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How likely is it that UFO's are indeed just secret military aircraft.

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posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 11:28 AM
The black triangles which were seen throughout the Uk in the early 90s and early 2000s was a experimental prot-type aircraft flown out of Warton on the Fylde coast just across the River Ribble near Banks and Southport. It nearly collided with a passenger plane coming in to land at Manchester airport, possible collided with a radio mast on Snaefell on the Isle Of Mann, and was also seen apparently emerging from the River Mersey hear in Liverpool. Local radio were quite happy to report about the triangular UFO seen by many thousands on a daily basis as this craft was being tested but when researchers started to let it be known that it was our unmanned answer to America's stealth the BBC clamped down and placed a D notice on it. From then on sightings weren't reported by the Beeb and most of the other radio stations followed their lead.
I also believe that it landed several times at a remote base named Machrihanish in Scotland and a contrevertial UFO researcher named Tim Matthews showed that it was this that caused the Belgium UFO flap.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 01:06 PM
Reply to post by ofhumandescent

I actually have that book "Alien Agenda". Funny thing is, when I bought it I wasn't much of a believer in aliens as I am today. And no, it isn't because of reading that book. I never got around to finishing it. What I did read was interesting.

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posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by TheMur
When all the evidence is compiled and what facts we know are brought forth, could all these UFO sighting really just be a catagory of military technology that is so secret that only a handful of top officals truely know about it?

It is impossible to know about "all UFO sightings." I do know for a fact (as in told first-hand from the CIA historian in an academic event) that certain early UFO sightings were, in fact, U-2 tests or operations, but were never acknowledged and were considered to be "UFOs". He said that he could discuss these now because they were now declassified. The implication of course that others remain classified.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

"They" are here.

"They" have been here with us since before Roswell.

Our government knows it, yet denies their existence, the question should be why?

If "They" are here, why are "They" hiding their existence?

That alone could explain the government's silence: they don't know jack either.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
Very few, imo.

Why would they test top secret aircraft over cities? Answer: They wouldn't. There is a reason they test these things over deserts, in controlled airspace. They would not test craft with odd or few lights over public airspace. They would not risk the public identifying secret aircraft. There is nothing to gain by doing that, but plenty to lose.

Not necessarily true. Think "cognitive stealth".

Also consider that many sightings are over less developed countries - some that we are not friendly with. We certainly wouldn't test aircraft out over enemy soil - or even allies soil. One mistake, and you hand over your cutting edge technology to a foreign nation.

Those probably weren't tests, they were operations. Read the link about Skyhook. They took some BIG risks, and yes, some payloads were shot down by the USSR, and Khrushchev banged his shoe about it. And the USSR probably got some very good photographic & recon technology that the USA wished they didn't, just as when they shot down the U-2 which had state of the art technology.

People also give far too much credit for our technology. I don't think we can do many of the maneuvars witnessed. For example: Terhan 1976 ufo incident - imo, there is no way that was a human created craft.

If the maneuvers were accurate---as opposed to being ECM. Tehran was front line of recon efforts in the Cold War. Could have been an SR-71, or a Soviet craft (they were excellent at rocketry) still unacknowledged or identified.

One of the pilots of the first jet interceptor, Yaddi Nazeri, estimated that the UFO was traveling somewhere between two and three thousand miles per hour. He said that the object "...was beyond my speed and power. The [later] F-4... also could not catch up to the object. That's when I thought, this is a UFO." Nazeri added that " country had this type of flying object, so I was thinking, this craft is from another planet."

Clearly the pilot was incorrect about what country could have "this type of flying object", as such speeds were achieved by the early 1960's. The USSR had to use high altitude rockets (not aircraft) to down the U-2, and probably couldn't even do so to a SR-71 without some good luck and planning.

Reading the description on Wikipedia of the event, it sounds a lot like somebody tracking a SR-71 or Soviet equivalent, and the craft dropping IR flares to deceive AA missiles. And no, they wouldn't tell the Iranian Air Force.
edit on 15-6-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:48 PM
Perhaps this is a timeline of what has happened:

Extraterestrials descover Earth, they find it the perfect "petidish' for life, They soon either create mankind or geneticlly "play" with mankind in order to create a more intelligent species.

During mankinds early days (egyptians, mayans etc) they continue to closely monitor and at times help them, as Ets would be looked at like gods and not like an invading army.

As mankind progresses through the years, Ets continue to monitor but not so much help as man becomes more and more violent and intelligent.

Early 1900 -1950 world wars break out and mankind leaps in there technological triumphs, the Atom bomb is created and now Extraterestrials are more concered as mankind now has the ability to destroy themselfs 10x over, Ets contiune to watch and at times intervine to prevent catastrophies. (after all they dont want there petridish expieriment to kill itself off)

1950 - to modern day, Rosewell incident happens, which breaks the ice. Ets come to the US goverment (possibly others as well) introductions are made, the facts are told and a true or treaty is set in place. Mankind over these years make enourmous stride in technology gained from the possible crash at rosewell or alittle help from Ets( like they did for the Egyptians and possibly mayans) Ets become reclusive and monitor less as steps are set in place to reduce the number of weapons we can use to kill ourselfs with.( nuclear treaty between US and Russia)
Mankinds or American tech is far more advanced now and that is what we see 90% of the time.

how does that sound? Accams razor...

