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Shocking Admission:A Presidential Candidate that Reads!

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posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 06:57 AM
Submitted for those still convinced there's no discernable difference in Presidential candidates Kerry and Bush, The Nation confirms extemely different styles of information gathering in it's report Kerry on the Media.

John Kerry and George W. Bush, the Democrat and Republican who will compete this November for the presidency, both attended similar New England preparatory schools, both graduated from Yale, and both received advanced degrees from prestigious east coast colleges. But, somewhere along the way, they developed dramatically different reading habits.

Where Bush says he does not read newspapers, Kerry says he cannot get enough of them. And that distinction, Kerry suggested when he sat down with this reporter for a rare extended interview on media issues this week, sums up a radically different vision of how a president should gather and process information they must use to make fundamental decisions about the direction of the nation and the world.

In a world where failures in "information gathering" remain the subject of public speculation and Senatorial hearings, the candidates have gone on record submitting their drastically different styles (in their own words).

"I read four or five papers a day if I can," said Kerry, when asked about his newspaper reading habits. "It depends obviously on where I am and what I'm doing. I always pick up a local paper in the hotel I'm staying at, or two depending on what the city is. And I try to get the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, papers like that. I try to read as much as I can."

This voracious habit for multiple sources is reported not unlike those of former Presidents Eisenhower, Reagen, Bush (41) and Clinton. Standing in stark contrast, however, to any modern President of record:

When asked last fall by Fox News anchor Brit Hume how he gets his news, Bush said he asks an aide, "What's in the newspapers worth worrying about?" The president added that, "I glance at the headlines just to kind of (get) a flavor of what's moving. I rarely the stories..."

Instead of gathering information himself, Bush said he prefers to "get briefed by people who probably read the news themselves" and "people on my staff who tell me what's happening in the world."

But the jokes about Bush not being ABLE to read anything (including Presidential memos such as "Bin Laden Determined to Attack US" on August 6, 2001) are clearly exaggerated, as documented in this account of Bush's "Interesting Day" on September 11, 2001.

We know for a FACT then that Bush can read, as he does from My Pet Goat after attacks on the World Trade Center.

Just as America has done with every tragedy asking "where were you" when learning of a president being shot or another horrific event, there's one person no one will ever have to ask...

I guess it's just like the now infamous sign behind Bush's head says:
READING Makes a Country Great!

[edit on 8-8-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 07:20 AM
Another non issue as far as I can see.

The newspapers are filled with spin and misinformation. I would think the President, having access to direct sources of information shouldn't need to waste his time weeding through it.

That is why they have aides, staff members and briefings. As long as they are capable of providing what he needs to disseminate the info, and why shouldn't he have surrounded himself with the best candidates for that job, what is the problem? If he was missing anything pertinent he would have figured it out by now and switched gears. But I'd much rather see a President relying on his own sources (since who has better access to sources, him or the reporters?) than all the suspect BS in the media.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 07:31 AM
I agree with with all that you implied about Bush, has a lot a nerve passing a Education Bill that no student be left behind that is virtually impossible for rural communities to enact. Especially with him going to fancy schools like Yale and leaving with a 2 point grade average and a nickname of "Temporary".. Bush and Kerry both went to Yale and both belonged to the Skull and Bones, makes them Brothers in Silence and Purpose.


posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Relentless
Another non issue as far as I can see.

That's fine Relentless. I wasn't suggesting Bush go to the Washington Post for intel. Though it would speak to a much needed curiosity about the world in which we live and he governs.

But relying on a self reflecting bubble like Cheney and Ashcroft while touting yourself as in touch with mainstream America is a problem.

Bush went to THE POPE for advice on Stem Cell research. He supported a Constitutional amendment to Ban Gay marriage. Im sure he was told he has America's full support though. He may still be under that impression.

You see no need for curiosity or double checking the reliability of your "yes" men? I would. But then I read.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by RANT
That's fine Relentless. I wasn't suggesting Bush go to the Washington Post for intel. Though it would speak to a much needed curiosity about the world in which we live and he governs.

But relying on a self reflecting bubble like Cheney and Ashcroft while touting yourself as in touch with mainstream America is a problem.

Bush went to THE POPE for advice on Stem Cell research. He supported a Constitutional amendment to Ban Gay marriage. Im sure he was told he has America's full support though. He may still be under that impression.

You see no need for curiosity or double checking the reliability of your "yes" men? I would. But then I read.

I see your point, and I certainly do hope he is double checking the reliability of "yes" men if that's all they are, I just don't think he can get reliable answers from the press.

As for whether he thinks or knows he has the support of the American people, he has access to the best polsters who handle these issues. If they are steering him wrong, well, bye bye Bush and it will be just what he deserves if with access to the best of the best he has chosen wrong. I just don't think that is the case.

In the end, the election will tell and I for one can't wait till it's over. I just hope it isn't another close race as that would be more of a disastor than whoever may win. My gut reaction though is that this one will be more definative than the last. If I am wrong, I will certainly stop assuming I know anything and keep my mouth shut next time.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Relentless Another non issue as far as I can see. The newspapers are filled with spin and misinformation.

Exactly. Newspapers are full of spin and misinformation and guesswork. Why would George Bush spend his time reading that junk, when he gets the information direct from the sources ...

I don't read the local paper anymore. (Wilmington DE). It is so obvious in it's leaning to the left ... it isn't 'news', it's propaganda. Nothing more.

The president of the United States doesn't go to newspapers (most of which should be renamed to propagandapapers). He gets his briefings without the spin and propaganda.

