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ANONYMOUS: "The Plan" is now live. Phase 1: Initiated. War against the System

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posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by CRDDD

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier
Anonymous knows that ATS is cointelpro and CIA funded BTW, this is no secret. The only ones that are pretending this is a secret is the moderators and the sock accounts that they use on here. How do i know this? Cant say, pay attention folks and you will know in your heart this is true. The truth will be revealed when it is time.

I'm sorry, but I cannot take you seriously if your avatar is a Guy Fawkes mask and you quote the "We do not forgive, We do not forget" thing. The ONLY real big thing Anonymous has ever done was the Scientology protests. And all the people who are familiar with the real Anon (which doesn't exist anymore, and barely existed to begin with) LAUGH at posers like you with Guy Fawkes masks who think Anonymous is your supr s3krit club. The real Anonymous did things for the lulz, not for freedom. ANYONE saying otherwise, or anyone claiming to be Anonymous, is a liar.

Also, LOL. You actually believe anyone who doesn't accept your bogus theory is a government spy?
edit on 18-6-2011 by CRDDD because: (no reason given)

But you sound like an Anonnymous fan boy yourself with this statement:

Originally posted by CRDDD
I don't often post here, but I had to this time.

I'm a frequent poster on the site that must not be named that Anonymous originated from. I don't know WHO the "Anonymous" that posted this video is, but the Anonymous I know would NEVER do anything this serious. And aside from the Scientology protests, Anonymous was never really an official group anyway. It was just a default name for posters. The only people saying otherwise were teenagers thinking it was their secret club or something.

Oh, and all the real hackers left years ago.
edit on 17-6-2011 by CRDDD because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-6-2011 by CRDDD because: (no reason given)

What you're saying, is that you are more credible than the next person who claims to know anonymous because you post on the site? And to add, a few of your posts implies that you had contact with anonymous members, can we assume that you know some of them?

Sounds like a banner being ran around without a pole.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 05:47 PM
OK, since everything has turned soooo skeptical, let's just revisit for just a second, what "the message" of "the plan" is exactly, let's not get too bogged down with who for the moment.

Anonymous: Resistance Begins NOW

People of the world, allow me to introduce myself as Anonymous and only as anonymous for I am nothing more than an idea. An idea of a free world, void of oppression. Void of poverty and murder by the hand of tyrannical rule. Void of hopelessness and genocide.
Not a bad idea, imo.

You may be asking yourself what Anonymous is about after hearing the rumors and blatant lies the media has associated with Anonymous. Allow me to simply inform you that Anonymous is and or are not terrorists much like the powers that be would have you believe. Anonymous has been demonized by these regimes simply because we have brought justice to the oppressed. When freedom is jeopardized, Anonymous will avenge the oppressed.
Seems like this has worked due to the amount of fear and skepticism apparent in a ton of posts on this thread.

We have defended Julian Assange and other members of wikileaks when they were persecuted for releasing information that provided evidence to the corruption within our government and militarys. We restored the internet to the people of Egypt when the egyptian government tried to silence their voice to the world. We have defended and supported countless peoples in their pursuits for freedom. And now we will assist in the bigger struggle. It is time to rejuvenate the human spirit.
Well that's only a bad thing if you were trying to silence the masses.

At this very moment, courses of action are being taken to restrict the voice of the net. The net is the last bastian of true freedom for the human race. We have begun sharing our stories and all the gritty details with one another no matter where we may be on this planet. This is worrisome for those who seek to control us. They want us silenced and this is the final straw.
Yeah, the masses sharing their stories against tyranny would be only worrisome to those that want tyranny to continue, good thing there are sites like ATS, where people can share "all the gritty details with one another no matter where we may be on this planet."

It is the duty of the rest of the people to continue their pursuits for these freedoms by any means necessary. It is time to escalate your actions of spreading the word and reaching out to our neighbors and communities. Protest must become more frequent and grow in strength and size. Peace is our priorty, but resistance will be met with a fierce and sharp defensive. Our voice and cause is our weapon.
Translation = Non-violent protest, continue to educate others on the system of enslavement. Wow, terrible message, they MUST be EVIL to ask people to do what they do on this very site.

Anonymous: "The Plan"

PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message.

