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Iracq war end times ?

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posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 08:39 AM
Just with all this goin on it makes me think.Is this the beginning off the great war to end all wars.

I am not sure but i think the general area where its all happining falls in to the title Holy lands.

With neighbouring countries looking set to take up sides with Sadam is making me wonder.Is this it all happining in fron off our eyes and as we are told the signs are there but we either choose to see them or just ignor them.

I mean is this inner voice God telling me its my chance to have ny soul saved and i am thinking this so is it real.

I am not writting this to flame or abuse anyones religious views or points i have been having these thoughts for a while now.

Just one finnal thing i remember my youth leader in church telling us that .He did not believe he would be here in the end times but he did believe that his kids would be the generation which would see it.

Its a mind blowing topic to me.I can never really get my head around it.I was raised in a Christian home but as i got older i drifted away drom it all.

Now in the back off my ind i am now worried about my children are they going to be here through it all.

What do i do.

My up bringing is in the protestant faith just for my view point on christian faith.

Please sereoius thoughts only need answers to help.Help does come someimes in the strangest places

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 09:29 AM
First off, this should have been posted in religeon or more aptly chit chat as it's not pertinent to anything.

Second, you want a serious reply. Ok.. here it is, go talk to a pastor or preist. Period. No one on this board is a certified psychologist that can treat by postings....

third (my opinion..) I think you are just suffering from war stress and possibly were a little buzzed when writing your post. I do not think this is the end of the world as a time traveller was caught and arrested for insider training. He claims to have come from 200 years in the future (what does revelations say about that!)

Hang in there and remember, it could be your butt in Iraq!

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 10:04 AM

irst off, this should have been posted in religeon or more aptly chit chat as it's not pertinent to anything.

Second, you want a serious reply. Ok.. here it is, go talk to a pastor or preist. Period. No one on this board is a certified psychologist that can treat by postings....

third (my opinion..) I think you are just suffering from war stress and possibly were a little buzzed when writing your post. I do not think this is the end of the world as a time traveller was caught and arrested for insider training. He claims to have come from 200 years in the future (what does revelations say about that!)

Hang in there and remember, it could be your butt in Iraq!

I think that you were even more buzzed when you replied to this message. Time Traveler?!?! Get the f**k out of here.

T.E.I.N like dude above me said i'm no psychologist but some of them can't even soplve there own problems. I think (this is just my opnion) that voice inside of you is trying to tell you something. In Jesus last teaching he said that your temple was on the inside. A priest can guide you but it is up to you to walk the path.

We are all children of GOD. It doesn't matter waht faith ytou are as long as you believe in GOD and the message of his prophets. Which is the common love and respect of all of mankind. One should show this love through his or her actions. As long as your humble and a soilder of GOD your sprit should be stright.

Oh to arc angel it seems that your pretty nieve. N.korea ... nukes we have seem to forgot about them. They are just waiting for the right moment. All the technology in the world can't save you from radiation. Get a clue

[Edited on 30-3-2003 by abstract_alao]

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 10:15 AM
There is only one God, and if you are aginst Him, you are not His child. If one tells you to go left and one tells you to go right, there is no way you will get to the same destination. Don't believe the New Age feel-good crap that all roads lead to God. A cursory reading of the Bible would make it clear that the way to him is straight and narrow, not wide and all-encompassing.

I am not a shrink, and as Abstract made crystal clear, they are as screwed up as a football bat, too.
But God says that if you knock, the door shall be opened. Look for Him and He will find you.

Go back to the church in which you grew up, talk to the pastor. He can help you. Abstract, Arc A and I are merely conjecturors of conspiracy.

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 10:57 AM
Good grief, T-C (if you are T-C) : this is not like you. This is an appeal to a 'party line", for want of a better phrase, that you urge without scriptural assertion, that can only be Rome-centred and appears to fly in the face of the apostolic writings on which your well-known (in the past at least) evangelical faith rests.
Heaven knows, Estragon has wrestled with you ere now on interpretations based upon Holy Writ; but I've never known you leave reason so far behind desire.
This is not the (vaguely informed) defendant of the KJV we have come to know and loathe.
It does seem to fly against the individualism of the quasi- Lutheran Anglicanism you have hitherto espoused.
Whence this appeal to deference to authority?

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 11:01 AM
Your beliefs are your own, Estragon, and as long as they do not interfere, they are ok.

