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Caution: They know much more!!

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posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 06:54 PM
Life has been teachting me, that most of the times, the Truth can be far more fantastic, than fiction.

Most space programs, have "other" agendas, far more interesting, than the titles spreaded in the mass media; like something, for instance, as:

"Probe sent to Mercury, in order to find traces of Ice".


How can the ones, who rule this world think, even for a second that We are so ... distracted, to don't give attention to the cronoligic evolution of events?

In the 60's, they say that US Astronauts, stepped the Moon, for the first time, in all Mankind. Sorry... but no!

SOviet Union, actually got there first in the 50's, (two astronauts landed), and they went by a shocking experience.... err.... There was an ancient facility there, appeared at first glince abandoned, but... automatic sentrys were still active, and one astronaut, got killed. The other ran fast as his suit let him, and could escape. He was very, very, lucky, because somehow, he could manage to be syncronized with the proper trajectory, to being brought back to Earth's Ionosphere.
All this was top-secret. Not anymore...sorry!!

But there's more, oh boy there's a lot more, in fact!

�� Before i continue, please let me say that i respect everysingle person in this World, no matter what skin color, religion, or country. For me, you all are Brothers. Thus, even if my controversial or..wierd ideas may seem to ya, they are not meant to offend anyone, ok?

About 1969's Moon landind "Cinematic" trailers:

Well folks, many of you know for sure, that when we see a "direct" show (in real-time), it's not actually "direct" because, images and sounds, before they arrive our TV's, they have to pass through the "root" TV channel, where sounds and image, are enhanced.

With NASA "direct" communications with cosmonauts, on 1969, there was a " delay" in more than 2 minutes, between the time that Armstrong spoke to NASA operations center, and the content that arrived to the worldwide TV screens. How's that , huh?

In fact, a lot of radio-amators, could caption the proper frequency, in which the conversation was happening, and they got ... amazing exclamations, from what was occurring on the Moon at that time.

��It is my opinion, that, US Astronauts, did in fact landed on Moon, but NOT as we saw. what we saw, was a .... movie, recorded during more than 4 months.(actually it's not easy to recreate a lunar environment, right?LOL)

Why? Because the true landing, contained visual evidences everywhere about Intelligent Life manifestations in other places than Earth.

Another one, that probably will take my popularity to the lower levels (hehe):
Trips to Mars: probably in 2007, or 2008?or even a few years later?

Sorry!! Wrong again!! (bad day to go for a casino evening)

Based, on non-conventional technology, gathered both by "exchanges" and researches of two great Human cientists, Men achieved the possibility to build crafts, moved not by combustion propulsions, but instead by using magnetism, giving this way, possibilities, to manouver aircrafts, without the gravity penalties, and therefore, reaching amazing speeds, and aceleration times, aswell.
Men reached Mars, first somewhere during the 50's, but again (LOL), we were unlucky.... MArs was NOT a desert planet. It was already inhabited, by another Intelligent, but non Human specie.

I hope this time, Men wont go there with Military intents, otherwise, we might get severily regreted.

I'm tired, lol.
Based on future members feedback, this topic might get pretty interesting

Cya soon!!

[edit on 8/8/04 by HARAK]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 07:08 PM
Any links, images, documents, anything at all to support your claims?

It sounds cool, but very unbelievable without any documented proof.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 08:08 PM
I'm with Jrod, even a five year old could make such claims as yours. We need proof, we have all seen posts like yours that claim such things, but nobody can prove them. Please provide documentation.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by HARAK
Men reached Mars, first somewhere during the 50's, but again (LOL), we were unlucky.... MArs was NOT a desert planet. It was already inhabited, by another Intelligent, but non Human specie.

Is there 'air' on Mars, were we people can breath? And 'clean' water?
That specie living on Mars, is it more intelligent then us humans? Are they originally from Mars, or do they come from another universe?

THx for your time

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 09:42 PM
no proof. even if you claim is genuen and true, how did you come across the info? things like this just don't belong on the internet

ohhh wait, this is, a place for raving mad conspirators


posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by HARAK

With NASA "direct" communications with cosmonauts, on 1969, there was a " delay" in more than 2 minutes, between the time that Armstrong spoke to NASA operations center, and the content that arrived to the worldwide TV screens. How's that , huh?

