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I am completely terrified to live in this country.

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:41 AM
The united states of america is a sickening word in my book and its only moving down the list. No longer is this the country of the free and prosperous. This country has become something that has hurt our freedoms more than any living body of people on this planet could ever do. The route they should of took on 9/11 should of been aiming to crack down on just what the subject of 9/11 had to do with, planes and also, possibly a revise on what to do when a building is on fire and possibly the ones that were not... Instead we the people were the target of the punishment for someone elses actions.
Since that fateful day a monster was born and it was one that assaulted not only its own people but the entire foundation it was born onto. It ripped the entire collection of papers that it was bound to completely to shreds. This country is a traitor of the highest degree to none other than its own people and I, myself, cannot wish and hope with any more of my being for the day when it is brought to its knees. I will be there for my people. No matter how rough it gets. I love you all. Humanity is grand in the most complicated way possible and the path we are taking is not a natural one. we are not made to act how our governing powers are acting. The timeline being traveled down is a not a freeflowing one and we are allowing them to force it upon us.
We live in a modern dark age coated with a thin line of gold that is eroding more and more as the days pass. I can only hope my fellow man will notice the simple tactics that were used in those times are no different than what they do now except the difference now is TPTB are unmeasurable leaps and bounds ahead of us in every way possible. That is why we are so blind. We have been conditioned to be so.

All i can ask of you is, PLEASE WAKE UP! It is not over yet. WE are not stepping stones. WE are people. YOU are much more than you could ever imagine. YOU are invaluable.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by itisortofthetruth

Hold one a do I KNOW that you're not just a NWO agent playing on people's minds? I've seen posts like these before..and each and every time...that certain individual turns out to be someone with a questionable agenda.
I'm tired of TPB using agents to get people fired up and do things that will get them thrown into Gitmo.
Please tell us why you're lying and why you're really here.
I am SICK of being made a fool by NWO shenanigans who like to act like they're one of us, but in reality they're actually nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing.

[Mod Note - Replaced unnecessary quote with Reply - To tab]
edit on 18/6/2011 by Sauron because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2011 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:55 AM
Fear no evil...Bring it on.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by itisortofthetruth

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:13 AM
wow a big block of text with poor punctuation and no paragraphs.

I find it hard reading a big block of text....i think there are plenty of other like myself here.

Welcome to ATS....please use paragraphs lol

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by itisortofthetruth

welcome to ATS.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by laiguana

There is no need for lies. Lying is all i hear. It is something i swore off not too long ago and i couldnt be happier. A NWO agent you say? well, while that may be fun and stuff, I would feel like id be betraying a lot more people than just myself. What is this questionable agenda you speak of?

Are you sure that is not your conditioning kicking in to turn a blind eye to what you wish was true?
They will only throw you in such a place because your fellow man allows it to happen because he too is conditioned to be blind.

'Where' I am here is because I am as much part of this world and its events as you are and I care. I care enough to open my eyes then allow myself to open my mouth and raise my voice. I am not on this planet to be in the place this world is at currently.

reply to post by loves a conspiricy

Wall of text to work out your eyes. Paragraphs can be done

reply to post by Sauron

Reading now. Thanks for the welcome! My future posts will be far more structured. I just had to get this one out there before i lost my train of thought.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:24 AM
Welcome neighbor.... Hmmm, you sound upset.

Did it ever occur to you that if half of what you said was true, you would have already been pulled from your home and on the way to a gulag somewhere never to be heard from again.

I suppose that this country is so impoverished that the computer you are signing in on to this site is your one and only possession. In fact, you passed up on eating this morning so you could afford a few precious minutes on the net?

Come on...the US is no utopia, but it ain't half bad either. Frankly, after 48 years...I find it to be what you make it.

Now don't get me wrong, our liberties are in jeopardy...but I think the moral and ideallic fortitude of our land has been awakened.

Anyway, good to have you with us....

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:50 AM
Fight the 4th Reich.

Not with bullets. With the ballot box, how you spend your money, who you support, how you live.

Root out the evil. Expose them. Study them and find out how they make money. Go after their source of funding.

Stockpile supplies and get ready for what's coming.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
wow a big block of text with poor punctuation and no paragraphs.

I find it hard reading a big block of text....i think there are plenty of other like myself here.

Welcome to ATS....please use paragraphs lol
Who gives a damn how it was written, geez! This is one of the best intro's I've ever seen you troll.

itisortofthetruth, welcome to ATS my friend!
edit on 18-6-2011 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:00 AM
One could look at the current situation and see the glass half full, not half empty. Changes for good and changes for bad happen at the same time. US soldiers will no longer wear the berets they wore when we started our steal the oil campaign. Now we are goosestepping in those dictatorship hats. I think they look less like the stormtrooper invaderwear, So little things do help the overall situation, a little. We are waking up, but we are really groogy.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:03 AM
You have not seen anything yet, they are still building the control infrastructure
when complete in 20?? this whole country will be a death camp

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:08 AM
Howdy Doody.

