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Close encounter of the fifth kind

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posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 04:35 PM
Hi everyone,

I have an interesting sighting to share with you that happened in 1998 and again in 1999. In 1998 I was leaving my girlfriends house around 10:00 pm or so when I saw a neon orange sphere with a black center slowly approaching (noiseless) from the south, heading north. Altitude approx 500-700 ft. As it drew nearer it began to drop small blue spheres that would descend and dissappear after 3-4 seconds.
As soon as it was about to pass over us, I flicked my lighter at it and it stopped. As it hovered above us it dropped another blue sphere. I flicked my bic several more times. Then this craft jumps to the left, jumps to the right, changes shape from spherical to cylindrical, made a sound that literally sounded like a backfire and shot away at at least 1000mph to the south east. It was heading north before I started playing with it. I'm no radar gun but it was haulin ass.

In 1999 on the complete opposite end of town (Escondido CA). I saw it again. This time the other witness was my mom. Just like the first time the craft came from the south, heading north. As soon as it began crossing over the trailer park accross the street from my house, it started dropping blue spheres like before (possible probes?) This time I grabbed my maglite. Unfortunatly before I was able to flash my light, it pulled an instant 90' turn into a cloud. We watched that cloud for over 2 hours in vain.

I have seen lots of Ufo's but this is my best one so far. If anyone has seen or heard of a similar craft I would really like to read about it. Thanks!

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 06:37 PM
Reminds me of the object i saw, perhaps my wierdest UFO sighting, when i was on guard duty stationed in Germany. It was one of two objects. First I saw the orange colored oval that seemed 2 dimensional rise from the south east, from behind the mountain line and it traveled slowly and deliberately toward us, going northwest, then right about mid center of the sky, it burst into a streak of light, and vanished. Then from the north east another smaller oval object, this one blue, rose, traveled in the same fashion going south west, then right about the point the other object took off, it burst into a streak of blue light and vanished.

What was more interesting was the airforce and army reaction to our report.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 06:41 PM
If you were on guard duty at the base did you have further knowledge on any test runs or anything that would be used by the airforce that night? And what was the airforce's reaction to those lights.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 07:12 PM
I wasnt on guard at the base. I was on our tac site 40 miles north of Bitburg Airbase.

I was in the army, In a Patriot Missile Unit. We performed out own guard duty for our tac sites. The airbase was 40 miles outhwest of us.

As for that night, the Airfoece had grounded the jets on base, it was about early March, and there was still alot of frost and ice, they were doing maintanence on them.

Since I was on an Airbase and have seen every possible craft known and then some take off and land, It was ruled out as anything in the airforce inventory. Also, this was shortly before the Base closure. they were preparing to clsoe Bitburg Airbase and turn it over to the Germans, so most of the really heavy duty stuff, including most of the fighers were already off base.

When me and my fellow guard, who were making our regular checks and rounds, saw the first Orange object, we radioed to the SOG in the guard shack (Seargant of the Guard) to come out here and take a look. We were a bit freaked out. The SOG came out saw, it, was like, WTF, watched, and after a few minutes it seemed of observing it, went back to the guard shack on the landline and called staff duty, who would then contact the apprpriate authorities. (base commander, airforce radar, intel, ect.)

Anyways he came back out, shortly after he came back out, the object had burst into the streak. Because there was ice on the ground, by fellow guard had stepped and sliped on an ice sheet and as I turned to see if he was ok, I saws the second blue object.

Anyways, the SOG (all of us pretty paniced and almost frozen with a bit of terror) finally broke and ran abck to the guard shack, called staff duty. They had already, from what i understand had contacted the airforce (and probably roused the base commander, our battery commander, and battalion commanders from thier sleep) and the OIC for that nigth was on his way out to the site. He arrived after the second object had broken into the steak. I remeber after the incident hearing the engines of some F-16s off in the distance. I figured maybe the airforce had finaly scrambled some jets.