BTW - Newspapers don't reflect mainstream America. They reflect the leanings of who ever owns them and what propaganda they want to spew to brainwash people with.

[edit on 8/8/2004 by FlyersFan]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 08:32 AM
Yep, he's an idiot. Instead of hearing from all sides or actually learning about a subject to make a decision, he gets told by one of his handlers what he is supposed to know.

"Mr. President, Iraq is an immenient threat."
"Well, maybe I should read..."
"Don't bother Mr. President, we have everything you need to know right here."
"Well, ok Condi. What's that under your arm, Rumy? A book? A newspaper?"
"Um, a newspaper, Mr. President. It's nothing, just for the dog. If you turn to page three of my report about WMDs"

EDIT: Typo

[edit on 8-8-2004 by curme]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The president of the United States doesn't go to newspapers (most of which should be renamed to propagandapapers). He gets his briefings without the spin and propaganda.

BTW - Newspapers don't reflect mainstream America. They reflect the leanings of who ever owns them and what propaganda they want to spew to brainwash people with.

So your saying Reagen was brainwashed. Or that every other president with an intellectual curiosity above that of a lazy child was somehow less informed than Bush.

Is Bush then "the bestest President ever" since he's protected from outside reporting or opinion? Or is he so feeble minded he couldn't distinguish between an editorial and a CIA briefing? Is that what you meant? Bush needs a foil hat to read, to avoid being brainwashed? That's surprisingly refreshing to hear, and confirms my suspicions.

Then are you not only defending his anti-reading stance but recommending a reflective bubble for all future leaders (or is Bush just special in that area)?

Interesting notion that one would think "He gets his briefings without the spin and propaganda" as well. That means when asking Rumsfeld if Rumsfeld is still effective and Rumsfeld says "I've read the papers today Mr. President and yes I am" that is the unvarnished truth? I see the logic.

[edit on 8-8-2004 by RANT]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Relentless

Another non issue as far as I can see.etc...

But I'd much rather see a President relying on his own sources (since who has better access to sources, him or the reporters?) than all the suspect BS in the media.

Well let's see,

I am of the view point that it is a huge issue. If a President is unaware of current events and what is occurring around the world how can he make a Commander in Chief decision based own his own knowledge and perceptions? He only listens to his advisor's, so basically, he does what he is told by his associates. That makes him a puppet, a pawn, a fool. When they tell him something he can't even question what they say with any awareness. And although you can't believe anything that you read. Newspapers do give you a pulse of what is going on in the world. I read allot of them and foreign papers as well.
For instance in a Aussie paper I read a group of retired and present military and diplomatic individuals had a think tank session. The end result was they sent a letter to their Head of State that basically claimed Australia went to War under false pretense. Bush told the World what he was told to tell the World and now the World is mad at America. We as Americans should be mad at the dumb, ignorant, fool that is leading our Nation. Instead your thinking he is a man of conviction, religion, defender of the weak and down trodden, great leader of a great crusade to destroy evil in God's name.
Do not believe what you read, trust your feelings and read between the lines and use you intuition to draw your own conclusions. Georgie's friends told him to jump off a bridge and he did. No wonder he is depressed
and popping pills and can't carry on a conversation. Almost want to feel sorry him.
Maybe now that he is on the verge of a nervous break down his friends will arrange to put him out of his misery. Kill a couple of Arabs they have in jail and tell everyone it was a terrorist cell. Cheny can run for President the Democrats will be out of the picture for there seemingly 'soft outlook' on the War. The Patriot Act will trigger martial law and Bush will be claimed as the greatest President we ever had. The entire nation will become born again and America will execute a d-day on the entire middle east. Then we will have oil.
And the elite members of the military/government/industrial complex can all shake hands say well done and go off to The Bohemian Grove and have a human sacrifice to their God.
Naw they wouldn't try that again although it went pretty slick with Kennedy and Vietnam

Pleasant Dreams,


posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 08:56 AM
Well said, RANT. It's not that reading newspapers defines one as necessarily informed about the world. It's rather that not reading them and instead relying on advisors who, to a certain extent, are inescapably yes-men due to the nature of their jobs, rules out the possibility of being informed.

While the media may be biased, that doesn't make anyone who chooses to insulate himself from the media, congratulating himself on his perceptiveness, well-informed. Decision-makers in the intelligence organizations and in business read newspapers. A president would be wise to do the same.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 08:59 PM
Flyers Fan is absolutely right, papers are all full of facts, detail, interviews and other nasty stuff. Why read those things that are loaded with literacy when you can just listen to Rush Limbaugh. After those painkillers Rush can tell you all sorts of interesting things.

LOL. This is the insight of the far right.

Now I know I'm going to hell, because i like to read.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 09:07 PM
I always said that reading is the key to knowledge, children that had interest in reading become better speakers it is nothing more satisfying that getting in a conversation and instead of talking of the last Jerry Springer show actually taking of the latest news and political spins, my husband love to read the news papers while me I like to go into the internet and read the news and occurs ATS.

I am glad that Kerry does like to read I always tell my children that a mind is horrible thing to waste and always have a book handy to read.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 09:09 PM
Reminds me of that Will Ferrell clip that is going around now. LINKIE

"There are certain liberal agitators who'd like you to think my administration's not doing a good job. Of course, these are people such as Howard Stern, Richard Clarke and the news."

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 09:18 PM

The video is just hilarious I love watching comedy central and they just crack me up.

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