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Zbigniew Brzezinski: Mastermind behind WWIII

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posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 09:55 AM
Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th, 2011.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Mastermind behind WWIII

Since the mainstream media is not permitted to report the truth about the treasonous activities of the U.S. Government’s leadership, the vast majority of Americans remain totally ignorant regarding the most serious matters directly affecting all of us.

The only sources of truth available to us now are found via the internet, generally information leaked from some disgruntled insider courageous enough to blow the whistle on these filthy traitors, like Sibel Edmonds, Dr. Steve Pieczenik and Dr. Alan Sabrosky.

Perhaps the worst American traitor of all is David Rockefeller. While he may not be an official member of the U.S. Government, he, more than any other American, has greater control over the U.S. Government than any other person, including the president. In America, the Rockefeller family has held this position of power for the last 100 years. Of course, at one time the Rockefeller family owned a controlling interest in ABC, NBC, and CBS making it much easier for them to suppress the truth about their evil activities.

David Rockefeller discovered the evil genius Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski perhaps 35 to 40 years ago and, together, they have been scheming to not only take over the world but murder as many “useless eaters” as they possibly can. Useless eaters? Yes, this is a name, along with “expendable containers” they like to use in describing all but about 500 million people on earth. They feel that the earth can only properly sustain about 500 million people, not 6 or 7 billion. Therefore, they feel billions of us need to be terminated.

I realize it must sound to you like I am describing the bad guys in a James Bond movie, but human beings simply cannot be more despicable and destructive than these two traitors. For example, WWIII has been in their planning stages for many years.
Ultimately, their plan is for the East and West to fight a long and murderous WWIII resulting in the deaths of billions of us “useless eaters”.

Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski has been the mastermind of perhaps the most incredible large scale evil plans imaginable, and Rockefeller and his bought and paid for criminal U.S. Government has been implementing Brzezinski’s unholy plans now for many years. Of course, the O’Reilly’s, Limbaugh’s, Hannity’s, Blitzer’s, and Maddow’s of the mainstream media are strictly forbidden to talk about it. Therefore, you and I remain in the dark.

At the top, there really is no left and right, no liberal and conservative. This is just one more of the Hegelian smokescreens used to trick and distract the politically minded, to more easily divide and conquer the ignorant masses. In reality, both the left and right serve the ruling elites like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Knights of Malta, and the Jesuit General. For example, every president, both Republican and Democrat, attorney general, and every U.S. Senator, all 100 of them, is bought and paid for, and are all traitors serving these ruling elites.

For example, Dr. Brzezinski wrote a book in 1997 entitled The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperative. Essentially, Zbigniew outlined a course of action the United States needed to take in order to maintain its role of being the world’s most powerful nation. The action needed, according to Brzezinski, was for the United States to gain control over, and/or at least be physically able to police the world’s largest oil and natural gas deposits located in Eurasia, the largest continent on Earth.

In order to accomplish this, Brzezinski explained, imperialism, or the taking, by force, of whatever you want, is the only practical way to do it. He explained how the American people are strictly opposed to imperialism for obvious reasons; however the use of imperialism is the only way for Brzezinski’s unholy plan to work. So what do you do? You must deceive the American people into believing that it is a good thing for the U.S. Military to invade and occupy various foreign countries. How do you do that?

You must use a convincing false flag operation. In order to gain the necessary support from the American people, the willingness of the American people to pay trillions of dollars for this unholy imperialism, to invade and occupy Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and many other countries, the U.S. Government must trick the American people into believing such imperialism is actually some form of humanitarian action needed to preserve truth, justice, and the American way.

Brzezinski suggested the need for a gigantic galvanizing event, like another Pearl Harbor, to arouse the support of the American people. Brzezinski’s book served as the guideline for the NeoCons, led by Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, and the rest in a think tank known as PNAC, the Project for a New American Century. NeoCons, the newer, kinder and more acceptable name for NAZIS, took control beginning with their puppet Ronald Reagan. Before that, Brzezinski controlled Jimmy Carter. They were operating at full strength with their moronic puppet George W. Bush in the white house.

Rockefeller, Brzezinski, PNAC and the NeoCons, along with key members of the George W. Bush administration, orchestrated the events of 9/11/2001 to serve as the galvanizing event they needed to gain both the emotional and financial support of the American people for a U.S. Military invasion of Afghanistan. Using their evil media to sell the deception, it worked like magic!

