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Dad spends $100k and counting trying so save his kids

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Frankly, I believe she is very young and has been indoctrinated into the movement on the pretense that feminism is what she wants it to be, not what it actually is.

Yes, women being able to vote or to go to college is a good thing, but it's also already been accomplished.

I'm in my late twenties, that's not really young. You may like to think I've been indoctrinated by some liberal agenda, but you've been indoctrinated with an archaic world view based on Abrahamic principles. If you favor archaic systems, much of the middle east would be suitable for you and all misogynists alike.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by laiguana

I blame feminism for the economy. Feminism is precisely why BOTH parents have to work full time today in order to support a family, whereas in the past one person, generally the man, could support a household on a single income. Convincing women that they belonged in the workplace drastically reduced demand for workers and their bargaining leverage for wages.

"There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women. These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense release to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowledge that they do so, for they will only be indulging their own desire for personal admiration." - Adam Weishaupt.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by laiguana

Except for the fact that I am not a misogynist.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander
reply to post by laiguana

If it is not a feminist issue, then explain to me why women get the children by default, and a man has to spend over a hundred grand to keep his kids away from a crack-head hooker who takes up with child molesters.

It is not a feminist issue. I am a woman who does not discount the fact that there is unfair treatment of men in certain cases. However this is a politics issue. For a few years I battled after courts gave my drug addict ex custody in an attempt to prove they didn't favor mothers. They went the opposite extreme. Many children suffered. It was all about trying to keep up appearances and please who ever pocket book they are in at the moment. Children get hurt either way, when whats best for the kids isn't what is being considered but politics.

Typing fast cause my kid kid is tryign to look over my shoulder and I don't want her reading what I wrote about her dad (too young to understand) but i hope i made since.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by calstorm
For a few years I battled after courts gave my drug addict ex custody in an attempt to prove they didn't favor mothers.

What led you to the conclusion that they were attempting to prove that?

edit on 17-6-2011 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by laiguana

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Frankly, I believe she is very young and has been indoctrinated into the movement on the pretense that feminism is what she wants it to be, not what it actually is.

Yes, women being able to vote or to go to college is a good thing, but it's also already been accomplished.

I'm in my late twenties, that's not really young. You may like to think I've been indoctrinated by some liberal agenda, but you've been indoctrinated with an archaic world view based on Abrahamic principles. If you favor archaic systems, much of the middle east would be suitable for you and all misogynists alike.

And by the way. I thought you just told us that you had no problem with women who chose to stay home to be a homemaker. Now suddenly those women should go live in the middle east?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by calstorm

While I don't doubt your story at all, you have to admit that the system is biased in favor of women regardless of the few exceptions such as your own case or even the case of my own mother who got no help from the system when she needed it most.

But when you say it is not about feminism but politics instead, surely you understand that the feminist lobby has strongly influenced modern politics and the engineering of our modern society overall.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander
reply to post by laiguana

I blame feminism for the economy.

I figured you would, it's not like a misogynist would bother looking at the actual contributing factors that allows hyperinflation to take place, but I won't school you on the economy since you seem to apparently already know what caused the great depression, the one before that and why our current economy is in the midst of a recession.

However...I should thank you for making my point about misogynists.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by laiguana

Lol, except for the fact the I am not a misogynist. I notice too that you chose to cherry-pick my quote ignoring the essence of my lesson.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Originally posted by laiguana

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Frankly, I believe she is very young and has been indoctrinated into the movement on the pretense that feminism is what she wants it to be, not what it actually is.

Yes, women being able to vote or to go to college is a good thing, but it's also already been accomplished.

I'm in my late twenties, that's not really young. You may like to think I've been indoctrinated by some liberal agenda, but you've been indoctrinated with an archaic world view based on Abrahamic principles. If you favor archaic systems, much of the middle east would be suitable for you and all misogynists alike.

And by the way. I thought you just told us that you had no problem with women who chose to stay home to be a homemaker. Now suddenly those women should go live in the middle east?

Mind telling me where I said that? Again, it appears it comes normal for you to deliberately misinterpret everything I say. Perhaps it is convenient also?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by calstorm

Calstorm...don't worry about it. I'm having my fun here exposing the misogynists who seem to think they're not. They will attack you if you say anything positive about being a mother.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by laiguana

Originally posted by laiguana

...I don't see anything wrong with mothers that choose to be homemakers, but they should have a proper education that would prepare them for the workforce...

Originally posted by laiguana
... an archaic world view based on Abrahamic principles. If you favor archaic systems, much of the middle east would be suitable...

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
reply to post by calstorm

Calstorm...don't worry about it. I'm having my fun here exposing the misogynists who seem to think they're not. They will attack you if you say anything positive about being a mother.