Don't you mean about 2 seconds? It takes 2-3 seconds for a radio signal to travel from the earth to the moon and back.

I agree that it is stupid to try to find ice on Mercury, it's just hot for it to exist. That's about all that I agree with.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:29 PM
Until I see some respected resources, and some proof I'm going to have to say this is all a bunch of bologna.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:42 PM
PROOF PROOF PROOF, always the same sh*t...How could one proof on the internet? The most important is that you know the truth for yourself, no one can take you that away!

If y'all would be a bit more open minded you would find the proof yourself...

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Italiano
PROOF PROOF PROOF, always the same sh*t...How could one proof on the internet? The most important is that you know the truth for yourself, no one can take you that away!

If y'all would be a bit more open minded you would find the proof yourself...

I thought ATS was about cospiracies? Without any evidence it not a conspiracy, its just a story. People ask for evidence because they seek knowledge, not stories or fancy. If you like stories there is even a forum for it. The other forums are for posting conspiracy theories and the associated evidence.

Now for HARAK:

Where did you get all this? Imagination or some source?

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:07 PM
dude...u can't post something like that and walk references. i see that u are brand spankin' new so i geuss u get a little lee-way but..for future reference try to back your 'facts' up.........

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:32 PM

Well, at least Harak got a few points with his/her silly post.

I had to add to the point total because it was worth the laugh.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:55 PM
Oh my...y'all acting ignorant.


posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 01:34 AM
How is wanting some kind of proof.. or at least a source for this info being ignorant? Isn't it the opposite? This is a discussion board. We discuss things here, if some one just posts a big story (and quite a fanstastic one i might add) the least the person could do is show where he got bits of the info.

It wouldn't be so bad if the original poster stated that this was a theory of his insted of posting it as if what he said was fact. Now i'm open minded, but that doesn't mean i'm going to believe everything that some one says. I take everything with a grain of salt. I look at the facts presented, do some reasearch myself and come to my own conclusion, but HARAK didn't even give one fact or link as a starting point for us to research. Personaly i'm not going to waste my time looking for something that may not exsist anywhere else on the net, because for all i know this is just complete fiction.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Italiano
Is there 'air' on Mars, were we people can breath? And 'clean' water?
That specie living on Mars, is it more intelligent then us humans? Are they originally from Mars, or do they come from another universe?
THx for your time

... A long, long time ago, Mars had a dense atmosphere. Life on surface was a reality. Ancients from other points in this Galaxy, came there, settled, and built enormous Civilizations, nothing compared in size, nor beauty, with anything that we have nowadays on Earth.

The number of Minerals existent at that date were less than what we have here on Earth. Far less were the number of Vegetal and Animal lifeforms.
But there was something... there was some sort of a Balance, between the biomass, and their Creators, now settled in that red planet.
But, nothing is Eternal, not here, not there, not everywhere, and so, and because the 3rd Dimension is a Dual Dimension; different factions, with different interests were raised, with an already known consequence by Humans; ... War !!

You see?...In a Plane of Existence were Duality reigns, duality puts things very simple, when it comes to talk about the Evolutionary course of any manifestation of Intelligent Life: Wheter we choose the Path of Light, or we choose the Path of Darkness, Light and Darkness are part of the same whole.

The difference between them is, that Light is information and Darkness is...ignorance.
But again... things are not so simple to explain: One can choose the Path of Darkness, and achieve through Times, very High levels of Technological and scientific akowledgement, about ...building.

But following this Path, One wont reach the Greater Vault of Information( our Higher levels of the conscious mind) which will be inacessible, and so does Creation.
Without , the access to the higher levels of his/her own conscious minds, Even very advanced Ancient Civilizations had fallen under the remaining option �, Involution: A process , oposite to Evolution, where an entire Intelligent Specie, or group of species, develops their social environments, only inside the Material Spheres of existence, building structures, and growing in number, forgeting completely that they cannot Create without having the True Information.

Thus, Conquering and slavering other younger worlds, is the main goal of those that choose the Path of Darkness, in a desesperate effort of discovering the secret of True Creation.
Something that is acessible to every single intelligent lifeform, in this Universe, once we follow the Path of Light, remembering our inner Cosmic Essence, and that from a sub-atomic particle, to a group of Universes, everything is a product of a Greater Thought, that can be expressed through us.