The OIC, once he got out there, was talking to us, asking questions, we were filling out some reports he came with. he at first thought we had been drinking, but when he heard the airforce got in a bit of a stir, thats when he decided to come out to the site. he said on his way up, he saw what he thought was a flash of lighting (it was a clear sky that night). he sat with us, a little freaked himself, even went to one of the roadside sevice stations on the autobahn and brought us back some snacks while we waited for Battalion to call back with further instructions.

Anyway, i wont go into alot of technical details. the next morning the commander called us in the office when we turned in ouir weapons, and told us, very tounge in cheek with eyes rolling, that we saw nothing, dont talk about. Later on we hear rumors that the airforce picked up something on thier radar, not just at Bitburg Airbase, but the local Spangdahlem Aiurbase, 15 minutes from us, as well. Nothing ever confirmed, very little said, but I do remeber alot of buzz for a few days, an increase of alot of traffic in the gates, govornment and offical vehicles, even heard the commander of USAEUR even came by.

Obviously it was something other than a test.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:32 PM
Wow...a very interesting story indeed. A couple comments...

Anyways he came back out, shortly after he came back out, the object had burst into the streak. Because there was ice on the ground, by fellow guard had stepped and sliped on an ice sheet and as I turned to see if he was ok, I saws the second blue object.

From what I interpret, the "streak" was the "UFO" speeding away instead of flying at the slower speed, right? I find it interesting that there were two different lights. This could possibly represent two different types of craft, which could hint at some possible "mission" being played out. Very freaky indeed.

Anyway, i wont go into alot of technical details. the next morning the commander called us in the office when we turned in ouir weapons, and told us, very tounge in cheek with eyes rolling, that we saw nothing, dont talk about. Later on we hear rumors that the airforce picked up something on thier radar, not just at Bitburg Airbase, but the local Spangdahlem Aiurbase, 15 minutes from us, as well. Nothing ever confirmed, very little said, but I do remeber alot of buzz for a few days, an increase of alot of traffic in the gates, govornment and offical vehicles, even heard the commander of USAEUR even came by.

Obviously it was something other than a test.

This is the point that I always find funny. Evey single incident like this always ends up with some statement being played by the government to try to conver up an incident. In Roswell it was a "weather balloon", in which I laugh every time I hear. Now, considering the fact that he tells you that "you saw nothing" kind of makes me think. I think he didn't want you or anyone else who saw the lights to investigate further...maybe because they've experienced this before. I don't know, all speculation. But if the conditions were really icy and terrible like that I don't think they would risk any type of test on aircraft.

All in all an extremely interesting story with the same ending as almost every other story related to this matter.

[edit on 8-8-2004 by Chieftian Chaos]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 05:50 AM
Yeah Chief, it was perhaps the msot interesting year of my life.

It occured in February, 1994, or early March (Strange I cant remeber the exact date, I know it was after Fasching but before Easter, because I ahd no snack bunnies my mom used to send me every year). Alot of things were going on at the time. US Army Europe was in a pretty demoralized state, it was the Clinton years, Bosnia was slowly building up, Macedonia was kind of a mess, Rwanada was a question amrk, and were were going through the biggest base closures and deactivation in the history of US Army Europe. Most bases were closed down, and ours was in the process, no one knew one day to the next what was gonna come down. I think thats one reason i cant remeber the date, there wa so much bizzare stuff going on.

The pattern the craft or objects made was pretty weird, i agree. They crossed each others paths going in perpendicular directions from one another, both seeming to burst into a streak about the same point in the sky.

generally, no offical or even side mention of the incident was made, just alot of buzzing and stuff, quiet rumors here and there, but the incident was forgotten amongst the immediate chaos and uncertainty of the time.

My commander who briefed us, strangely enough, has had some interesting assignments. All persons who are in Patriot missile MOS's all train at the ADA headquarters in FT Bliss Texas, right next to White Sands, new mexico. Our commander had been there, had also had a few other assingments of interest, he wouldnt elborate as to where, but he did mention some rather weird goings on. Thats one reason he kinda rolled his eyes when he said "you didnt see anything" because to him, its had become a cliche. He knew damn well what was up, he kinds shrugged helplessly, and we let it drop.

