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Aliens+UFO's are our brothers and sisters...

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by MoveThroughMetal
reply to post by cornucopia

It's exciting to hear more and more military and NASA personnel come out to speak to the people. And that Vatican man was also nice to hear! Keep it up; soon the people will know..


i would like to thank all of my brothers and sisters with courage to speak truth...

thank you so much,

thank you

we are immortal souls, let's take action!

thank you


posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 12:25 AM
let's be honest....

let's be real....


would you like to see an angel?

look in the mirror

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 05:32 PM
hi all,

feel free to add to this thread so that it stays visible, this is very important for Humans to know.

Thank You

thank you

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 02:04 AM
do you ever wonder who is flying those craft?

consciousness is rising....

you will be met halfway

i KNOW we have family throughout the cosmos

ask yourself before you fall asleep tonight for the Truth

i expect miracles

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:03 AM

so i had a nice post i wrote up and when i tried to post it the website locked up, i get that sometimes...trippy..



we exist, as you exist...

all from the creator

thank you

love is the key to unlock ALL of your doors...

all secrets revealed...

thank you

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:51 AM
lots of craft being seen now days huh


miracles are brewing

Truth shall be known, by ALL

Thank You

it is done.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:07 PM
big stuff going on out there

economy is going to tank, because it does not serve Humanity or Gaia.......

after we get a fair/loving money system going we will have abundance for all...

this kind of crash will bring Humans together, we love to help each other in times of need...

end times are here

enjoy the ride

i love you

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:23 PM
With effort and love the destination can always be improved from what the prophecy foretells.
All the demonic symbols remain but can be transformed into something less angry, less deadly, all the angels still in their places no matter how much faster the truth can been realized by some... anything can be done better and better.

What you also know if you believe what you've read is that God has had fury and if you were against him, he could seem terrible.

What you also know is that there is evil in man, but with your human brothers and sisters you try to teach and prevent calamity... SOMETIMES. With the angry carnal beasts you respect their territories and try to be humane... SOMETIMES.

You know you should anyway even if you rarely do.

Why would you NOT make your first effort be trying to understand your extended family?
edit on 7-8-2011 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

umm, lol..God you speak of does not have fury

believe what you want..

just sayin

relax on the demon stuff too, not helping and not believe what you want there too..

just sayin

i love you

thank you


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by seedofchucky

could you ask those brothers and sisters in our galatic community why they allow us to be in a world with the most evil dictators ruling us with iron clad fists?

Because it's our job to make the changes. No one said life was easy did they?

The reason it seems so difficult is because we assign way too much value to our physical bodies. That is why spirituality is required if you want to stay sane in the coming times. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that we have lived multiple lives. There is a lot of evidence to suggest we survive our death. Wasn't this what Jesus showed us? And the place we go to after death is the same place we were before we were born. Not really hard if you think about it.

We come to places like Earth to learn. Earth is a school. Everytime we are born we start with clean slate. We are born with our experience only.

I know it's hard from a human perspective. I am having difficulty with these new age concepts myself. However, we must be strong. And we can't forget that when our time is up, we will go home and everyone will laugh and tickle us. And everyone will say "Wasn't that a hell of a ride?" And that home will seem more real than Earth ever did.

We aren't fooling our alien creators. They know we are scared as hell. They want to get us over that fear so we can keep making progress. They seem to be trying their darnest to help us through this time without openly manifesting themselves on a mass conscious scale and thus eliminating our free will. Here are the universal laws we all agreed to before playing around in the universe:

1) By eliminating your fear from within, you will cause a spiraling out of light that will bring protection and truth into your world.

2) Like attracts like.

3) Society, by its mass consciousness, brings upon itself those effects caused by the thoughts of the majority.

4) The lower energies of fear, hate, mistrust, confusion and judgement are what keeps us prisoners in our own self-created jails.


The way our species sees everything as seperate is really our main problem. GOD is indivisible. That is the way our religions describe it! These are not my words. They are part of our culture already. If you take a philosophy 101 class at the university they will tell you the same thing. That is how WE define it--even in the modern western world. It is up to us to live up to it, no matter how idealistic it seems. No one said humans have to be perfect. No one said humans have to be as good as aliens. But we have to do a better job of trying.

If the universe was really some random freeforall of conscious finite beings who have no hope of ever understanding the big picture, then the univese would function exactly like Earth. Complete madness. And "The Borg" would have already eliminated or assimilated us.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Scramjet76

hehe...well said Scramjet76

thanks bro

yeah, ALL is know...good times are ahead of us...

love for the win!

enjoy the ride, don't let the material world suck you in( i have to remind myself sometimes)

thank you

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:19 PM
Man, such a positive thread, yet arrogant morons still flood this place with ignorance and negativity.

You're a pathetic being, and you should be ashamed. Seriously.

I didn't even bother reading the other posts, but the first few negative posts were just disgusting. Sending some epicly horrid vibes their way. Have fun, whether you believe in this energy or not.

By the way, everything he said is true. I couldn't care less if you degenerate retards (no offense, it's true though) think I'm stupid, it's true (hah). To bad, it's true! so ignorant, so blind. sad really.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Motumz

There shall be peace........

