posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:08 PM
The Airline should not have said anything about his clothes, unless his underwear were hanging out. This is a private buisness, we have all seen the
signs everywhere "no shirt no shoes no service" " We reserve the right to refuse etc......"
The passenger did absoultley the wrong thing every single time. He was asked to leave private property from a private buisness, placed under citizen
arrest then struggled with police officers.
If you do not agree with the law or arrest fine you will have your day in court but always respect the officers and do not refuse to comply with
orders. That only makes your defense crap later on.
So while I want to defend his right to dress how he wants, it was a private buisness not public property in any way shape or form.
When asked several times to please pull up pants he rudely refused. He voided the contract made by buying the ticket when he refused to follow the
rules, he had no right to stay on that plane.
All he needed to do is say no problem pull em up a little and go about his day grieving for his dead friend.
Such a waste of time and energy on his part for nothing but how his pants are on him.
This is no different from banks not letting you wear hats, sunglasses and hodies. Not the same reason but the same rights as a buisness to state how
you will dress if you want to be a customer.