Please show me where anyone attacked anyone for saying something positive about being a mother.

And you can scream misogynist all you like, but it still doesn't change the fact that there has not been a shred of misogyny in this thread.

Oh, I get it, not supporting socio-political feminism means I must hate women right? The old, "if you're not with us, you're against us" argument. And here I thought you just told us that feminism wasn't militant.
edit on 17-6-2011 by CobraCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander
reply to post by laiguana

Originally posted by laiguana

...I don't see anything wrong with mothers that choose to be homemakers, but they should have a proper education that would prepare them for the workforce...

Originally posted by laiguana
... an archaic world view based on Abrahamic principles. If you favor archaic systems, much of the middle east would be suitable...

Archaic in the sense that women do not have the right to choose between being a homemaker or participating in the workforce....Which would also exclude women from voting, owning property and getting a proper education. This is the system endorsed by most misogynists, like yourself. Thanks to feminism, however...women in the west have their constitutional rights and the ability to make that choice now.

Once more, you're only proving you're deliberately misinterpeting what I say to suit your misogynist agenda.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by laiguana

Originally posted by CobraCommander
reply to post by laiguana

Originally posted by laiguana

...I don't see anything wrong with mothers that choose to be homemakers, but they should have a proper education that would prepare them for the workforce...

Originally posted by laiguana
... an archaic world view based on Abrahamic principles. If you favor archaic systems, much of the middle east would be suitable...

Archaic in the sense that women do not have the right to choose between being a homemaker or participating in the workforce....Which would also exclude women from voting, owning property and getting a proper education. This is the system endorsed by most misogynists, like yourself. Thanks to feminism, however...women in the west have their constitutional rights and the ability to make that choice now.

Once more, you're only proving you're deliberately misinterpeting what I say to suit your misogynist agenda.

I am not the one doing the misinterpreting here. You have come to the erroneous conclusion that I am a misogynist. My lady, my mother, my grandmother, my sisters, many cousins, bosses, employees, and countless other women would disagree with you. So don't pretend to speak for all women from your feminist pulpit.

Moreover, where did I ever say that that women should not have the right to choose, vote, own property, etc.?
edit on 17-6-2011 by CobraCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander
I am not the one doing the misinterpreting here. You have come to the erroneous conclusion that I am a misogynist. My lady, my mother, my grandmother, my sisters, many cousins, bosses, employees, and countless other women would disagree with you. So don't pretend to speak for all women from your feminist pulpit.

Moreover, where did I ever say that that women should not have the right to choose, vote, own property, etc.?
edit on 17-6-2011 by CobraCommander because: (no reason given)

When did I say I spoke for all women?..Never. That's when.

I don't know when you said that, you tell me, because I did not accuse of you saying that. I did say you were a misogynist, however.
Keep making stuff up....I'll go make myself a bowl of cornflakes cerEal

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by laiguana

Your posts are becoming less and less relevent to this conversation, and frankly I am getting pretty tired of you calling me names. So time to put up or shut up young lady. Show me where I have been a misogynist in this thread.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander
reply to post by laiguana

Your posts are becoming less and less relevent to this conversation, and frankly I am getting pretty tired of you calling me names. So time to put up or shut up young lady. Show me where I have been a misogynist in this thread.

I dont think she can do that. After all, anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist. I honestly, and I mean no insult by saying this, do not think she actually knows what the word means in practice. I really think she likes throwing a big word out there. After all, according to her, I am a misogynist as well. It really appears to me that her definition of misogynist is "anyone who disagrees with me".

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by CobraCommander

Don't accuse me of derailing this thread. You and your fan club of fellow misogynists started lashing out at feminists. That must have been the purpose of this thread after all since nobody seems to be discussing the actual article anymore.

Denying you're a misogynist isn't going to make it less so. It's like that guy that set himself on fire. He blamed every shortcoming in his life on feminists. The more they deny it the more it eats them up.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by laiguana

And exactly how did you come up with that long list of feminist groups? You make it seem like there's an army of feminists out to get you. Feminism isn't a militant movement. Feminists don't shoot people or take rights away. You're just making stuff up to suit your agenda. I don't believe marriage is anything's more like a contract. Religion is a myth anyway, but that's another topic for another time.

First,if you would went to the Link,you would have seen what "types" of feminists are out there. Womens suffrage is OVER. Women arnt suffering for anything in the western world. The REAL womans movement was Hijacked along time ago by special interests,and Radical feminism. Radicals love to paint men as these bruising adulterers,who care nothing about their kids. I have yet to see a women's movement that advocates the rights of men,and child support/placement,and I doubt I will ever see it. The laws have been put in place for men to fail,for social structure to fail,for women to fail,for children to fail.

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