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:00 PM
Cornucopia....TRUST ME when I say would not want these types of beings to be your BROTHERS AND SISTERS. It's not that they are evil.....just dangerously indifferent....and even worse....don't even associate or understand why some of the things they do are wrong.

It isn't a matter of us worrying that some Alien force will invade....although anythings possible....but not probable. Some of the races are just so different from us both in mental and technological abilities as well as different in how they view and access things that what you and I may find horrible.....they look at it as NO BIG DEAL.

When we Humans cut off the balls of a bull or our family dog or cat....we don't think twice about the morality. Such is the way that they percieve some things as it pertains to us.
Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:17 PM
Sadly, it's very UNLIKELY that the door of the UFO will open, an Alien will pop out and will say "Namaste!"

If we were to believe "abductee" accounts, then we would actually have to assume the best you will get from them is a probe up your butt - and i have "some" difficulties to believe that the reported and alleged actions by the Aliens are in any way beneficial TO US.

In fact, it looks like the Aliens are brainwashing people so they *think* that whatever the Aliens do is beneficial for us. I dont think it is.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
Cornucopia....TRUST ME when I say would not want these types of beings to be your BROTHERS AND SISTERS. It's not that they are evil.....just dangerously indifferent....and even worse....don't even associate or understand why some of the things they do are wrong.

OK, they clearly don't understand human society and thinking and we don't understand ET society.

But why don't they try to find out and ask us? That's the real question. They obviously know that they don't understand us---but why don't they care about that? Unlike us and animals, they could try to talk with us.

Wouldn't they be able to imagine themselves in a similar position? I would have assumed that such an ability would be evolutionarily essential to a stable society, but I wonder if we ought to consider them hyperautistic, and deal with them with similar protocols.

However, if they are genetically engineered manufactured organisms (They are the robots of the Fermi Paradox), whose outlook was not necessarily shaped by intrinsic evolutionary pressures, then maybe massive autism ("no theory of mind") might be possible. However it seems entirely impossible to reconcile with reports of telepathic abilities---being able to do that would make the theory of mind explicit and concrete instead of, like in humans, a learned and evolved ability.

edit on 21-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

Think of it like doesn't matter if we try to explain Human Morality. They don't care. There is little we can do if they choose to do whatever they want with the only exception being....PLAY ONE ALIEN RACE AGAINST ANOTHER. This is the only card we can play. And THIS is something that they understand very well.
Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by mbkennel

Think of it like doesn't matter if we try to explain Human Morality. They don't care. There is little we can do if they choose to do whatever they want with the only exception being....PLAY ONE ALIEN RACE AGAINST ANOTHER. This is the only card we can play. And THIS is something that they understand very well.
Split Infinity

Well, that really sucks 12 inch anal probes. We might be Afghanistan or Nicaragua in the Cold War. We may be able to choose which bastard's gonna rape us, but that we get it in the posterior isn't up for debate.

Do any of the group of them care about any of the others (i.e .they have morality towards other sufficiently advanced races, but we're too low to get on the A-list) or have any intrinsic morality, or is it entirely operational and selfish?

Are we the least wicked of the bunch?

Seems like we gotta go with the devils we know (our own political system) over the ones we don't.
edit on 21-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 11:08 AM
What I see so much of on a thread like this, besides all of the positive and bright replies, is so many folks think way too highly of themselves. They feel that their person is being violated if somehow you were chosen for this "genetic" reprogramming. The plain truth is you are an experiment.. get that through your head. You are not as important as you a whole we are very important but each individual is seen as merely a piece to a larger picture.

I posted a thread a while back called "Evil ETs do not exist period" and I will continue on this forever because I know without a doubt. There are some dark forces at work but as I have always maintained they are from here (this system) AND they are bound by certain laws of engagement.

Evil ET's are a figment of hollywood.. its a great scary fantasy but the truth is its fiction. It takes a great deal of evolved skill to reach the type of quantum travel that they do and it is a LAW that evil can NOT get there. They don't have the mental or spiritual dexterity to navigate the last steps. The example of the Greys are a great one.. a race that learned goodness way too late. By the time they learned to not be evil they were already deformed and left neutered by a ravaged planet without the ability to filter sunlight.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by flexy123
Sadly, it's very UNLIKELY that the door of the UFO will open, an Alien will pop out and will say "Namaste!"

If we were to believe "abductee" accounts, then we would actually have to assume the best you will get from them is a probe up your butt - and i have "some" difficulties to believe that the reported and alleged actions by the Aliens are in any way beneficial TO US.

In fact, it looks like the Aliens are brainwashing people so they *think* that whatever the Aliens do is beneficial for us. I dont think it is.

Unfortunately we, actually our leaders, got us in this spot. We have proven to be by and large, ruthless, cunning and completely without remorse when it comes to the earth and her resources. After the Abomb was dropped they were given a green light for the program to begin.. it was unheard of before then. They, the ones who gave the green light to begin the harvest of dna, believed and still believe we can destroy ourselves and we already are.
You think so much of your precious humanity when in reality the real stain of our history is nothing but ignorance and blood, the bright points are miniscule in comparison.

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