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European Union Anti-semitism??

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posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:17 AM
An agreement between Israel and the European Union will label products from Isreal proper, but not the disputed territories. Many Jews feel this is anti-Semitism and is a boycott of free trade. Others say the agreement was never meant to have political significance.

But the EU has used the issue to emphasize its disapproval of Israel's settlement policy. More than 200,000 Israelis live in Jewish communities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip where the Palestinians want to establish a Jew-free state.

"The problem is the EU boycott [is] because of political reasons," said Ron Nachman, mayor of the city of Ariel in the northern West Bank.

"It is based on rising anti-Semitism in Europe. Instead of saying 'anti-Semitism,' they say 'anti-Israel.' That is the cover," Nachman charged...

...The agreement targets Israeli industry over the green line -- the 1949 ceasefire line between Israel and Jordan in the West Bank and Israel and Egypt in Gaza - and is an attempt to use economic means to apply political pressure on Israel, Nachman said.
read the article here

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:27 AM
Here's the other side of the story -

Israel agrees to label goods from occupied territories

05 August 2004

Israel and the European Union on Thursday signed a protocol requiring country-of-origin labels on goods produced by Jewish settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories, officials said.

The agreement, stiffly opposed by Israel's settlers and right wing, was signed in Brussels after eight months of negotiations, the Israeli foreign ministry said.

Israel's Trade Minister Ehud Olmert lauded the accord, saying it would ward off "a major threat to the continued export of Israeli products to the 25 countries of the European Union," according to a statement released by the ministry.

Israeli authorities had resisted compliance with rules on country-of-origin tags fearing tariffs on products made in the settlements in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and east Jerusalem, all of which are considered occupied territories by the international community.

Under the terms of an existing trade agreement with the EU, goods labelled "made in Israel" get preferential treatment from EU customs authorities, with many escaping import duties altogether.

The EU has argued that only products which originate from within the internationally recognised borders of Israel are entitled to such a tax break.

Israel's exports to the EU total some 17.5 billion dollars, while those from the settlements total about 100,000 dollars.

- Frankly the idea that any criticism of Israel is automatically anti-semitic is as absurd as it is dangerous.

[edit on 8-8-2004 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
Frankly the idea that any criticism of Israel is automatically anti-semitic is as absurd as it is dangerous.

Stop the presses Sminkey......... You and I are actually on the same side of an argument.. I too am frustrated by the fact that anyone anywere who calls question any of the policies or actions of Israel is labled "anti Semitic" Its gotten to the point were it is a reflex action.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:48 AM
anti semitism? nah.

anti islamic? you bet ya.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by FredT
I too am frustrated by the fact that anyone anywere who calls question any of the policies or actions of Israel is labled "anti Semitic" Its gotten to the point were it is a reflex action.

A Friggin Men!
I am sick and tired that we can't speak out against Israel without being called "anti-semitic", pisses me off a lot. Damn bloody Israel.....

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 05:16 PM
Yeah, Im still waiting for the anti semetic part of this agreement. Israel is still getiing fat tax breaks, just not its occupied territories. Wheres the anti semetism?

Anti Semetism is where you say all jews should be killed. Or forcible boycotts of jews.

I dont see that here.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by FredT

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
Frankly the idea that any criticism of Israel is automatically anti-semitic is as absurd as it is dangerous.

Stop the presses Sminkey......... You and I are actually on the same side of an argument..

- It was bound to happen sooner or later Fred!

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Yeah, Im still waiting for the anti semetic part of this agreement. Israel is still getiing fat tax breaks, just not its occupied territories. Wheres the anti semetism?

Anti Semetism is where you say all jews should be killed. Or forcible boycotts of jews.

I dont see that here.

- Skadi_the_Evil_Elf. totally.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 08:13 PM
FWIW, I'm only the messenger here, reporting news and information.
It sure is nice to get people who differ to agree on something

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
anti semitism? nah.

anti islamic? you bet ya.