*Educate yourself on the depths of the system, the functions put it place to inhibit true freedom as well as the mechanisms within the system that motivate the masses to subconsciously accept giving up those freedoms. The structures within the system that promote division within the people of the countries of this world and the injustices that are placed upon the people.
Again, just terrible, keep doing what you do on this very site.

OpESR - AmpedStatus

* End the campaign finance and lobbying racket
* Break up the Fed & Too Big to Fail banks
* Enforce RICO laws against organized criminal class
* Order Ben Bernanke to step down
Seems like simple and reasonable demands, I read threads on these VERY topics EVERYDAY on this site alone.

So a group has asked you to acknowledge the very things we write and post about, has asked you to share these things with your neighbors and family.

So, we have a choice it seems, we can continue to do what we do on this site and try to wake more people up to what's going on around us.


You support the tyrannical rule of the powers that be.

You are either for or against what they are trying to achieve, by most people's posts I would say the vast majority on this site are definitely AGAINST the powers that be, so are by default FOR what is being asked of us by the group in the videos identifying themselves as Anonymous.

Join or don't join, that is completely up to you, I think the most important thing is that every member of this site continue to educate others.

I will leave it with this, IF you are sick and tired of the status quo, IF you are tired of the continued oppression, IF you think we are headed for the brink, IF you want the world to be free from the tyranny of the bankers and TPTB, THEN you can either try and fight on your OWN as an individual or now have an opportunity to link with others of a like mind to try and influence change through numbers, the choice is yours, just keep fighting the system.

ETA: You don't even have to join this Anonymous group, start in YOUR RL community and form your own group, the main point is that it is time to get "skin in the game" or sit idly by on the sidelines.

Every day of inaction, TPTB are still in action, still passing laws and regulations to tighten the noose that is ALREADY around our collective necks.
edit on 19-6-2011 by Hijaqd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by AnimusInvictus
I wouldn't be so quick to sign up.
Signing up for anything is nerve-racking enough.
This site is a little fishy if you ask me.

Yes the problem with a group like Anonymous is that anyone with one of those masks, and some video editing software can make one of these videos and claim to be them.....I was a bit afraid to even check out the site, as the video itself seemed fishy to me. It seemed completely unlike anything I've seen them do in the was so vague......Anonymous Vs 'The System'?!?!....The message seemed quite politically charged too....Anon has always gone after individual groups/businesses that are doing wrong...they've never made such Political Statements....Not only that they've always been more Anti-Big Business....This video seemed the polar opposite, of the types of things I've seen from them in the past, with it's underlying message that the people have relied on their Government too much, and the 'System' is evil....They've never been vague like that....or called for outright revolution....and the whole 'buy gold' thing? That struck me as odd too....I've seen more than one 'conspiracy' site that turned out to be nothing but a front for some group that specializes in 'gold/precious metals' transactions.....I dunno....whole thing sounds incredibly suspicious to me.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Hijaqd

someone hit the bulls-eye.. analyzing the message word for word. well done.

Born of Osiris - Singularity (The Discovery)

Reveal this operation
Phase on is history
It was just imagination
Of unreal technologies
What we saw through fiction
Has become reality
It's a call on all life
To rebuild
It's a call on all life
To rejoice
A pattern placed before your eyes
Will we see the end
A description of your demise inevitable
We are the creators for this age
Don't you be afraid to find your truth
To find your way you'll find your way
Don't be afraid life is not a game its a conscience
Living constant are you awake or just afraid
Concealed by separation unwilling to be unified
Call it dehumanization but I'll put up a fight
What we saw through fiction
Has become reality
The future of man is a cycle
So follow the science we use as we are
Running blindly into violent lifeless surroundings
Can we finally right this
Or just slightly unbind ourselves
From the nightmare will you dare to fight
Or collapse and invite the destruction the future
Of man is a cycle
Will you dare to fight
We rebuild tonight.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 04:55 AM

the problem with a group like Anonymous is that anyone with one of those masks, and some video editing software can make one of these videos and claim to be them

They want to start a revolution, but hide behind their masks. Like I've said before, if they actually felt this passionate and believed in it soo much then they wouldn't hide behind the masks and computer screens. It's not to intimidate and mess with peoples minds or to symbolize Guy Fawkes/revolution, they are worn out of fear. Fear of being caught. Yeah, sounds like a group I would want leading a revolution.