You seem like a really happy fellow

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:11 AM
Welcome to ATS. Your eyes are opened. Find the truth and pass it on! Beware of stories that don't stand up to scrutiny, learn all you can and pass it along to others. That is how we win our country back in the information age (war)

edit on 18-6-2011 by Redwookieaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:13 AM
fear mongering claims another victim

sad to see

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by itisortofthetruth

Well since it is so horrible, move to the Sudan or the Congo. Then come back in six months and tell me how wonderful it is.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by itisortofthetruth
The united states of america is a sickening word in my book and its only moving down the list. No longer is this the country of the free and prosperous. This country has become something that has hurt our freedoms more than any living body of people on this planet could ever do. The route they should of took on 9/11 should of been aiming to crack down on just what the subject of 9/11 had to do with, planes and also, possibly a revise on what to do when a building is on fire and possibly the ones that were not... Instead we the people were the target of the punishment for someone elses actions.
Since that fateful day a monster was born and it was one that assaulted not only its own people but the entire foundation it was born onto. It ripped the entire collection of papers that it was bound to completely to shreds. This country is a traitor of the highest degree to none other than its own people and I, myself, cannot wish and hope with any more of my being for the day when it is brought to its knees. I will be there for my people. No matter how rough it gets. I love you all. Humanity is grand in the most complicated way possible and the path we are taking is not a natural one. we are not made to act how our governing powers are acting. The timeline being traveled down is a not a freeflowing one and we are allowing them to force it upon us.
We live in a modern dark age coated with a thin line of gold that is eroding more and more as the days pass. I can only hope my fellow man will notice the simple tactics that were used in those times are no different than what they do now except the difference now is TPTB are unmeasurable leaps and bounds ahead of us in every way possible. That is why we are so blind. We have been conditioned to be so.

All i can ask of you is, PLEASE WAKE UP! It is not over yet. WE are not stepping stones. WE are people. YOU are much more than you could ever imagine. YOU are invaluable.

I agree insofar as we never really understood the full consequences of Operation Iraqi Freedom or our efforts in Afghanistan in relation to the efforts of Russia over there from 1979 to 1988. We should have upped taxes to pay for it, not reduced them like we did. People fell asleep at their TV's and the budgeting people just simply used our credit card. It'll be handled in the future, I guess? All the while soldiers are being sent multiple times into combat zones and coming home with fatigue and PTSD. The economic recession seems to be all over the world, probably related to the increasing oil prices in some way. China has its game face on. We're confronting a future that's deeper and more difficult to ascertain each day. More enemies are added to our lists. More problems are added. More people are added. These're stressful times.

I agree the reasoning for the war(s) has been flimsy. I never was 100% behind the logic that 9/11 + OBL = Saddam Hussein. It seemed too convenient a cover for the people on the inside that wanted his regime cut in half. I think that Saddam deserved it, but I also think that this inner circle of people didn't fully grasp the will of the nation and wasn't honest with them either. Bottom line, I support our troops and our activities in these other countries and ultimately I think we're fighting for a good reason, but I think that we're falling asleep at the wheel and our leaders are taking too much liberty in their activities and not respect our democracy.

But we shouldn't forget that we're americans. Our parents and grandfathers fought in world war 2, one of the greatest and most challenging wars we've faced as a country. Close to 60 million people across the world died during that war. Just in the Okinawa compaign, the US sent 1500 ships and nearly 200,000 men. It was a big thing back then. Our president who had been with us since the war started died in 1945 before the war ended. Did you know that Paul Newman was an aviation radioman and aerial gunner? He trained torpedo replacement squadrons and served on aircrews on aircraft carriers and was near japan in 1944/45. Odd to know how someone everybody knows about was part of our biggest war. They also fought for civil rights. African americans gained the ability to have equal rights. Same thing for women. They got a lot more respect and were able to hold jobs. The list is longer. The point is that we have strong grandfathers and we will weather the future. We just have to hold on to each other.
edit on 18-6-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

That is a dangerous line of thinking to have. If everyone was ok with the status of their home as long as it is not as bad as the worst places in the world, then no one would ever bother trying to improve the world around them.

I am an American and my country is not ok. I will not be leaving MY home, ever. I will continue to try to change it for the good of myself and others who share my home.
edit on 18-6-2011 by Redwookieaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
wow a big block of text with poor punctuation and no paragraphs.

I find it hard reading a big block of text....i think there are plenty of other like myself here.

Welcome to ATS....please use paragraphs lol
Who gives a damn how it was written, geez! This is one of the best intro's I've ever seen you troll.

itisortofthetruth, welcome to ATS my friend!
edit on 18-6-2011 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

I think you are confusing what a troll is and how they operate. I too cannot read big block text because my eyes will begin to jump without any control. I can go back and start reading over and over several times in an attempt to get the "gist", but what it comes down to is "spacing" if you please.

It is not that hard to hit the space bar and anyone who does not is just simply too lazy to do so, and even if they're unaware we all know they were taught in school.

So please try not to bash when someone is simply trying to help someone overcome a handicap from the beginning. I would rather the Introduction post offer sound advice than to wait later down the road and miss something vital and important.

reply to post by itisortofthetruth

As your screen name indicates it is all just "sort of the truth", and yes I agree things are going to get really scary here. I think about all those whose thoughts on theft, lies, and manipulations, as a means of survival, and my heart just breaks. I think about all the hoarding, and the anger just seeps into my being. It is a scary USofA, and our means to make is stop is out of our hands. This is not my America!

Our solace lies in our hearts, we should remain true and we should cast out anyone who is less than heartfelt; be it family, neighbor, or authority! Our true Authority is above us all and one day we will be judged by our actions and we will face our own fears.

I am glad you are here to be a part of all of this, and I am glad you let it out as you have! It is important to exorcise that fear because soon a peace will envelope you as you find your inner sanctum of Faith in something greater than ourselves.

Don't forget to Breathe, and hit that space bar as often as you can!

edit on 6/18/2011 by Greensage because: spelling error

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