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I need EVERYONE who reads this to take time and think about EA and send your LOVE to it.

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posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by lewtra

I am happy you like, my friend

reply to post by Xtraeme

LOL not Electronics Arts, EArth

Thank you both for sharing and sending LOVE if you have. The Planet feels the negative energy generating on and within it, so why not try to send it some positive energy? This is the GOAL and see what happens.

Keep up the good work ALL and thanks for your eyes and minds supporting

edit on 6/16/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

When you send it to the home you inhabit-EA-. The HOPE is to recieve some sort of relief or CALM for EA inhabitants. And HOPE that its heard far out there and beyond, that the species does WISH TO DO BETTER AND ARE SORRY FOR MISTREATING EA and other species shared. When you send your love with others your only placing wording on Vibrating on a higher positive level for the better of ALL. Overall it will help out the mindstates in areas of harm with subconscious comforting and supports from their species PUSHING THEM AHEAD EVEN WHEN IT SEEMS HOPELESS, more less sharing that WE ARE IN IT WITH YOU NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE. I am not making some outrageous claim that a star will send more energy or that a planet will begin to fix itself. Only that WE can try to support ourselves thru these problems WITH OUR HIGHER ABILITIES and that hopefully its seen that we are trying and NOT GIVING UP.

Thats all traditionaldrummer

I hope this clarified somewhat the intents of this thread.

It sounds to me as if it's a kind of attempt to will our good wishes into existence. That's well-meaning, however it brings up a lot of questions for me, many of a mechanical nature, on how this process is supposed to work.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

Just as a point of interest, i feel that Love (not necessarily just the emotion love), is how we contextualize the electromagnetic forces that underlay the movement of the universe. That is at least my own view.

Though, i also feel they must be matched by our physical movement as well. i say it a lot, perhaps too much, but what you are speaking of i consider to be the difference between thinking about moving ones arm, and actually moving it. Both have a place, but they make movement in different, but connected, arenas.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

Your not more less willing wishes as you are more willing and forcing you to concentrate on parts of YOU that have been at rest for a very very long time. These parts of you that can effect your surroundings. Not just blind wish but a wish that serves the inhabitants on EA and for the sphere itself to acknowledge WE do keep it in mind and dont just USE it to our own ignorant ways. And sending vibrations thru it as somewhat SORRY for our behavior and outward to show we can We do care for EA. I see its hard a lil for you but I have interacted with you before on here and know how you do try to understand GOD and concepts that produce no evidence that you can see with your physical 3d eyes. So I do understand your mindstate and only ask if you can to send some LOVE thru yourself into the Sphere EA as a sign to it that we NOTICE and are SORRY and that WE do LOVE EARTH and hope that EA can go easy on those who may be in danger areas above and below ground, we are ALL trying our best to understand and dont mean HARM to this PLANET.

I hope this helped you in some way see what its about clearly. If you talk to a plant some feel the plant responds, yes even if there is a physical unseen energy being transmitted between your voice thought and Carbon dioxide the communication is the LINK. So whos to say your vibrations or electromagnetic fields cannot do the same or even more.

Be well

edit on 6/16/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 03:06 PM
We are the only sentient beings capable of love.
We have a responsibility with what we are endowed with to help change the world.
Those who pooh-pooh the idea of love tell me this - what if your mother had never loved you?
So it is for the world and the universe.
The PTB are doing everything in their power to make us live in fear, distrust and despair,
If you disagree with them then love really is the answer because violence will never solve the issues at hand,.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
So whos to say your vibrations or electromagnetic fields cannot do the same or even more.

Well, I personally don't say they can't, though as I said before I'm having difficulty understanding the mechanical process. For example:

How do I know I am actually sending love or "vibrations" instead of just feeling like I am?
Are these "vibrations" literal things or just a figurative term?
How do I know that the earth is actually receiving them?
What mechanism converts the sent love into the desired positive outcome?
How does the sent love manifest, i.e., how do we know if it worked?

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to me.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

You make some very important points and thanks for that
And maybe just maybe the LOVE will reach those in power and then they will see their deeds and try to adjust them and move on to better things. Reinforcing the LOVE abroad being generated inwards and out.

Thanks again

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
So whos to say your vibrations or electromagnetic fields cannot do the same or even more.

Well, I personally don't say they can't, though as I said before I'm having difficulty understanding the mechanical process. For example:

How do I know I am actually sending love or "vibrations" instead of just feeling like I am?

lets see when you see a car driving past at fast rate you feel it moving fast and the process stops there somewhat.

But add a individual in that cars way to the picture and you get the feeling/emotion/energy to care to say something to wanna help INTERNALLY YOU FEEL IT. When I share for us to send LOVE IN and OUT your heart and mind will center on locations you know about RIGHT NOW and will concentrate on these danger areas. This next step of concentration after feeling these danger areas and the feelings from the folx there in danger and fear, is a compassion activated energy. You will feel it deep within that something is wrong there and they need help you will somewaht be energy driven there to concentrate even if only you think your thoughts are concentrating your body electro-field may as well be also concentrating as your bodies field and EA field are in contact with each other-mech- 2 energy sources are interacting YOU and EA. So just as your concentrating and begin to feel the pains there you are beginning to send your LOVE just by being considerate to others and the home shared. Your interacting with an always running frequency between you other inhabitants and the home shared EA.

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
Are these "vibrations" literal things or just a figurative term?