Anyone who is new to this world, like europeans, christians, muslims, you kats feel, that jews are the ones who have to keep giving things up, for one of the most corrupted evil, people to walk this world, Islam.

Oh I'm wrong, ok, tell me the good that the islamics, arabs have created in this world, other than oil pumping?

List five noble prize winners, men who bring miracle healing to the world and add joy, beauty, women who touch your heart your soul, with love...

Yes you'll search probably for days, if not weeks, and were not just talking of a small few arab people, were talking globally people....

but naw the poor arabs, the poor muslims, the poor palastinians, shame the poor shieks, the poor kings of oil bearing billion $$$$$$ annual wells, what dot hey do with their money other than blow things up, smoke a good joint, have huge freeking palaces, have a car for each day of the month, have 72 virgins available , just incase their miss their so called heaven.

Built hotels and create world havoc, cut others heads off, crete the best freeking propoganda, and make their own people grovel, for smelling each others ass, every time they pray, and pray for salvation, and then what blow more things up, lie, cheat, steal, gamble, have orgies like you cant ever imagine, yes now colonol, whatever, peace lover protector of the innocnet, what is you harsh verdict SIR........

You stand there probably retired giving your guile to people who for thousands of years have been murdered, slaughtered, taken tot he grave because they were chosen by who, Colonol who, chose them, was it you hey, no G-D, G-D , G-D, chosen them to represent G-D in this world, SIR.

Yet you think that you know it all, because you live in this century, hey 80 years old or whatever your age , no respect coming from this side to you.
The jews have been a people for over 3500 long hard world event changing years, and all of a sudden some spanish people land here in 1400 what evr, probly christopher was a jew as well, check up, SIR., and ten the English, came her, and what... hey what war, murder killings happen here as well, and the entire almost the entire indian population was ethniclly cleansed, so SIR, you have no 1 the balls to stand there and tell the jewish nation something that you have no clue about, the islamists are newer than americans, and they arrived on the scene aound 622 CE, and you take a side of murderous stab you in the back, steal you house wife, blow your children up, oil blackened , may the bad ones of their people burn for all eternity, well, you have better remember all that is written thought said, spoken is being recorded, yes ,, yes yes.........

Oh you dont believe me, well, look to your left, you see the angel there writing about you, wait look to your right, there is another one influencing you, to do good, why dont you listen and follow you evil mind, or corrupted dark side of the satans knife, for we could all do the same G-D Forbid, and all men would be like islam, and you SIR would just be another islamic gihad warrior thats why the jewish nation has survived plagues, war, earthquakes, clamities, slavery, floods, etc, for 3500 years because G-D chose them, to serve him.....

And sorry to tell you this but you throw words around so loosely like you know what it feels like to loose your kids, wife, mother, friends for what Freeking gihad dominance pure selfless ego world dominated opiniated false evil, black magic brain washed murderous skanking oil bearing fat sultanic, satanic dark sided freeking sick cancerous amalekim, you sir better change your slight of mouth or well, lets say, this is your recorded final chance to deceide between light and darkness, yes its that fine a line SIR.

Your a intelligent soldier or maybe ?
When you come to our battle please represnet yourself if you make it thru the nuclear ending on the field so we may recognize a son of the other side.

You can try writing back, but one thing is for sure.............................

That angel next to you will write everything you think see, hear and record, you for the truth of heart..............

Be well, and G-Ds blessings will save your soul sir.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:14 PM
EternalLeaderof Truth, you only see the good that the Jews have done and the evil that the Muslims have done. You ignore the accomplishments of Muslims and you ignore the acts of violence committed by the Israelis. There have been acts of good and evil on both sides.

You believe that Israelis have a right to defend their land but that the Palestinians do not.
Let's not forget that Israelis are in the land of the Palestinians.
The Palestinians were once a majority of the population.
The Jewish persons immigrated there.

The Palestinians have a right to try and prevent Israel from taking more of their land by building illegal settlements and building a wall which goes into Palestinian territory.

For a list of Islamic accomplishments, you can go to this site here:
It covers math, finance, science, agriculture and more.
They have contributed a lot to society.
Imagine having to use roman numerals in your everyday life instead of Arabic numerals.

