This is not my headline and I think it is a little silly...that said...I am a fan of BBQ. I have been to several competitions and they have all been
great. This however is a world record....this almost looks like more of an ordeal...Argentine beef is some of the best in the world but knowing south
america, it is guarenteed they run out of A-1 after one bottle...holy cow!
Who would ruin a perfectly cooked piece of beef with A-1? Dear god, maybe your moms burnt stove top frying pan steak. Nothing gets anywhere near a
piece of meat I cook except fresh cracked black pepper, rock sea salt, fresh thyme, fresh rosemary.
Oh man I wish I was there.. That meat looks delicious, it appears like it's falling off the bone, the best kinda meat
Also, I'm glad to see younger kids taking part in the holyness that is meat, I have a 10 yr old niece who never eats any form of meat, unless it's
chicken nuggets. She's so picky, but she literally won't touch it, even if it's like a T-bone steak, nice and juicy.. Hmm, I know what I'm making
for dinner
I used the most widely understood euphamism? I hear you, haven't touched the stuff in years! I will kick a dash of worchester on now and then while
Also on a side note, I said they would run out of A-1 because once in Ecuador a new steak shop opened up called the A-1 steak house. When my cousin
asked for some the waiter poured a tiny bit out and stood back. My cousin asked for more and the waiter laughed and said, "If I give you more, what
will I give the other customers?" Turns out it was their only bottle. And they named their restaurant after it. Ah, the third world.
Bet it smells pretty good too...chicken nuggets have silly putty in them! Too bad meat is getting all messed up too...I have to admit, I don't eat
it as much as I used to!
Well it lets us see there is still the caveman in us as a race! i am vegetarian and wish someone would work on making a big vegetarian BBQ something
wonderful and unique.
I too would like to see would be awesome! I love veggie food and eat it often; I'm headed that way. But simply put, at this junction in
my life, BBQ is for me. Ribs, steaks, burgers, that mystery meat on a stick, etc. If I am a caveman, so be it. Caveman am I. momonononom
Secondly, real Argentinians don't use any sauce like silly A-1... It's chimichurri or nothin but the beef, and everything else too. We don't waste
any parts. The thymus glands are my favs...
Oh man WHERE AM I when stuff like this is going down. Oh yeah, in a different country. I need to start traveling, that definitely looks like a party
I'd like to attend.
I love me some beef, but a few pigs and chickens being roasted would make this even better. Buffalo and Elk too. Damn I love meat.
Interesting. I thought that meat lovers would be all over this as would the veggie crowd. Other than dems and repubs, these two groups hate each
other (of course with little or no reason and sense) more than most. Also, doesn't it look a little eerie with all those rib cages hanging on
If they would have announced this in the US beforehand, Well I would have been taking a trip to Argentina, bringing only a bib, fork, knife and My bbq
sauce!!!! MMMM MMMM!!!!