The message seemed quite politically charged too....Anon has always gone after individual groups/businesses that are doing wrong...they've never made such Political Statements....Not only that they've always been more Anti-Big Business....This video seemed the polar opposite, of the types of things I've seen from them in the past

As if it's a completely different group than what it used to be, huh? People really need to think about that. Think about who exactly they are targeting right now and if it helps anything at all. Will any kind of good come out of it?

and the whole 'buy gold' thing? That struck me as odd too....I've seen more than one 'conspiracy' site that turned out to be nothing but a front for some group that specializes in 'gold/precious metals' transactions.....I dunno....whole thing sounds incredibly suspicious to me.

Another thing for people to think about. A lot of people are starting to believe that gold has zero worth right now and that the US actually has none/very small amount. That it was all stolen by shadow figures.

Does this sound like stuff that would come from a group that truly wants internet freedom/putting an end to tyranny/blah blah blah?

Now we have this "LuLzSec" group pop-up recently. Hacking companies left and right, including the government. Stealing money from the Paypal accounts of innocent people who have done nothing wrong, crash the BitCoin market and many other things. Their excuse is that they are doing it to prove how insecure everything is, to have fun and not to hurt anyone. Yet there motto is: "Lulz Security, the world's leaders in high-quality entertainment at your expense". They kinda threaten Anonymous and get a little surprise reaction:

They are ex-members of Anonymous. THIS is what the real Anonymous is about. Now think about this. They have apparently turned over all the details about the people who make-up LuLzSec to the FBI. Why would a group threaten the government one day, then go on to help them the next? Wouldn't the Anonymous you see talking about revolution and all that more than likely work with LuLzSec?

Think about it people. Something is going on within Anonymous. Either they know and are playing along (they do in fact keep tabs on certain members if there's a reason to) or for some reason they're completely oblivious or it's just compiled of way too many kids now.

One poster got it right when they said any real member of Anonymous would laugh at the ones wearing the Guy Fawkes masks and spout the ego-driven "we are legion" speeches. They were also right when they said Anonymous is dead and has been for a while. Every once in a while you see some real Anonymous members pop-up, like the site above, but that's rare these days.

Plain and simple. Look at the Anonymous that outed Scientology for the scam/brainwashing cult it is, then look at what it is now. NOT the same group at all. After they outed Scientology, it slowly became a huge joke.

I've had a couple "members" in my home before. These guys were soo clueless about hacking and computers in general it was hilarious. One guy spoke of Linux being the greatest OS there is. I go to give him a copy of Ubuntu I had at the time (a beta of 11.X I believe it was) and he had never heard of Ubuntu. It's only the most well known distro in the world. Kept bragging about his Blackberry Storm being a powerful device when he saw my Android phone he mentioned it sucked. I said "you realize it's based on Linux right?". His jaw dropped. He had no clue it was based on the same OS that he worshipped. The other guy asked if he could use my WiFi and I said sure and offered the password. He says he didn't need it he'll be able to crack it. I hate people who feel the constant need to brag about "skills". I went on to unplug the ethernet cord from my router so the WiFi still showed, but zero internet connection and watched this guy try to crack it for an hour. I couldn't help it and started cracking up. I don't even consider myself a hacker and knew a lot more than those two combined. That's the type of people that Anonymous is made up of these days lol. They just carry laptops with them everywhere loaded with "l33t" software to make themselves look like they know what they are doing and wear those masks to feel special and get attention.

/really is the end of my rant on the subject this time...maybe
edit on 20-6-2011 by nightmare_david because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2011 by nightmare_david because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Hijaqd

EXCELLENT post. You are my 'ATS member of the day'. Not that anyone cares who I rate as writing cool stuff, but there we go.

No time, no time. Like the white rabbit I must be off, must dash... But I shall return later with more support for your incisive line of reasoning...

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by nightmare_david

Without the masks these guys might be kissing concrete in Gitmo by now...