Of course, now, after about 10 years and many trillions of American tax dollars stolen and wasted and literally millions of innocent people murdered and severely injured, America is now at war in five countries, soon to spread to 7. After that, if Brzezinski’s prayers are answered, both Russia and China will enter the fray as both David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski giggle, excitedly, like a couple of filthy gay pedophile priests.

As Brzezinski’s plans for WWIII are working out perfectly, the vast majority of Americans continue to sleep.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by bwinwright

Those who have the greatest control over the USA and their destiny are the population of 310 million couch potato Americans themselves.

You have afew strong voices in your country already making sound waves yet 310 million people are too busy watching TV and eating Maccas to even care what happens to their country.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by bwinwright

Those who have the greatest control over the USA and their destiny are the population of 310 million couch potato Americans themselves.

You have afew strong voices in your country already making sound waves yet 310 million people are too busy watching TV and eating Maccas to even care what happens to their country.


Stereotype much? Not all Americans are couch potatoes and more Americans care than you realize. Where do you live? I guarantee your country isn't perfect and your country has its couch potatoes too. Nobody is perfect and more are fed up all over the world than you realize.

Ignorant much!

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:12 AM
I'm an American and I actually read all of this and find it interesting, while I'll admit I never really heard of this Brzezinski guy (although I probably have, just didn't know who he was - I was born in '81), I do find what you wrote interesting.

Yet, I'm having a hard time following some of what you're saying, for example - where are you getting the idea that they feel the Earth's population should be around 500 million? Instead of sitting here trolling, I'm respecting you and asking you to please post more information, or at least link to it.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by bwinwright

Your article is right on and thank you from a father on fathers day.I have read that this evil scumbag
is LORD MARDUK and will be our new ruler.Never my ruler ,the battle is not lost yet.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Your post was very long, and tedious to read. It was filled with accusations written as facts. No references and no evidence.

Basically this post was uninformative, and could have been summarized in less than one paragraph.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

So why is'nt 310 million Americans rising up against these so few people controlling your Govt, your money, your house, the food you eat and everything you read and watch on TV?

Thats why the couch potato remark because it's obvious the Americans don't care

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:29 AM
karter gave him his power when he made him NSA of his "administration"....hes been a player ever since,even though he was behind the scenes a lot longer....hes a goat for sure....and ole karter is still out there running his mouth

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by bwinwright

Well they sure are taking their time about it, as the world population is will be nearly 9 billion in the
next few decades or less. That does not include all the transnational baby popping party members
that the Census cant handle.

Those good old boys are in their 80's and 90's now. Including Soros. So are you suggesting that they
will try to pull the plug on the rest of us new up and coming brainiacs from (with all respect) their private
ICU Suites? Maybe after their last bottle of Dom Perrignon, Filet Mignon, Crepes Suzette,Creme brulee,
and final apertif?

I Must say, judging how the new swindlers have handled it, we just might miss those old school bad boys more than you think. For with them, it was a matter of principle, a matter of respect.

Just remember, we had the leniency of The Beatles ,The Rolling Stones, and more under their watch.

Now what do we have? Lines on the map that are meaningless and lady gaga.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

I just thought I'd add that the population among the Western nations of Caucasians is declining while the third world nations are increasing

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by bwinwright

I have a hard time wrapping my mind around two individuals being the main players causing WWW3 and world population. I do know however, that there are those who openly advocate the 500,000 populace levels and there is even a monument to it, in Georgia I believe, but I can’t find it right now.

I have reading for quite some time on the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Knights of Malta, and the Jesuit General amongst other conspiracy theories and the information that is out there is humongous. Often it is contradictory as well. One book always leads to another. I also blame the denizens of ATS for making me read more...AAhhh! my Brain! It's not fair I tell you.
There are other secret societies out there based out of Asia as well. These secret societies seem to be at war with each other as often as they work together.

If what you propose is true, then of course the talking heads on TV will not say anything about it. They know what side of the bread is buttered. And besides, they will not be fighting the war, they be busy analyzing it. Either for or against the conflict, their message will further muddy the waters and further divide the popular opinion. A people united stands strong, while a people divided will ultimately fall.

After going through the replies to the OP, it just reinforces my opinion that more and more people are evolving into a 30 second sound bite society. Not all mind you, but it seems that everyone wants a quick summary, not real information. I’m guilty of it as well and sometimes a quick summary is what is needed. Just not on a topic that is as convoluted as this. People often think that people with a agenda want to see it in their lifetime, that is not the case with a true believer.

