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Its time ATS debunk Washington ; Massonic/Devil/Illuminati/NWO markings

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posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Vanishr
Also all the references to an Owl, is for the god Moloch, in history, human and more importantly, child sacrifices are common to show worship.
That would be fine and good, except Moloch is always portrayed as a bull. The owl was Minerva. Not the same.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 10:15 AM
just because a 'german illustration' on wikipedia is a bull, does not mean the god is always depicted as this, different societies and groups would percieve him in there own way.

Since the founding of the club, the Bohemian Grove's mascot has been an owl, symbolizing knowledge. A 40-foot (12 m) hollow owl statue made of concrete over steel supports stands at the head of the lake in the Grove.

On July 15, 2000, Austin, Texas-based filmmaker Alex Jones and his cameraman, Mike Hanson, walked into the Grove. With a hidden camera, Jones and Hanson were able to film the Cremation of Care ceremony. The footage was the centerpiece of Jones' documentary Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove. Jones claimed that the Cremation of Care was an "ancient Canaanite, Luciferian, Babylon mystery religion ceremony," and that the owl statue was Moloch.

Not taking this for gospel, just sharing the info.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Vanishr

On July 15, 2000, Austin, Texas-based filmmaker Alex Jones and his cameraman, Mike Hanson, walked into the Grove. With a hidden camera, Jones and Hanson were able to film the Cremation of Care ceremony. The footage was the centerpiece of Jones' documentary Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove. Jones claimed that the Cremation of Care was an "ancient Canaanite, Luciferian, Babylon mystery religion ceremony," and that the owl statue was Moloch.

Alex Jones has no qualifications to be making such a claim, and from what I've read does not cite his sources. His Canaanite/Luciferian/Bablyonian conflation is at odds with the vast majority of academic comparative religion.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Vanishr
Not taking this for gospel, just sharing the info.
Alex Jones is a community college drop-out. Not someone whose "research skills" I'd ever take as gospel.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Vanishr
Not taking this for gospel, just sharing the info.
Alex Jones is a community college drop-out. Not someone whose "research skills" I'd ever take as gospel.

Yes but he never actually posted an article to be a hoax
he have always credible witness and army vets confirming all his information
he has been doing this for so long and made many friends

He doesnt lies .. the gov does

look at this FBI confrontation
he owned this FBI agent

even he drop out of college .. AJ his one of the most inteligent, competent, articulated persistant of the truth individual that i have ever came across

AJ is the real patriot
edit on 6/20/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Ben81

That may all be true. I certainly hope Alex Jones isn't out to skin the rubes, because I like to assume the best of people. However, "I'm not lying" is neither a source nor a credential. He has completely failed to produce a credible witness for his analysis that Bohemian Grove represented a Luciferian/Canaanite/Babylonian religious ritual, nor that such a synthesis of very different rites would even work.
edit on 20-6-2011 by OnTheLevel213 because: Finished a thought.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
Yes but he never actually posted an article to be a hoax

Sure he has.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Ben81
Yes but he never actually posted an article to be a hoax

Sure he has.

bah .. CNN FOX BBC ABC are much worst
they post hoax each days
manipulation of news to cover certain hidden interest
AJ only wants the truth
he can sometime exagerate but he doesnt manipulate the news

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

Just as the government would to a whistleblower, your trying to smear his credibility, lol so typical...

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

I'd also question the ethics of his research methods. Cowan comes to mind when someone speak of Alex Jones.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Vanishr
reply to post by JoshNorton

Just as the government would to a whistleblower, your trying to smear his credibility, lol so typical...
What credibility? He'd have to have some to begin with...

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Can you let me know which news that the mainstream media manipulates? Can you also find the non-fictional version of the manipulated stories? Thanks.

Alex Jones, the one broadcast I have actually listened to, I think likes to bring in "important" people to try to make himself look credible. I guess it is ok, since all news stations do that anyways, but then he likes to make these "important" people rabble on, and some of it is just their opinion. Or the facts are just completely blown out of proportion. Not to say that AJ always has bad news and AJ always has good news. I just like to be wary sometimes. Here is one of the best posts I like to hold my standards to - .

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Vanishr

And? Is he wrong, or is "you would say that" enough of an argument for you?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Doesnt everyone have credibility until proven otherwise ?

It seems you're obviously dismissing his info just because its got Alex Jones written on it.

Deny ignorance, dont spread it.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Vanishr
Doesnt everyone have credibility until proven otherwise ?

No. Not at all. Someone has credibility once they demonstrate that they know what they're talking about and that their information is accurate.

It seems you're obviously dismissing his info just because its got Alex Jones written on it.

I'm dismissing his "info" because it neither originates from or quotes any type of authority on the matter. I would do the same if it were anyone else.

Deny ignorance, dont spread it.

Attaching oneself to unsupported ideas and their self-appointed proponents is not a denial of ignorance. It's the opposite.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:11 AM
Before i get into the meat of the post. I want to make this clear... I am not here to argue my point etc.. im just putting it out there.. if anyone wants to critisise, go ahead its a very healthy thing to do. However, if people are going to respond with thier egos where the ultimate aim of the response is to prove they are right rather than find the truth.. im not intersted..

So lets begin a interesting civil discussion

So, the concept is that there are these symbols put in place by some people across DC, in the movies and on dollar bills.