Is there 'air' on Mars, were we people can breath? And 'clean' water?

�� Air, as we know it here on Earth, is nothing more than a long forgotten rememberance to those that inhabit Mars. The undergroung of Mars contains vast cities, supplied by water , and a �type� of air. Don�t forget, that you can�t expect to actually see Humans there, because we live here, but as someone wisely said once: �Life takes many forms�; some of them Humanoid, some of them not. And Intelligence isn�t related to shape, so we should stop thinking that Humanoid Lifeforms, are the wisest in the Galaxy, not to mention the Universe, lol.

Are they originally from Mars, or do they come from another universe?

�� Our Sun, when compared with other nearby Stars, is far from Old.
Our solar system also, when compared with other solar systems, right here in the Milky Way, is very simple, and it�s a satellite of a greater central Solar system.

Mars, in it�s early days (when Life started to been putted there) received civilizations, from more than one System, but answering to your question, none of them was originally from Mars.

dude...u can't post something like that and walk references. i see that u are brand spankin' new so i geuss u get a little lee-way but..for future reference try to back your 'facts' up.........

�� To All :

Not here, not anywhere, I will post images, documents, book transcriptions, website links, or any other form of supporting my small comments. Why? Very simple:

Because the moment I started to show images, documents, and links, (and even books), you would immediately start to sharp your teeth, and would fall on top of me, saying� that after your deep analisys, everything was�. False!

Thus, my advise is: Use the power that we all have inside of us. A power that have many names; Instinct intuition, etc. But all of those names, are stored inside the Unique Channel that our recent �creators� couldn�t erase: Our Imagination!

I leave you , for now, with one of the most beautiful teachings, that my Mentor said to me lately:

Imagination�. Is � our Memory !



[edit on 9/8/04 by HARAK]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 06:26 AM
The density of the atmosphere is related to the gravity of the planet, so was the gravity on Mars higher than now?

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:07 AM
IMO, you need to read the comments others have made on this thread, you will end up with no credibility if you do not offer any links or evidence to back up your claims.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:43 AM
Wow, just because this sounds like a bad science fiction movie does not mean that it is. It certainly is not as far fetched as some of the ideas I have seen put forth on this site. I am sure that the slogan of "Deny Ignorance" can exist side by side with "explore with an open mind". I will not close my mind to the scenarios presented here, but will wait with an open and excited mind for the evidence to be presented that might prove even a small portion of it. It is a great story and one that I could be persuaded to believe.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by MBF

Originally posted by HARAK

With NASA "direct" communications with cosmonauts, on 1969, there was a " delay" in more than 2 minutes, between the time that Armstrong spoke to NASA operations center, and the content that arrived to the worldwide TV screens. How's that , huh?

Don't you mean about 2 seconds? It takes 2-3 seconds for a radio signal to travel from the earth to the moon and back.

I agree that it is stupid to try to find ice on Mercury, it's just hot for it to exist. That's about all that I agree with.

It is SUPPOSED TO TAKE SEVERAL SECONDS, but because communications had to go through AUSTRALIA, then to Houston the electrons spent some time getting the NASA runaround before being broadcast to the public. Amateur radio operators in Australia however intercepted the transmissions there before they could be "cleaned up" by NASA. Do the research and do not expect everybody to drop stories into your laps!!! I have found this much with just a small amount of searching. There are many websites out there dealing with this content. FIND THEM....I DID

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:14 AM
I very vaguely remember something along the lines of what HARAK is bringing up here. The thing is that is that what I remember of this subject, HARAK is presenting a (not to be mean) garbled version).
This actually was something that was being "explorered" back in the late 60's early 70's and was floating around about the same time as the Mitchell (spelling
) Skull was making a stir as well as when the Chariots of Fire book was first being published.
Even back then there was no proof it was mostly intellectual conjecture.
I for one am very interested in what HARAK is going to bring to this forum to back his claims.
I will go through some of my old information to see what I can find in the mean time.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 09:11 AM
From my own personal research that I have done on this over the years, I believe it. As far as finding evidence, that is hard due to evidence being hidden. I did see a video of a supposed landing on mars with life that is elledged to have taken place in the late 60's with a magnetically driven craft. I will try to find it again.

I do think that there are HUGE secrets on the moon and Mars - and it is not because I want to believe.

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