We seldom really discussed we, we took it in stride and said, ok, thats it. Pretty standard practice in the military. We had a hint when they were testing something knew, they would sometimes send orders down, during a trainign exercise, to configure the system alot different, or record certain things, they didnt explain why, but we all pretty much accepted they were probably playing with a new toy.

Strangely enough, a couple german locals saw what we did that night. It was a small number, mostly people getting out of the bars at closing time. They either thought they had had too much to drink when they saw it, or thought the airforce was doing something new. We didnt elaborate, we simply shrugged when asked.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 06:00 AM
Could you say what he mentioned,

but he did mention some rather weird goings on.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 10:52 AM
Thanks for sharing that Skadi!You should consider sharing that with Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project.He's got about 400+ high ranking Military personnel going on record of their experiences while serving.He would love to hear your experience.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 02:08 PM
What kind of weird goings on? he was somewhat vague, as he didnt know the source, only that he surmised they were experimenting with weird # at his former assignments. He told us one time about a night he was in some facility north of White Sands for some training on GPS type stuff, he and his fellow officers were playing a game of cards and then suddenly, the lights started going out. They turned on thier flashlights and figured a circuit breaker had popped, so a couple of them went to the breaker box near the CQ desk to turn it back on. His buddy touched the metal panel on the breaker box to open it, and got the shock of his life. He said it was like half a stun gun zapping him. They were worried then that some sort of base electrical power malfunction had happened, maybe a lightning strike? But there was no thunder or storms, it was pretty hot actually. They walked outside to see what was going on, and as they turned the corner, they said they saw the mountains, the line of them, lit up by a strange greenish glow, then it went down, vanished, and the lights went back on.

They went back inside, called the base office, asked them what the hell happened, and they said they were looking into it, they would inform them on what happened. after a while of sitting around in the dayroom, they figured it was late, and time for bed. They looked at the clock, and it read about 10:30, which was about the time when the lights went off. Assuming they had stopped from the power outages, they looked at thier watches and saw thier watches had stopped as well. That was pretty weird, so they called base desk to ask them what time it was, and base desk told them thier clocks had went out, they had called another base to find out what time it was, and it was 11:46 P.M.

Thats the kind of weird stuff hed tell us about. he said they were experimenting with some really strange stuff, and they had some labs and facilities out there that everyone knew existed or assumed existed, but were never really seen or on the record.

I should contact the disclosure project. I havent really thought about it, but come to think of it, it would be a pretty good idea.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 03:43 PM

Thanks for sharing that Skadi!

I second that... It took me a while to share the one and only sighting I ever had, (I didn't want to be labelled right off the bat, in fact, it was likely about a year after being here...), but it was a doozy of a sighting.

BTW, quick correction, the title's a bit off, as this is a Close Encounter of the First Kind (sighting) I'm not even sure there is a "fifth" kind, but I might've slipped a bit in my nomenclature....

1st = sighting of craft
2nd = sighting with physical evidence
3rd = sighting of the beings
4th = interaction with the beings/abduction...

may have to check this, as it's off the top of my head, but I think it's pretty accurate. If there is a "fifth" kind, I can only imagine it to be an abduction with physical evidence.....

Now, considering the fact that he tells you that "you saw nothing" kind of makes me think.

Same thing my dad told me after our sighting... It IS kind of a cliche' in the military, hehe...
But it's also very true, and very common.

[edit on 9-8-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 03:55 PM
Thanks Skadi, thats was really interesting. Great read

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 04:12 PM
hehehe, Gazrok, i remember you telling that story. Werent you in Alaska at the time? I remember when you told me of the whole response to you kids seeing it, Im like, well, um, gee.....where the hell have I heard that one before?

I kinda wonder why the military hasnt completely ditched the whole 'you didnt see anything" line, and come up with a new answer to sooth, like, "well, could have been anything, but its nothing to worry about, we didnt detect anything, you can return now to watching this weeks episode of survivor!"

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 08:22 AM
[edit on 10-8-2004 by flashburn]

ignore this post.. I screwed up, I'm not awake, nor do I think I ever will be.

[edit on 10-8-2004 by flashburn]

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Thanks for sharing that Skadi!