Literal - physical - effects. WAVES like sound you cant see but feel Waves like light you see but cannot here Waves like love you FEEL but cannot see- vibrations your souls movements energy movements, not just happy thoughts.

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
How do I know that the earth is actually receiving them?

Well you can evaluated EA physical behaviors for any details of effects or just pay attention to the inhabitants around you and in the danger areas. Somewhat your FAITH playes a role here in how much you believe and accept to be the norms and abnorms of reality in wich most of us only are given particial truth about. The stronger you will energy the more it comes out to be clearly seen.

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
What mechanism converts the sent love into the desired positive outcome?

The mechanisim would be multi parts but in 3d your HEART would be the sender and your higher consciousness will guide the energy for you in areas your 3d body cannot. So you send out LOVE in your heart, your mind captures it and aims it where it can be fully generated into the target areas of danger. On the recieveing side are many already in harms way and in fear already awaiting supports/ or RECEPTIVE and you transmitt to them. They recieve and keep up the spirit driving them not to give up on LIFE and CREATOR and once recieved they work hard at overcomming. EA feels the LOVE sent from on side to another instead of HATE and senses and responds back in hopefully the same energy generated way LOVE. In physical you may have again things not fully understood in 3D but some actual data supporting the energy may come out in time.

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
How does the sent love manifest, i.e., how do we know if it worked?

It will manifest in less deaths/more survivors more HOPE for the displaced less fear from displaced and overall connection between us ALL that we may need to retap into for later issues at hand. You may even get an Angel or two sited depending......

I know its not easy to process but I do try my best to explain it in a more 3d physical understanding for many.

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to me.

Anytime my friend anytime

edit on 6/16/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 04:04 PM
[color=gold]Ok ALL thanks for your supports I am signing off soon but will have my vibrations running for the next day till 22 hours from now. I am not hoping for a miracle just that we can have some positive effects on the surrounding doom hear there and everywhere. My LOVE is with YOU ALL as well as for EA.

Be well and keep them vibs up if you can.


posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Wow, that was a full response! Thanks.

I gotta tell you though I think I have even more questions now. I remain skeptical at this point but I do hope the desired result comes to fruition.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 05:26 PM
its in the game

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

I know some of what is talked about in this thread is a little "out there", but I think there is something to it. Look up the "Double-slit Experiment" and let your mind be blown.

Also, check out Dr. Masaru Emoto, and keep an open mind!

I think that one day science will be able explain what Ophiuchus 13 is trying to describe. I hope this helps you out!

P.S. Thank you for being polite, a lot of skeptics can be straight up mean.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 07:13 PM
Prayer to the Great Spirit - Native American Wisdom

"Oh great spirit, the one who's voice i hear in the winds and who's breath gives life to all things, hear me... make me wise, in a way i can understand what you have taught my people and the lessons you kept in every leaf and rock.
i ask you the strength and knowledge, not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my biggest enemy, myself."

i thought this was apropriate enough.

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posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 07:21 PM
Reply to post by AnotherYOU

but if i can add one more

"the earth is your ancestor, it is sacred. you should respect it, thank her for the food and the joy of live. if you see no reasons to thank her, it is you who are lacking."

great thread OP

the best part of this, much like meditation, is that it can and should be a constant process.

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posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 07:31 PM
I do not know EA, it sounds as if there is probably a demon named EA that needs some Lovin' stuff that I am not ready to give.

I like the idea of sending the Earth Love, especially in light of all the Evil that seems to be on her surface, so instead I am sending out as much energy for her to sloth off this madness and start over!

Reading about Nancy Pelosi, reading about Hillary, and Weiner, not to mention seeing the responses on several threads!

When I put in Search for "What is EA", I have yet to see anything of value! Yeah, EA this Baby! LOL

Sorry, if we are going to introduce new words we should simply explain it but until it becomes a Universally accepted term we could be sending Lovin' to something that really is EEEEEEAhhhhhhhhh!

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by icecold7

Thanks for adding laughter to those who can understand what you mean as its still generates positive energy in the end. And that is the goal. I started this thread when I observed Chili today so I figured I would make a reverse thread instead of d and g energy- no trix.
reply to post by ProjectBlue

Thank you for understanding. It can become somewhat a task when many wish to misunderstand its only a broadcast of Love from EA inhabitants
to show the strengths within us do care about what's going on.
reply to post by AnotherYOU

Thank you for trying to understand and adding its appreciated.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Greensage

Greensage I totally understand your intelligence and recommend any do research on any form of worship to any deity. The thing is I am not requesting the worship of Enki on some sneaky stuff I am calling Earth EA as I do. And only requested Love be sent from within any who wished to send it outward and in to generate positive vibrations in the current frequency that interacts with Earth lol and its inhabitants. Im not bout the games. There are places where it can be more vibrations concentrated positive energy concentrated of HOPE LOVE and POWER to OVERCOME. I even limited the word prayer so more can feel comfortable and not feel im religiously testing them for im not the tester. But I do appreciate your seeking more data on the topic befor you commented.
Thank you
Be well

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:39 PM
So far ALL still in concentration sending positive vibes out of LOVE and HOPE vibrations for EA and its inhabitants. Thank you ALL for sharing your eyes and minds. Take care and ALL be well


posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 09:01 PM
What is EA?

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 09:36 PM
Im sending good enegy to Electronic Arts ... please improve your games.. please.
And of course to rest of the universe

Good thread

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