posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by TheStev
Ya know, a few hours ago I might have agreed with you. However, I just got a notification from a writers web site that I am a member of that this
group hacked the site and stole (and published) the log in user names and passwords of a bunch of writers, bookworms, and such and frankly, I'd point
and laugh to watch this group of jackwagons get taken down one by one right now.
So, while I have no great love for the government, I am now a target of these creeps because I am a writer who joined a writers group looking for tips
and advice from other writers? I'm a stay-at-home-mom and do not now (and have not ever in the past) work for the government in any way. So, what
makes me a fair target? Because I'm good for the lulz?
Take it as anecdotal, but this is one member of the "random public" who would be just fine with seeing the end of these goons. I don't want the
government to impose more restrictions and censorship or anything of the sort, but I understand the absolute outrage and anger that these people are
generating. I understand why other people might be inclined to agree with restrictions to stop having to live in fear that some piece of crap who is
living in his mom's basement might steal their online identity and wreak havoc on their finances "just for the lulz".
With no method to the madness other than just to create random chaos by hacking into whatever slides across their monitor that day, and to steal the
online identities of any unfortunate innocent who happens to be a member of the target of the day, you'll see a really big backlash happen really
freaking quickly if this keeps up. Random Joe Q. Public doesn't care if these terrorists claim to be targeting the government, he'll care that HIS
online life (and potentially his offline life) are being screwed with. Like
this one lady who is
trying to get about $800.00 of offline damage done by lulzsec reversed and get her finances fixed. Garbage like this starts happening to Joe Q.
Public and good old Joe is going to welcome the government intervention so that this crap doesn't continue to happen.
Cheer these goons if you want, but I'm pissed about my experience with them and it seems like a great big smack in the face and a flip of the bird to
see people say "too bad about the public, just as long as they get the government, too".
Take care,
edit on 6/17/2011 by Glencairn because: stupid typo fairy hovering over my shoulder.