There is work to be done, work for the good of all, work for the security of those that are targeted by the jihad.


posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 11:02 AM
based on some of Mr Crowne's recent postings and attitude, also alleged behaviour via u2u to some members I am beginning to wonder if our dear moderator is either a little fraught, had his account taken over or on some strange drugs.

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 11:16 AM
I cannot believe, T-C, that you would wish what is in effect "salvation by works" to be your creed.
What is going on? This is Romish fondness unenhanced by any appeal to scripture or tradition. You appear to be saying that the gospels are now superseded.
What is the source of this new authority to which you -once a tolerable Protestant - refer, or appear to refer?
You seem to have abandoned Scripture: could you grace us with a web-site?!
Is this a second road to Damascus? Or what?

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 11:29 AM
Not works of salvation that I'm talking about, works to save the nation. Not spiritually, but from the enemies from within and from without. Focus, man, focus.

Talk to God and he'll hear you, ask for forgiveness and salvation and you'll receive it. But while you're doing that, be looking around for those who mean to do us harm, watch for those who want to blow up delis and coffee shops in our nation. Look out for those passing communique via the internet, for those financially supporting the enemy, be on the lookout for those who simply sympathize with the enemy, therefore giving him emotional support.

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 11:37 AM
come on T.C. I am mearly saying that if you believe in GOD and the message sent down by his prophets then ytou will be ok. You probaly think Jesus is GOD huh.....

[Edited on 30-3-2003 by abstract_alao]

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 12:10 PM
T.C. i think this is the answer i have been looking for a sort off kick in the butt to get me going.I feel that your reply was more to the point.I did feel anoid that i got a reply like my first one but with just posting on the board and thinking war my feels god and so forth i may have angered people with posying what i was feeling in a spot i thought it should go.

Sorry for the hassel all.And sorry for posting in the wrong forum.I will think abit more before i do it again.

God be with you all.

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 08:09 PM
Actually, there was a post and an article about the time traveller earlier in the week. That was an attempt at a sense of humor. Thomas, as a moderator I am dissapointed in your behavior.. It seems as though you lost it.. lighten up d00d, or I'll report you to the FBI.. They are watching you.. I know..

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 08:33 PM
According to the Bible, Jesus is God. If Thomas believes that Jesus is God then his belief is in accordance with the King James Version. I think that is the version Crowne always mentions.

posted on Apr, 4 2003 @ 08:12 AM
Iraqi war end times""???

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem
Antichrist born ,a place from which the root of all evil (Tim.6:10)namely the city of Babylon.Antichrist will be born in that city ,which was once a celebrated and glorious pagan center and the capital of the Persian Empire.
It say's that he will be brought up and protected in the cities of Bethsaida and Chorazain,the cities that ,""the Lord reproaches in the Gospel when He says''''Woe to you ,Bethsaida,woe to you ,Chorazin"""!(Matt.11.21)

(Bethsaida and Chorazin is close to the sea of Galilea)

taken from ""Ultimate things"" Dennis E.Engleman

see also ""thread abomination of desolation""

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by abstract_alao

We are all children of GOD. It doesn't matter waht faith ytou are as long as you believe in GOD and the message of his prophets. Which is the common love and respect of all of mankind. One should show this love through his or her actions. As long as your humble and a soilder of GOD your sprit should be stright.

I don't want to be a child of that psychopathic, self serving, arrogant bastard.
And I'm not humble, gOD can kiss my arse.

On topic -"Har-Magedon" - Mount Meggidon. Meggido is supposed to be the gathering place for a great army who are to meet the armies of the returning Messiah.

Basically a prophecy which can be easily manipulated so that someone can take the place of 'Christ' and rule under deception.

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 04:09 PM
What happened to the posts by Mycroft and goregrinder on this topic that we never got to see?

Elsewhere, goregrinder had observed that the initiator of this topic had been changed to -shhh-whispers.

What happened there?

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 04:15 PM
Re: #173181

Ref. Post # 170974, made additionally relevant here.

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 04:16 PM
This was one of the Shhh whispers thread. is this another attack on the board?

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 04:16 PM
I saw the same thing. If it is this -shh- character then it pretty much confirms he is just a hacker playing games.

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 04:17 PM
Sounds like something I might say, kukla, but I don't know how to search posts by bloody number!

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