posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by pez1975
This kind of reply annoys the s**t out me because the issue here and in hundreds of other cases where this kind of reply is found, is not about what
the law states. The issue is about the desirability and appropriateness of such laws. To determine this is, it first necessary to ask “is the law,
council by-law etc in the public interest? (As distinct from what the public may be interested in at the time)
Laws are not in the public interest if they serve a narrow, self serving interest, to the exclusion of the majority, or, a law that is contrary to an
expression or a manifestation of the nation’s values, customs and social traditions.
This law that makes venders illegal outside a club for the rich and powerful but it certainly does not meet the public interest test. Why; because
such trading is against the professed American value of free enterprise and initiative. Moreover; do similar laws apply in other places where people
gather in similar circumstances for a similar reasons but is club for all the everyday nobodies? That is the test and the evidence.
We should all also, be mindful that people who make these that’s-the-law-so-you-should-obey-it, type comments and responses, will themselves protest
when they are aggrieved by a particular law. People who make these kinds of comments are no less inclined to voice, their displeasure and anger about
such a law that aggrieves them, when it suits them. These people are very two faced in the way they approach other peoples issues and the way they
expect others to react on their behalf when they themselves are aggrieved by a law.
These kinds of people are the sorts of people who take the view that for so long as a given law does not negatively impact on them they don’t care
about the impact on others and do not care wether or not the law is fair or appropriate.
They are the kind of people who take the view that repressive and unfair laws are OK because they only affect the bad guys and not them because they
don’t see themselves as the bad guy. But as always with such laws, they never say they are restricted to the bad guys only do they?