the Earth belongs to the people, not greedy corporations. We should be entitled to what is rightfully ours without being at the mercy of those who want to make a profit.

If people got free land, then they would want free labor to come and work that land for them.

The 922 million acres of farmland are owned by someone already as is most of the other land. Don't you dare ask the government to seize it and spread it among the rest of the folk. That same thing happened in eastern Europe about 100yrs ago...didn't go over so well.

Communism and prosperity are strange bedfellows.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Hey are you the dude from First Friday I met that is running for President on this platform??

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
And nobody is taking land away from anybody. In my vision, no one owns any land to begin with. They're just borrowing it and they have a house there. If there is vacant land that you don't have a garden on, then I have the right to do whatever with it I want. It's not like you're using it. Isn't that fair?

Just to let you know I am planning on building a sewage plant next to your house tomorrow morning. Okay, thanks!

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

This has actually been attempted in other nations, look at Zimbabwe for an example.
First, everyone has 3 acres. Well, how do you get to your land? You need at least passage across land owned by many others - which means the total is reduced radically by roadways and similar.
Second, there is no means built into the system you discuss to pool capital for modern machinery, nor is there any means for modern single-crop cultivation and rotations to gain high yields. You lose your international trade because you are looking at only feeding yourself and your family.
Third, there is no discussion of specialization, like dairy, grain crops, orchards, and more. And, if there is, go back to the first issue - how do you trade your excess, if any, to anyone else?

Zimbabwe went from a net exporter of wheat, to a socialist nation with unimaginable inflation and corruption, to a nation of starving people with nothing for export and nothing to eat grown at home. Agriculture was overwhelmed with the numbers of people simply finding their land, moving on and off of it, and destroying the farmland with ramshackles huts.

This is an insane concept. You absolutely need well-run mega-farms that can produce the bounty we require as an advanced nation. It simply cannot be done in the manner it was practiced in previous centuries and expect everyone to have any kind of diet that meets our needs..

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:02 AM
Good Lord, have you ever worked on a farm, Have you traveled the length and breadth of this land.???

Not all of our land is usable for agriculture, either because it has no or poor soil, or it is inhospitable and has no water.

We have large farms producing crops because it is the most cost effective approach to that end. Yes you can support a family of 4 on 3 acres but only if the area has a moderate climate, and the soil is good. BUT not every individual or family is capable or raising grass, no less crops for food.

Not every farm can raise livestock or fish for protein. Yes there are those of us who prefer to eat meat.

OK Lets say we all have 3 glorious acres to grow our crops successfully. Not everyone wants to grow crops. Some are artists, some are musicians, some are writers, some only want to raise flowers, some go on to become physicians. Some go on to be school teachers, some run factories that produce plows and shovels (something you might need on your 3 acres). Some star in or direct movies, and some. well some of us like to write nonsense. A 3 acre farm won't work for everyone, and as the population grows exponentially, those three acre farms will grow smaller and smaller and smaller.

Your pie in the sky idea has no merit.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:04 AM
It is late, i should be asleep, but couldn't, so I have read many of the post here, and am not surprised at the lack of imagination from most here, sad.

Has anyone every heard of Buckminster Fuller? Read anything this brilliant mind said? If Not I suggest everyone here who screamed communism,, stupid idea,,, etc etc go and get the book CRITICAL PATH.

Written from such a visionary position, and in the 70's before much of the High Tech stuff we have today,,, that would make his ''''dream'''' a possibility.

Not just the land Idea,,, but Free Power too for everyone,,,, just by connecting all the exisiting power together.
This thread has made me pull out my copy and I think I will reread it this week to see what I might have forgotten.

Bucky, had the idea that Everyone on the Planet could be housed comfortable and warmly in a country about the size of England. The Rest of the World could be returned to a state of ''Eden" as a preserve,,,,, for ALL PEOPLE.
Not just the Rich.

I think Capitalism screamers have about as much Imagination as an gnat. There are other possibilities for the Human Race. We don't have to be stuck in just the For Profit Base Mentality I see in many of the post here.
Yes, it would be some work,,, but it is possible to live differently than we do today.

Sorry that so many lack the Neurons to see that the Greed that is Eating the World Up,,, is the Problem.
Capitalism (as it is today) is great,,,, as an Idea. It would be even better if there was a way to instill Altruism in those who wave Atlas Shrugged in hand,,, and scream like stuck pigs at the thought of any social or communal type lifestyle..... Even funnier when they say,,,, that is why America is great......
Individualism is why America WAS great. Capitalism had very little to do with it. Free Markets can exist in other forms of Economic control.
Capitalism as it is today has failed Humanity. Maybe modified it would benefit the World,,, but as it stands today,,, it only benefits those at the Top of the Ladder..... i.e. the Elite Powers That Be.
before you moan and make fun of me or the OP of this thread,,,, go read a Great mind Like Bucky Fuller

CRITICAL PATH. Read before rebuttals.

He was so right in so many ways..... God I wish he was still alive today,,,, we could use Vision like his Now.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:37 AM
Cuba already did this, and Cuba's people have never eaten better. You may not even need 3 acres per person, if its intensive and organic with permaculture features its supposedly possible for 6 people to live off 5 acres...think deep beds for vege's, and that includes outhouses, animal feed, wool and most wood. If you're in an area that has a long growing season, its possible for 4 people to grow nearly all their vege in a suburban garden of less than an acre, although this is basically a full time job for them all. In less than 40 years (oil running out) you aren't going to have a job or car or nice tarmaced road to drive around on anyway...adapt or die. Even the UK is just about to pass a law where any town in the UK can keep their green spaces, the council won't be able to use it...permaculture community gardens or allotments anyone? And yea, your diet will have to change a bit...but acorns really aren't that bad

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:38 AM
Holy sh*t stupidity alert ! ! !

Dude do not be so arrogant and selfish because we have to live with nature and not own it. Imagine if your stupid idea happens how many species will become extinct and how much damage will be done to nature.

Please next time think before you post ideas like this that are just stupid, selfish and arrogant. You thought of this exactly like a capitalist: "Screw everything as long as we get something back".

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:50 AM
If everyone was given some land for free most people would simply sell it anyway.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by wlasikiewicz

No problem, more wood for me to boil water for my wanna starve? Really?

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