[edit on 8-8-2004 by AceOfBase]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:27 PM
What most Jews fail to realise is that most of them are Kazar in descent, not actual, "real" ethnic Jews. They are descended from Kazar tribes that converted around the turn of the 1st millenium.
You will find that the "real" Jews where very much like the Arabs of modern day, as arabs are a semitic race also. Many of the first converts to Islam where jewish tribes (as in proper Hebrews, not todays make believe "chosen" people).
We are led to believe by the Zionists that they are the original inhabitants, when in reality they would trace their lineage back to somewhere more akin to Kiev, or the Russian steppes, not Israel!
Plus, Judaism is probably the most barbaric of the major religions. Refering to themselves as the chosen ones, and everyone else as Goyim, or cattle!!! The Talmud advocates that killing of non-jews is ok, only crimes against Jews should be punished! Tell me, where in Christianity or Islam does it not preach Tolerance?

Khazar Jews

True Jewish Origins

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by EternalLeaderof Truth
That angel next to you will write everything you think see, hear and record, you for the truth of heart..............
Be well, and G-Ds blessings will save your soul sir.

If I were a religious person, I'd say you soul is in greater need of saving after that little tirade of ignorant, unfounded, self-aggrandizing racist filth.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:36 PM
A typical resonse from a Jew, Muppet! They have this fixation that they have the right to look down on the rest of us.
IMO, Israel is no better than Iran. It is a religious state, and governs according to a book which, hihly likely, is in fact a plagiarised version of older, more established religions.

I wonder if k"Eternal Lord of (NON) Truth" knows that the original Hebrews (note i didnt say Jews) where in fact polytheastic, and where not the first to come up with the concept of a one almighty God........(willing to enter heated debate with any Jew on this one)

[edit on 8-8-2004 by stumason]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:47 PM
Well, personally I know a few Jews (most of whom are strongly against current israeli policy), and to be honest saying it's a typical Jewish response isn't exactly helpful. I get you point, but maybe zionist extremist would be a better word?

EDIT : Religious superiority complexes are a serious problem in the world right now though!

[edit on 8-8-2004 by muppet]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:49 PM
Yes, i apologise to any non-Zionist Jews, I was just rattled by that diatribe of filth above. He has posted many similar things just now in some other threads.....not a big fan of anything islamic!!!

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:03 PM
That's alright.. don't worry about it. In reference to the Jewish religion (as opposed to race), it's should be able to take the same criticism as any religion. Extremist Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hindus are all just as bad as each other... (extreme Buddhists turn out to be just extremely nice versions of normal Buddhists though.. maybe a lesson somewhere?

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:07 PM
LOL, extremist Buddhists..... ROFLMAO!!!! Thats is a cool thought.........

Yeah, I agree, there needs be a distinction between the religion and the race. But as I stated above, about 90% of jews today will not be able to trace their roots back to ethnic Hebrews, so Jews thinking they are some chosen race, well not really, the chosen race is actually still living where it always has, as genetically, modern day palestininas/arabs have more in comoon with ancient hebrews than modern day Jews

[edit on 8-8-2004 by stumason]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by stumason
Yeah, I agree, there needs be a distinction between the religion and the race. But as I stated above, about 90% of jews today will not be able to trace their roots back to ethnic Hebrews, so Jews thinking they are some chosen race, well not really, the chosen race is actually still living where it always has, as genetically, modern day palestininas/arabs have more in comoon with ancient hebrews than modern day Jews

I agree. Most were Russian weren't they? Plus I think Jewishness is considered dependent on a Jewish mother, and not necessarily a Jewish father..(I think.. I may be wrong there). Race, at least in the West, is as relevant as eye colour from a legal point of view.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:19 PM
Yep, there are two ways to become a Jew

1: Convert, although this is discouraged, so that they only get the truly devoted ones.
2. Have a jewish mother (the father could be a hlaf klingon-half sheep hybrid and it wouldn't matter

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