posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 12:27 AM
I think the vast majority of us can agree that we are being visited and have been for some time. Although we think this we dont have a good idea to
what there agenda could be.
So with that being said lets throw together a little timeline of events and basic information we know and from this we can get an idea of there
behavior and give us a better idea of there intentions.
Any comments or adjustments to my quick timeline we can continue to edit until we have a boat load of info.
here is what I came up with.
Perhaps this is a timeline of what has happened:
Extraterestrials discover Earth, they find it the perfect "petidish' for life, They soon either create mankind or geneticlly "play" with mankind
in order to create a more intelligent species.
During mankinds early days (egyptians, mayans etc) they continue to closely monitor and at times help them, as Ets would be looked at like gods and
not like an invading army.
As mankind progresses through the years, Ets continue to monitor but not so much help as man becomes more and more violent and intelligent.
Early 1900 -1950 world wars break out and mankind leaps in there technological triumphs, the Atom bomb is created and now Extraterestrials are more
concered as mankind now has the ability to destroy themselfs 10x over, Ets contiune to watch and at times intervine to prevent catastrophies. (after
all they dont want there petridish expieriment to kill itself off)
1950 - to modern day, Rosewell incident happens, which breaks the ice. Ets come to the US goverment (possibly others as well) introductions are made,
the facts are told and a true or treaty is set in place. Mankind over these years make enourmous stride in technology gained from the possible crash
at rosewell or alittle help from Ets( like they did for the Egyptians and possibly mayans) Ets become reclusive and monitor less as steps are set in
place to reduce the number of weapons we can use to kill ourselfs with.( nuclear treaty between US and Russia)
how does that sound?