Sorry mods - I know it's brief, but it's a fair point.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 11:32 AM
In my art, music, and writing, I point out what I feel to be the problems of TPTB and how they manipulate us. I also implicate other revolutionaries on how they hinder the path to freedom. Yes, this is the basis for dividing even the group I stand with. If there is going to be a successful "revolution", we would need to be united on key points. The only way I can see this happening is if everyone is persuaded to my or your point of view, and I don't see that happening.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:58 PM
Sooooooo many nay sayers in this thread. At one point or another you have all spoke out against tyranny, at one point you've all spoke of revolution. The only ones who do anythign of the type IS anon. Meanwhile the conspiracy babies all sit and cry and fear the big bad government. So much talk of Liberty as you sit lazily in an arm chair. You disgust me! Instead of criticizing Anon criticize ATS members for doing NOTHING but complain and cower as the "wait for the right moment" aka wait till someone else starts the fight and bask in the glory and say youve been at it all along.
edit on 04/28/2011 by 4Starlight2Decay0 because: erp erp ity erp

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:21 PM
Really, is there even a short list of demands we can agree on?

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Forevever
Did anyone else live through the Warez Wars?

I'm having quite a bit of dejavu... obviously the activities are different but the social structure is absolutely the same.

I wonder if the affects we saw come out of the warez wars, are indicative to what will come out of this.

For one example....
Though I do dig on the theory that Napster was a grand ploy to get people to rip CD's for free - this action inevitably lead to musical marvels like mp3's and their players. So it wasn't all bad

Many people were more than happy, literally enjoying, and yes doing it for free, the entire rip process including but not limited to 15 minutes a megabyte transfer speeds (thats 45 to 55 minutes per mp3, for your quick conversion pleasure, and anywhere from 6 to 12 hours for one game or one piece of software, compressed, usually the bigger the better)

To be fair, I should give a bad example too right?
Lots of people like Metallica lost money and had to change the way they make money from their music

You know how much they hate going on tour....

Basically I guess I'm just trying to ponder both the good and the bad that can come out of this, and the more I learn of these people, the more they look like the Warez people

it really is warez wars all over again - Lulzsec VS Anonymous
most people will just never get it - they just deal with the changes that come

As long as the fundamental message isn't lost, it won't matter where it came from

in the meantime they're having a very interesting, public war - I've seen it many times... just never in MSM...

and a common enemy (TPTB and other miscellaneously corrupt) will never unite opposing factions, as much as we'd like to believe it does

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by gentledissident
Really, is there even a short list of demands we can agree on?

After I asked the question, these points came to mind. I think these are some reasonable demands that would be shared by many people with various ideologies.

1 Renewable and free energy should power everything.
2 Automation should be doing the jobs people don't want to do.
3 The work week should be cut in half.
4 There should not be such a huge disparity of wealth.
edit on 20-6-2011 by gentledissident because: tense

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:01 PM
We are the revolution

we are the future

There is no rules when we fight against the opressors

You dont like us

We love you

We started where you stopped

We are confident where you stopped to believe

We are masked , revealing our true nature

We Are Anonymous

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
reply to post by nightmare_david

Without the masks these guys might be kissing concrete in Gitmo by now...

Sorry mods - I know it's brief, but it's a fair point.

It is a great point.

Would one seriously think if you made a video with your face on it claiming the things Anonymous so far has done and what they are planning to do. That that person would be around for breakfast tomorrow. No that person would be found instantly and taken care of.

It is sad that to accomplish something like this one must hide behind masks. Yet that is the only way one will be able to accomplish something in the world we live in.

edit on 6/20/2011 by theUNKNOWNawaits because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Conciliatore

You are not anonymous anymore.
What a freakin joke.

And the other guy who wants free energy, robots to do the crap jobs and 20 hr work weeks for the lazy, along with half the the money from the hard workers, I am still laughing. I don't feel sorry for your type when they are in the soup line because with that attitude I just know they spend their govt handout foodstamps on booze and drugs and mope around feeling sorry for themselves instead of learning a skill to get work.

At least these illegal hacksters are scraping the bottom of the barrel for their sheeple followers, they can go down with them and the world will be a cleaner place.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP And the other guy who wants free energy, robots to do the crap jobs and 20 hr work weeks for the lazy, along with half the the money from the hard workers, I am still laughing. I don't feel sorry for your type when they are in the soup line because with that attitude I just know they spend their govt handout foodstamps on booze and drugs and mope around feeling sorry for themselves instead of learning a skill to get work.
I work 40 hours, get paid pretty well, and have job security, as I'm good at what I do. I haven't done drugs in 8 yrs. I did drink 6 beers this weekend, as I was vacationing at the Element hotel. You wouldn't know I feel the way I do upon 1st meeting me. I am quite aware of the utopia to be had that many people think is Lazy Land. If you like to spend your brief shot at consciousness working, then we have different ideas of fun.

