posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 07:29 PM
I believe magic to be "the ablilty to call the correct people. items or situations in to your reality, that will in some way benefit you or
I have read little on the subject, prefering to use visulisation within meditation. Any good practioner will make their own spells, as the personal
tends to work much better than the impersonal. As you practice, you learn what feels good, what works and how to ensure you include the necessary
A perfect example is, a few years back, I decided it was time for me to settle down with my perfect man. But I hadn't met him. So I had a chat with
him upstairs, giving a long list of all the qualities I felt I needed in a partner. The list was long and detailed! lol One year later, to the day I
became involved with the guy I had asked for. He had every like and personality trait I had requested. Not one was missing. I finally realised that
although my visualisation had worked exactly as I had planned, I had missed out the most important qualities of all, taking it for granted that this
perfect man would be honest, reliable, with integrity and moral decency.
I received exactly what I had asked for!!!!!!!!!
This post may sound silly, but we are human and therefore make mistakes. That mistake cost me my home along with a thriving business and my heart.
Money can be replaced, but emotionally I still haven't recovered, after all these years I still do not want anyone else.
My nan used to say, be care what you wish for, you just might get it! Becareful what you magic up, you may get exactly what you asked for, but that
may be the opposite of what you need, or what is good for you.
Take care with this, although powerful and life changing, it do not always give you a positive outcome.