posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 09:36 AM
Being ever so thin-skinned and knowingly guilty of so many injustices, the Bush administration has created what we now call "free speech zones." As
much contempt as I felt for President Bill Clinton, I have to say, at least he was man enough to allow protestors to vent on his watch - wherever they
were. These clowns are too chickenshiZit and intellectually deficient to allow a right granted to us under the constitution - the right to peacefully
protest. The voice of the American people has effectively been muzzled. Our founding fathers are probably rolling in their graves right now. This is
NOT the America they
fought so valiantly for!
Incidentally, over in Iraq, our newest state - the authorities have shut down Al-Jezeera. Things are spiralling out of control and this administration
cannot allow those images to get out. More heavy-handed BS. The funny thing is, these fools just don't understand that the truth WILL come out
eventually. There is nothing in the world they can do to stop it. And when it does, they will pay. They will pay with their flesh and with their very
souls. Hell's gonna be one crowded place when they get there.
This is an article on what is happening around the nation with regard to those who DARE voice dissent:
The Bu#es are using federal, state and local police to conduct an undeclared war against dissent, literally incarcerating Americans who publicly
express their disagreements with him and his policies. The ACLU and others have now sued Bush's Secret Service for its ongoing pattern of repressing
legitimate, made-in-America protest, citing cases in Arizona, California, Virginia, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, Texas--and coming soon to a
theater near you!
[edit on 8-8-2004 by John bull 1]