Originally posted by Italiano
Is there 'air' on Mars, were we people can breath? And 'clean' water?
That specie living on Mars, is it more intelligent then us humans? Are they originally from Mars, or do they come from another universe?
THx for your time
... A long, long time ago, Mars had a dense atmosphere. Life on surface was a reality. Ancients from other points in this Galaxy, came there, settled,
and built enormous Civilizations, nothing compared in size, nor beauty, with anything that we have nowadays on Earth.
The number of Minerals existent at that date were less than what we have here on Earth. Far less were the number of Vegetal and Animal lifeforms.
But there was something... there was some sort of a Balance, between the biomass, and their Creators, now settled in that red planet.
But, nothing is Eternal, not here, not there, not everywhere, and so, and because the 3rd Dimension is a Dual Dimension; different factions, with
different interests were raised, with an already known consequence by Humans; ... War !!
You see?...In a Plane of Existence were Duality reigns, duality puts things very simple, when it comes to talk about the Evolutionary course of any
manifestation of Intelligent Life: Wheter we choose the Path of Light, or we choose the Path of Darkness, Light and Darkness are part of the same
The difference between them is, that Light is information and Darkness is...ignorance.
But again... things are not so simple to explain: One can choose the Path of Darkness, and achieve through Times, very High levels of Technological
and scientific akowledgement, about ...building.
But following this Path, One wont reach the Greater Vault of Information( our Higher levels of the conscious mind) which will be inacessible, and so
does Creation.
Without , the access to the higher levels of his/her own conscious minds, Even very advanced Ancient Civilizations had fallen under the remaining
option �, Involution: A process , oposite to Evolution, where an entire Intelligent Specie, or group of species, develops their social environments,
only inside the Material Spheres of existence, building structures, and growing in number, forgeting completely that they cannot Create without having
the True Information.
Thus, Conquering and slavering other younger worlds, is the main goal of those that choose the Path of Darkness, in a desesperate effort of
discovering the secret of True Creation.
Something that is acessible to every single intelligent lifeform, in this Universe, once we follow the Path of Light, remembering our inner Cosmic
Essence, and that from a sub-atomic particle, to a group of Universes, everything is a product of a Greater Thought, that can be expressed through
Is there 'air' on Mars, were we people can breath? And 'clean' water?
�� Air, as we know it here on Earth, is nothing more than a long forgotten rememberance to those that inhabit Mars. The undergroung of Mars contains
vast cities, supplied by water , and a �type� of air. Don�t forget, that you can�t expect to actually see Humans there, because we live here, but as
someone wisely said once: �Life takes many forms�; some of them Humanoid, some of them not. And Intelligence isn�t related to shape, so we should stop
thinking that Humanoid Lifeforms, are the wisest in the Galaxy, not to mention the Universe, lol.
Are they originally from Mars, or do they come from another universe?
�� Our Sun, when compared with other nearby Stars, is far from Old.
Our solar system also, when compared with other solar systems, right here in the Milky Way, is very simple, and it�s a satellite of a greater central
Solar system.
Mars, in it�s early days (when Life started to been putted there) received civilizations, from more than one System, but answering to your question,
none of them was originally from Mars.
dude...u can't post something like that and walk away...no links..no references. i see that u are brand spankin' new so i geuss u get a
little lee-way but..for future reference try to back your 'facts' up.........
�� To All :
Not here, not anywhere, I will post images, documents, book transcriptions, website links, or any other form of supporting my small comments. Why?
Very simple:
Because the moment I started to show images, documents, and links, (and even books), you would immediately start to sharp your teeth, and would fall
on top of me, saying� that after your deep analisys, everything was�. False!
Thus, my advise is: Use the power that we all have inside of us. A power that have many names; Instinct intuition, etc. But all of those names, are
stored inside the Unique Channel that our recent �creators� couldn�t erase: Our Imagination!
I leave you , for now, with one of the most beautiful teachings, that my Mentor said to me lately:
Imagination�. Is � our Memory !
[edit on 9/8/04 by HARAK]