I love Blondi the Dog I wonder what ever happened to him?
So im thinking how may dogs were loyal to Adolf Hilter? What crimes could have these Nazi Dogs commited and are they still among us
.......Well it seems so, this Dog knows who the target is
IM just saying now that i think of it, are there any Dogs in the pentagon or in other "Gov Facilites". Maybe they are afraid they will give secret
info to Modern Nazis.
HA dogs do immitate humans sometimes. My old dog used to howl 'hellooooo' when ever we came home as thast the first thing we said to him when we
got back. They dont understand what they are saying, just immitating. They can understand words though when you give them commands so I suppost it
would be possible to train them to say things to an extent. But this is pretty funny. Not as crazy as the Russians plan to cros breed gorrillas with
humans to make super soldiers though, that was just insanely hilarious!
It wouldn't suprise me if they did try to get dogs to speak,they tried alot of things we all think were silly but they spent alot of time & effort
making them work.
do dogs know what they are saying ? probably not but still an interesting story if the nazi's did achieve it in some way.