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Great News!!: Congress bans FDA from approving genetically modified fish

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:05 PM
This is like shooting a pistol at the moon. What difference does this make...? What is it, like 90% of the foods in your average grocery store are now GMO? Most organic companies are not even organic. Woohoo...

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:07 PM
Whats even scarier is they actually wanted to release these GM Fish into the waters and let them mingle or perhaps kill off the "real" fish. I hate the Frankenfish its so disturbing, its a freak of nature, and so are all the other GM animals they pump up and end up serving us. We have to stop them because e quality of our lives are stake.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by randomname
that sucks. i was looking forward to tasteless 800lb salmon fillets pumped full of hormones.

you know you can always add spices right? also a sauce some garlic, possibilities are endless with spices and condiments.

anyway one step taken lets hope it doesn't fall on the second step, this baby gotta start running soon.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:24 PM
ok 1 down, 1,000,000 to go. It's a big playing field and so far FDA is not going down without a fight.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:29 PM
Ok, someone answer me this..... What is going to stop these companies from breeding these GM fish with normal fish?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by EthanT

...and the pending approval of GM salmon was actually the result of criminal corruption inside the FDA which now favors big corporate interests instead of the health and safety American people."

Duh, what in government doesn't favor big corporate interests over the American people now a days?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by walkinglucid

They probably grow their crops in the manure from GM animals.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Jetman44 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:57 PM
If we eat fish from a fish farm, they are already safe. They won't and don't have PCB's as they would have coming from the wild. How can they say it would be healthier for us to eat farmed fish that grow twice as fast??? That's just dumb.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Jetman44
Ok, someone answer me this..... What is going to stop these companies from breeding these GM fish with normal fish?

There's no profit. If you breed salmon twice as large and farm raise them you can sell a 1lb fillet at $6/lb instead of $10/lb and make a healthy profit. If you put those genetics into the natural salmon population, which is the entire fear, you don't centralize the profits for your company.

It's good that this passed because fishermen wont get undercut by a corporation raising farm fish twice as big. It's bad because there's an overfishing problem. I think there GM foods should just be regulated, in this specific instance I think a reasonable compromise would be, not outlawing genetic modification, but regulating the price so it doesn't put fisherman out of business and mandating a label that says this is a genetically modified farm raised fish. It's just as good as outlawing it, who's going to buy a science fish when they can get a real fish for the same price?

Originally posted by SelfSustainedLoner
If we eat fish from a fish farm, they are already safe. They won't and don't have PCB's as they would have coming from the wild. How can they say it would be healthier for us to eat farmed fish that grow twice as fast??? That's just dumb.

Farmed fish are nowhere near as good as wild fish. Their diets are totally different, they swim in the smallest space, full of fish crap and taste like crap as a result.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Funshinez because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:07 PM
Farmed fish are nowhere near as good as wild fish. Their diets are totally different, they swim in the smallest space, full of fish crap and taste like crap as a result.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Funshinez because: (no reason given)


But we'll all be screaming for as much GM food as we can get on the day Monsanto introduces its new line of Soylent protien

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by juleol

Originally posted by filosophia
Remember when they said tuna has more mercury than the swine flu vaccine? Maybe they were referring to genetically modified tuna.

Either way it is not comparable at all to being injected with mercury containing vaccines. I would rather eat some tuna laced with mercury than having it injected directly into me.

Yes, and it would be a lot harder to force feed tuna to newborn infants than to inject with mercury vaccines...::

edit on 17-6-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:19 PM
The FDA approved aspartame, and we know what is wrong with that. It's amazing Congress stepped in to make FDA do it's job.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by EthanT

No, nope, sorry. Your information must be wrong. In no way will I ever believe that the current US Congress did something that makes sense and seems to be in the best interest of "the People". And if they did, there has to be a catch.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:58 PM
Great news! The mighty FDA it's been said NO

But from our experience with FDA, they'll be back with a vengeance...
Too much money at stake...

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:00 PM
Yay, now let get rid of the GMO crops. Theres something about eating Round-up that
turns my stomach...nope thats my intestines leaking, so sorry

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Funshinez

I did an essay on this subject almost 8 months ago now. Here are some some excerpts.

