posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 06:03 PM
Clearly "unready".
People just don't listen to stuff do they? We may point out every visual, verbal and contextual clue, but the staff/admin just don't "GET IT".
Before I get blamed for downtime and for the fact that I said somewhere else not to worry about terrorist attacks on 9/11, instead worry about what
happens when the ATS server goes down....
(1) I don't know ANY of the hackers or spammers involved in this, except that one of them has been TCA[WyTX] , whom I don't know personally;
(2) Paying attention to this rubbish using Board space is nonsense. It is up to the owners and administrators to get rid of the bugs and idiots. I
have done my bit for many weeks to advise of prevention strategies, and I haven't yet been wrong. I will go back to regular, interetsing reading and
posting, and no longer involve myself in the silliness that could have been stopped.