So lets pretend we have no idea of wo these people are or what thier agenda is to begin with. We can add things in later to get a clearer picture

First, america is a country that what founded on the ideals of christanity. Christianity belives in a God and a Devil. I am not here to argue if this is right or wrong. So, Christianity is very widespread and is a dominant force. Out of all the christians there are radical ones and other christians that are not as strict. Christianity and most religions as a whole have had a lot of friction with science. The scientists were shunned and taunted during certain stages of human growth.

The opposing force to religion is seen to be science but I do not feel that way. (I think they can work in harmony if we understand what true religion is.. but anyway that doesnt matter). Radical religious types often oppose science, so if america is built on widespread chrisianity and our world is rapidly creating new technology.. the people in charge and the true entrepreneurs of this world must embrace science.

The opposite to christianity is satanism. I dont know if the people placing the symbols belive in a devil or its just for show.. to scare people who look the symbolism. One thing is clear, it is a oposing force to christiantiy. Now, satanists can be normal people but I personaly think its a very selfish religion. Theistic Satanists believe in power being one of the greatest things in life. I follow buddhism and hindusim but in a non traditional sence as I belive gods were extraterestrials. Power and ego are damaging and eliminate empathy for other humans and keep people supressed.

We know that the people who are using the symbols in games, movies, architecture and print are very powerful as they have distributed them through society. Washington DC is seen as the centre of america and the presence of the symbols there sugests an influence stretching to political figures and the powerful men of the country.

So what does christianity say about the owl? Maybe it can shed light on the situation for us.

Here are two links:

The main idea from the website is that the owl is a symbol of death, night and disorder. This would imply it would be the perfect symbol to use by satanists as it oposes Christianity.

A short excerpt

Since the owl is a bird of ill omen, its voice among the ruins warns future generations that herein lies the wrath of God. Micah, forseeing the punishment of Israel, says, "Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls" (Micah 1:8).

Since the owl loves darkness, it was associated with death and the Devil who is the Prince of Spiritual Darkness. As the Devil lays snares (traps) for the children of Adam, the owl was believed to lead his fellow creatures into the hunter's traps.( Could be these bastards)

Interestingly enough, Christianity also saw in the owl a symbol of Christ, who came to those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death (Luke 1:79). This is the case with owls in pictures of the Passion. Early mystics believed the owl had a luminous substance in its eyes which dissolved the darkness, giving it excellent night vision. In the same way, the light of Christ was said to dissolve the darkness of this world and give a pure and good direction. The Christ-owl may be found with the cross on its breast or head.

The iluminati are described as the iluminated ones and lucifer means light bearer. Clearly, the owl has a double meaning. The owl being the light in the darkness sounds very much like order comes out of chaos. This is the motto of the skull and bones society in Yale. Now this is where it starts getting messy. I do not claim to know the beiefs of these people.. Ive done enough talking anyway.. maybe someone can shed some more light on the intent of the group.

Please site the information as well please .. thanks

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by hirenumradia

aren't you making a huge leap in assuming that the symbols are evil and the ones who put them there are satanists? If the ones who put them there were deists, who promoted personal growth and freedom, that would change the entire connotation of your post, would it not?

edit to add:
thanks for being civil, and where did the idea of the "wise old owl" come from? I mean besides tootsie pops.
edit on 24-6-2011 by network dude because: Augustusmasonicus won't share his beer

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by hirenumradia

You are talking about opposing forces, this would be up for debate, the material(satanism) and the non material. etheral (the enternal). Satanism would be regarded as the material (sat-urn)(sat-an), I would not regard everything material as satansim, the lower material, the desire, the greed, the magnet at the end of the line.
I would say people are highly magnetized into the end of the material. The symbols that you speak about yes, they are of low endings, just look at the US capitol, it looks like a necropolis, the whole city. I imagine the people in the background worship the underworld god.

edit on 24-6-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by network dude

your missing my point.. Christianiy is the foundation stone america was built on. Usualy there are oposing forces to any beief systems. If there are not, please let me know what belief system is not contested. One of the most obvious is satanism in relation to christianity as it is reguarded as the polar opposite by christians themselves.

When you take the owl symbol in washington for example you have to base your assumption on the fact that america was based on christinaity. You cant understand a symbol without context.

The obvious thing to do is research what the owl means in christianity. As i said in my above post... Christians can see it in two ways. The symbol itself is a double edged sword. In one instance it is associated with the snares of the devil and on the other its the bringer of light through darkeness. So I cannot make a clear assumtion but.. what you forget is the people who put these symbols in place are powerful and men of science. So maybe they are working for good or bad..i really do not know.. but we do know there is an agenda at work.

I have always wondered are they good or evil? Maybe thats what we should research together.. is thier agenda good or bad?

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by hirenumradia
I have always wondered are they good or evil? Maybe thats what we should research together.. is thier agenda good or bad?

And then you have the what if factor. What if, the designer put the symbolism there for personal reasons and not for some magickal purpose? An example I used in an earlier thread was a friend of mine built his house and incorporated a plumb square and level into the brickwork. They are clearly masonic symbols and he clearly is a mason and he clearly placed them there. But did he do it to take over the world, or take over his town, or perhaps just so that some future generation might stumble on it and wonder why it's there. The world may never know.

There is enough evidence that some symbolism exists in the DC layout. There is also some wild conjecture on other "symbolism". The real question is why is it there. Sadly, most people who go looking already have in their minds that it's pure evil and they try to go about proving that based on that fallacy. There might be a great mystery there for someone to find, and it may be beautiful, or it may be religious, or it may just be insightful. But just because it's hidden, doesn't make it evil.

At least that is my opinion.

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