edit on 20-6-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

Correction, I had 5 beers. My girlfriend had one before she opened her wine.
edit on 20-6-2011 by gentledissident because: beers on the wall

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by gentledissident

Originally posted by TinfoilTP And the other guy who wants free energy, robots to do the crap jobs and 20 hr work weeks for the lazy, along with half the the money from the hard workers, I am still laughing. I don't feel sorry for your type when they are in the soup line because with that attitude I just know they spend their govt handout foodstamps on booze and drugs and mope around feeling sorry for themselves instead of learning a skill to get work.
I work 40 hours, get paid pretty well, and have job security, as I'm good at what I do. I haven't done drugs in 8 yrs. I did drink 6 beers this weekend, as I was vacationing at the Element hotel. You wouldn't know I feel the way I do upon 1st meeting me. I am quite aware of the utopia to be had that many people think is Lazy Land. If you like to spend your brief shot at consciousness working, then we have different ideas of fun.

edit on 20-6-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

Correction, I had 5 beers. My girlfriend had one before she opened her wine.
edit on 20-6-2011 by gentledissident because: beers on the wall

Ok, and I believe everything posted on the internet.
Go have your pie in the sky, have a nice day.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP Ok, and I believe everything posted on the internet.
Are you hinting that you are trying to get my goat, and that I should not believe you are serious?

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75

Originally posted by AnimusInvictus
I wouldn't be so quick to sign up.
Signing up for anything is nerve-racking enough.
This site is a little fishy if you ask me.

Yes the problem with a group like Anonymous is that anyone with one of those masks, and some video editing software can make one of these videos and claim to be them.....I was a bit afraid to even check out the site, as the video itself seemed fishy to me. It seemed completely unlike anything I've seen them do in the was so vague......Anonymous Vs 'The System'?!?!....The message seemed quite politically charged too....Anon has always gone after individual groups/businesses that are doing wrong...they've never made such Political Statements....Not only that they've always been more Anti-Big Business....This video seemed the polar opposite, of the types of things I've seen from them in the past, with it's underlying message that the people have relied on their Government too much, and the 'System' is evil....They've never been vague like that....or called for outright revolution....and the whole 'buy gold' thing? That struck me as odd too....I've seen more than one 'conspiracy' site that turned out to be nothing but a front for some group that specializes in 'gold/precious metals' transactions.....I dunno....whole thing sounds incredibly suspicious to me.

Well gold/silver can't be sold over the counter after July 15th. So if you have the money, why not?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by nightmare_david

Good points.....

Ya know when I first heard of Anonymous, I thought the entire point of the group was that there really WAS no was anonymous simply for the reason that 'anyone' could be 'Anonymous'....At best it was a loose organization of hackers and activists with an ever changing membership....anyone could become part of Anonymous, one day...then step out of that role, for it to be filled by another...then step back in again freely if you chose to. There was no real central core making decisions, and that is what made it (in theory) consisted really, of an Idea.....An Idea that those Organizations that exist only to Deceive the rest of us, had better watch out....because they may fall victim to having their Secrets exposed by some Anonymous group.....Anonymous was a safe haven too, in theory at least....simply because there WAS no real one was pulling the was a movement that anyone could join, and do so 'anonymously', that tried to expose the Secrets of large I sort of thought that was the whole point of it.

Then I start hearing about Anonymous spoken of as if it were a genuine organization with specific agendas....their videos became less polished and more produced....I noticed people claiming to be Anonymous in the news only to have 'Anonymous' claim that it was not really them, but impostors! (such as with the Westboro Baptist Church incident).......Such a thing shouldn't be able to happen....Had I misunderstood the entire meaning behind Anonymous?.....Part of what made Anonymous safe was it's lack of leadership....or really even a core group...that was the point I thought. Of course that opens up the group to be used by others with their own specific agenda...and perhaps that was the fatal flaw....Still though, whoever is claiming to be Anonymous today is most certainly a group...with plans, and an Agenda....I don't think I'm being too paranoid to imagine that its the Government itself......though I doubt they started anonymous....I think they've fully taken on the role as the 'official' face of Anonymous. What better way to keep an eye on politically motivated hackers than to invite them to be part of the most famous group of Hackers today?

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