These salmon are genetically modified to have a gene from the Pacific salmon (Chinook), that regulates growth hormone levels, and an “on switch” gene from the Ocean Pout, added to the Atlantic salmon. This modification effectively allows AquaBountys salmon to grow twice as fast while “not grow[ing] to be larger [than standard salmon]” (AquaBounty Tech.) and eating year-round. AquaBounty Technologies has created two kinds of fish, the diploid, and triploid; the latter, of which, is the salmon picked for consumption.
The FDA has just recently put out the data on the fishes (salmon; diploid, and triploid) giving little time to the public to review the eleven years worth of documents with the majority of information produced by AquaBounty. Even then not all of the data has been available; this is because the FDA is processing this subject as if it were a pharmaceutical. When a drug is presented to the FDA, the producing company is allowed to withhold any details it deems proprietary information.
When AquaBounty did their two studies on growth hormone levels (IGF-1), they used 5 immature diploid salmon, instead of triploid; unlike the study for allergies in which they used triploid. A study in 1992 found IGF-1 levels four times greater in the GMO salmon than their “regular” (haploid) salmon. A second study used methods which cannot attain accurate readings on IGF-1 levels due to the insensitivity of the instrument. The FDA then concluded that there was no risky difference between the two salmons growth hormone levels. As for the allergy tests 6 triploid fish were included. The diploid fish were 52% more likely to trigger allergic reactions; and the triploid, 20%. So the FDA used the findings from the triploid, and deemed the change insignificant; not good for those who are allergic to fish as they create some of the most severe symptoms in reactions. Is the FDA to unintelligent to decipher the manipulated data, or are they truly and ignorantly, biased and corrupt? [I'm pretty sure everyone here knows that answer!]
With the FDA reviewing AquaBountys salmon, it is quite likely the bountiful peace in nature may just get a lot more tranquil on the great pacific coast according to Purdue University. A computer program created by the university has depicted the collapse of the wild salmon population, with only 60 transgenic salmon interbreeding in a population on 60,000 wild salmon, in 40 generations. This is not unlikely seeing as AquaBounty Speculates that 99% (+/-1%) will be sterile (as Stotish, AquaBountys CEO, says “the possibility of an escape or an event with any possibility to interact with the wild population is infinitesimal”), leaving +/-1% to possibly find themselves free in the open ocean. Having that 1%+-, in my perspective, is 11%+- (or “infinitesimal[ly]”)to much when it comes to deciding the fate of the real world. Escape is impossible some might say, being that the eggs are being delivered to Panama to be bred in inland farms. But there is plenty of room for human error, as history has taught us. Take Lake Victoria for example, the second largest lake in the world located in Tanzania, it is now exponentially decreasing in fish diversity. This nightmare began when one individual thought it was a good idea to introduce, a non indigenous fish, Perch into the system. With no natural predator the perch flourished in Lake Victoria. Now perch from this lake is exported all over the world with much surplus in the market, and the lake; leaving all the locals with dwindling occupations in an already impoverish area.
AquaBounty will be using inland farms in Panama for security on interbreeding, but they may also have other ideas on the agenda for the area. Perhaps the cheaper wages, vanished policies, perfect dumping sites, and who knows what else is what happens to be drawing them there. If this GMO fish passes approval, I would assume it will be some of the most toxic food in our diet. To touch the bases, the fish will carry the weight of genetic modifications and the toxic farming process. An independent researcher, Arpad Pusztai, was given a grant to study GMO potatoes, and had his lab rats develop potentially pre-cancerous cell growth, small testicles and livers, partially atrophied livers and damaged immune systems. Added to the potentially dreadful side effects of genetic modification is the process of fish farming which uses chemicals to color the grey farmed fish; treat infections, diseases, and parasites (like sea lice). Fish farming will also create bioaccumulation, or chemical build up, as it uses old farmed fish, and wild fish which have been contaminated with chemicals to feed the new farmed fish. A short list of chemicals included in this chain of bioaccumulation is PCBS (like in old coolants, transformers, capacitors etc.), DDT (an old pesticide that is now illegal to use), Dioxins, hexachloro-benzene, organophosphates (a nerve agent), and antibiotics (risking resistance). This cess pool of unhealthy additives; GMO, and chemical, will make for a great eatin’ for the unsuspecting consumer.

BTW farmed fish have coloring added to thier food to make them look healthier!
In essence; wild fish = polluted, farmed fish = very poluted and unhealthy, GMO farmed fish = horribly unhealthy, GMO farmed fish on the loose in the ocean = ...eventual chaos for the worlds salmon stock.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:39 PM
Yes!!!!!!!!! This is really great!
The best news, very nice

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:40 PM
Some of these genetically modified fish have likely already been released to the wild.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by EthanT

Oh. My. God. I was in agreement with and proud of incumbent politicians for a whole 2 or 3 minutes after reading this post and your links. But I'm better now.

Thank you for posting this! It's a huge step forward for us! Maybe next we can get them to pass requirements labelling GMOs.... just so we can know what we're eating. Just that little freedom we don't currently have.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:10 PM
I will not eat anything that states, "fit for human consumption" or "appears to be safe"
Whats next, mechanically seperated chicken? Oh wait

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