I second that... It took me a while to share the one and only sighting I ever had, (I didn't want to be labelled right off the bat, in fact, it was likely about a year after being here...), but it was a doozy of a sighting.

BTW, quick correction, the title's a bit off, as this is a Close Encounter of the First Kind (sighting) I'm not even sure there is a "fifth" kind, but I might've slipped a bit in my nomenclature....

1st = sighting of craft
2nd = sighting with physical evidence
3rd = sighting of the beings
4th = interaction with the beings/abduction...

may have to check this, as it's off the top of my head, but I think it's pretty accurate. If there is a "fifth" kind, I can only imagine it to be an abduction with physical evidence.....

Now, considering the fact that he tells you that "you saw nothing" kind of makes me think.

Same thing my dad told me after our sighting... It IS kind of a cliche' in the military, hehe...
But it's also very true, and very common.

[edit on 9-8-2004 by Gazrok]

Yes, the title is a bit off considering I did not verbally or mentally communicate with any aliens. But I did interact with the craft which I would consider an indirect form of communication. That's the only reason I chose to call it the fifth.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 08:39 AM

Werent you in Alaska at the time?

Yep...that's the one...made a believer out of me very early on. Wish I could see something like that now I always keep my digital camera in the Van (not for UFOs, but simply because I hated saying, "gee if only I had brought my camera"....)

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:04 PM
There is the problem with skeptics demanding, well why arent there more pictures of ufos and aliens if they exist? A dumb question.

No one expects to see UFOs. How many of you go everywhere with your camera? UFO sightings more often than not catch people off guard, at times they do not expect it. Since people dont normally walk around with cameras, when they see one, it is completely by surprise. Thus, they are very difficult to catch.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 08:04 PM
how about the 5th? Possession. And it is an ordeal,speaking from experience.
Tell me...what do i do? See a Pastor and have him Bless me? What is your expertise in this field?

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:07 AM
Possesion? Are we even talking about the same thing? Possesion by what?

If youre talking about being possed, Id suggest you seek medical attention, because even the church has admitted that demon possion or other possesiion cases are really epilepsy or mental illness.

If you got a problem, id get docs to check you out first.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 08:05 AM
Think I am stupid or something? I had witnesses to the activity and Ufo sightings. Possession is not magical nonsense,it is over-riding your central nervous system with implants.
No,not up the nostril.I felt a sting in back of my skull and a droplet of blood. There is a tiny bump there now.Scar tissue.Several of them.Since a kid they were there,sometimes itching terribly when new.
During the outbreak,something stung me in the ear drums.Apparitions about, weird phone calls, a familiar voice,not in my head,around or above,the same voice i heard during a childhood experience.
See a doctor? Just did,after these voices knocked me out on the job.Some purpose to it. Soon as I mentioned witnesses and a life time of experiences and study, he backed off. That was a psyciatrist recomended by the physician,who found NOTHING physically wrong.
"Well,you exibit some signs of schitzophrenia..."
"Fine! medication or treatment?"
"I...don't think that is neccessary."

This overriding.They took control of my muscles as a 'demonstration". the sex urge they can control.Eyes moving independantly. Toothaches in all my teeth,but a dentist said nothing is wrong with them. Nosehairs vibrating.Like having ants up there.A favourite trick of theirs. Loss of use of my legs.Again,doctors found nothing wrong. Stings and jolts.I could go on.I documented it all.
All this to teach me a "lesson".

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 08:13 AM
No.When a psyciatry patient says "Something is attacking me ,and it feels like ants are crawling all over me." better take heed.
i experienced that.It is not some ghost or demons.It is the Visitors meddling with the person.
Why? "Discipling" they told me. i was told I am to be a liason in the future,but first they wish to make it clear who is boss. They drove me wild quite a few times. Drinking ironically made them leave me alone,but you cannot keep resorting to alcohol.I just have to endure it.Counterattack.One method is humour believe it or not.They lose concentration.Someone in demonology suggested this as well.
Now tell me what a doctor can do. They backpedal whenever the subject comes up.Nothing in their training eqips them for this.They are not ALLOWED to endorse the supernatural angle.
Even the Church will not help you.I refer to the Smurl haunting case, the book.

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