Nice post.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Time2Think
Yet, I'm having a hard time following some of what you're saying, for example - where are you getting the idea that they feel the Earth's population should be around 500 million? Instead of sitting here trolling, I'm respecting you and asking you to please post more information, or at least link to it.

Georgia Guidestones

some people belive that this is a NWO construction, based upon NWO depopulation theories.

I however am not sold on this concept, based on the rest of the guidelines after the population...

does "4.Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason." or "7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials." " 8.Balance personal rights with social duties." sound anything like the NWO MO/agenda?

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 12:02 PM
I've never brought into the idea of depopulation since throughout history the adage stands as "the poor get fewer the rest get richer".. which works against the elite as more power is passed to the slaves.. you only have to look at the black death to see that.

While depopulation benefits the poor.. over population (via control of our resources) benefits the rich as it drives down prices and increases profits while it keeps us divided as we fight amongst ourselves for whatever scraps we can get.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by mblahnikluver

So why is'nt 310 million Americans rising up against these so few people controlling your Govt, your money, your house, the food you eat and everything you read and watch on TV?

Thats why the couch potato remark because it's obvious the Americans don't care

It would seem you are trying to boil the complexity contained within the individual actions of 310 million people into one simple sentence.

For me, it is more that if I choose to riot in the streets, the quality of life for my kids decreases. Plain and simple. I would be that the majority of Americans have a similar concern.

Regardless, I try to have faith in my neighbors..but it is getting harder. Until it gets to a point that the cost/benefit analysis gap closes to almost nil, I will continue to hope.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 12:23 PM
1/3rd+ of America dying as the Baby Boomers kick the bucket....leaving America becoming a Latino majority.

That Latino majority will abandon propping up Israel. There is why WWIII has already started. Do it now or Israel is done. The English language is done.

Maybe they never intended on America surviving what is unfolding. Their goal is to have Israel being the last piece of dirt habitable by humans.

There is no way America would survive what they have planned.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Homedawg

Ah..... Try that the other way around. Carter was Brzezinski's boy. The first attempt at a manufactured NWO President of the United States. A total failure.

And to the guy that said the OP's statement should have been only a paragraph long, well that opinion is one reason why the country is in the sad shape that it is. I've been following Zbig for more than 35 years since David Rockefeller lured him from Columbia University to become a co-founder and the first chairman of the Trilateral Commission.

One Of Many Sources

Some folks have a lot of catching up to do.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by kalisdad

Wow, thank you.. really interesting stuff I haven't come across before - but now I'm wondering if the plan is to eliminate America then why build the "guidestones" here in Georgia of all places?

Strange that these "guidestones" have been around over 30 years yet I've never heard anything about them before ever.

Whoever was responsible for having them built sure put a lot of effort into them from that article you linked, that's for sure.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Oldnslo
reply to post by Homedawg

Ah..... Try that the other way around. Carter was Brzezinski's boy. The first attempt at a manufactured NWO President of the United States. A total failure.

And to the guy that said the OP's statement should have been only a paragraph long, well that opinion is one reason why the country is in the sad shape that it is. I've been following Zbig for more than 35 years since David Rockefeller lured him from Columbia University to become a co-founder and the first chairman of the Trilateral Commission.

One Of Many Sources

Some folks have a lot of catching up to do.

If the intention is to teach people it should have information backed with evidence, links to references. If you've been on this site as long as you say, you should know evidence is a key proponent for making people understand your point.

I could sit here and say some person who works for a rich guy is going to take over the world, but that doesn't make it true. Give me evidence, people in the know who have real evidence. Otherwise its just one of a million random conspiracies on this site.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by mblahnikluver

So why is'nt 310 million Americans rising up against these so few people controlling your Govt, your money, your house, the food you eat and everything you read and watch on TV?

Thats why the couch potato remark because it's obvious the Americans don't care

Don't be a drongo, mate. I mean really... "Maccas"?

Haven't you realized the exact same people are basically controlling your Govt, your money, your house, the food you eat, and everything you read and watch on TV as well? Where's the mass Aussie outcry rising up against them? Sure, it's easy to point the finger at Americans, but the average American is pretty much in the same boat as the average Aussie. Those in power are globalists.

P.S. While you're at it, a good start would be to take back Rupert Murdoch. We don't want him here, and we've got enough on our plate to deal with.
edit on 6/19/11 by redmage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by bwinwright

Like what I have always observed on this site , the most stupid and arrogant people come with their labels and blades.

But I come with a warm handshake and I say thank you.

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