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 04:01 PM

confirms some of the above.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel

Clearly the pilot was incorrect about what country could have "this type of flying object", as such speeds were achieved by the early 1960's. The USSR had to use high altitude rockets (not aircraft) to down the U-2, and probably couldn't even do so to a SR-71 without some good luck and planning.

Reading the description on Wikipedia of the event, it sounds a lot like somebody tracking a SR-71 or Soviet equivalent, and the craft dropping IR flares to deceive AA missiles. And no, they wouldn't tell the Iranian Air Force.
edit on 15-6-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

Too simple an explanation...firstly, there's the question of the temporary systems failure on multiple aircraft when they got too close or tried to fire missiles. Then there's the question of why the US/USSR were operating super secret craft at a height of a few thousand feet (it hit 2,500 ft in one manoeuvre) with incredibly bright lights (visibility of 70 miles). And the fact that it was stationary for a while before the F4s were scrambled.

I just find it very difficult to fit the black project tag to cases such as this and the Belgium UFO wave. Obviously, the potential for a huge international relations disaster would've been massive, especially in 1976. The Belgian one too - not to mention the fact that by that point, the US had some pretty good stealth tech. Considering there was some pretty astonishing radar data collected during the incident, surely that's not something you'd want another country to get their hands on?

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by PhineasCousland

Re The Belgium Triangle incident. An extremely contrevertial writer and UFO investigator who used to live in Southport, Tim Matthews, author of a book about Nazi UFOs, once gave a lecture in Liverpool where he tracked the black triangle from the moment it took off down south (I forget the base) to the moment it was chased by the Belgium airforce. He had maybe a dozen or so sightings of it heading along the south coast towards the continent, and I believe he also had recordings of Tornado pilots escorting this triangle which they named the Black Bull.
The reason they get away with test flying their secret aircraft over populated areas is because if a sighting gets in the newspapers they dont ask a defence expert what it could be, or even interview a credited UFO investigator, but they wheel out one of the all to numerous UFO nutters to claim what was seen was a Venusian scoutship! The Ufologists are their own worst enemies...

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:51 PM
I think a lot of the modern sighting are military aircraft, but not all of them.

I lived in Phoenix 20 years ago and when out in the Superstition mountains with friends one night we saw what I was convinced at the time was an alien craft. We tore down the mountain on edge over what we saw and to this day one of the girls refuses to accept it wasn't one.

I have since realized that it was a quiet helicopter, since they have come out about the rotor blade technology that quiets helicopters down considerably. Pics of the rotor blades of the downed Spec Ops chopper from the Osama raid are of this type. It allows the helicopter to do maneuvers that were thought impossible for rotor winged aircraft 5 or 10 years ago. And that manueverability combined with the lack of traditional chopper noise would explain everything we saw it do.

The other one I am interested in are these massive black wedges. I've read that they military transport craft capable of lifting amazing loads and flying them long distances with minimal feul use. When I say amazing I'm talking about tank divisions, entire units with everything in their MTOE. I have no way of knowing if it's true, and can't find much about them on the web, but I think that's what people saw a couple years back over Indiana and Illinois. It was followed by police cars who called in their progress as they followed it. Then you heard nothing.

Anyone know what I'm talking about.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:53 PM
It would only be logical to assume that some of the UFOs reported to be out there, some of them are of human origins.

But it would be impossible to dismiss all UFO reports as something that man has secret.

The universe is big, maybe even infinite, other beings out there are not millions if not billions of years ahead of. Just because we have no evidence of them doesnt rule them out.

Same with UFOs. I find downed UFOs to be the most interesting. At least them it is possible to theorize someone has seen one.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by truthseeker3000

Even if you dismiss the "Ancient Aliens" TV series,... there is no denying that E.T.'s have been to our planet and/or are still here,...

I just finished listening to Icke talk about the moon being a possible "structured" sphere that monitors our planet, built by reptilians who knows how long ago,...

The African Zulu tribes considered the moon an "egg",... hollow...and its arrival brought about the destruction of the early successes of Man,... the Great Destruction of earth came about as a result of this artificial structure being "placed" in orbit....

That theory explains some of the stragneness of the moon,... like:

Earth's magnetic field just isn't large enough to have been able to attract such a large object like the Moon...

there are MANY other moon anomolies that can't be explained... this is on eof the big secrest of Astronomy...

Yes,... I'm sure I will feel the wrath of scientists with a plethora of data to explain why the moon just happens to be in PERFECT orbital distance to PERFECTLY block the Sun,... while maintaining what is explained as "tidal lock" effect that conveniently keeps the far side of the Moon away from Earth,...

to those that say life could not evolve on Earth without the tides...B.S.!!!

That is speculation beyond speculation...

To say the earth would be devoid of life without hte Moon is absurd, say the least... what an arrogant statement!

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by coastlinekid
Even if you dismiss the "Ancient Aliens" TV series,... there is no denying that E.T.'s have been to our planet and/or are still here,...
What do you mean there's no denying it?

I haven't even seen the slightest hint that aliens have ever been to earth, and I've watched I think every episode of the "Ancient Aliens" TV series. I do admire Tsoukalos' hairdo though, it's quite novel.

But seriously, it looks to me like everybody claiming the ancient aliens is putting 2 and 3 together to come up with 7, it just doesn't add up.

I'm not saying it's impossible aliens may have been to Earth in the past, I think maybe it's possible, and that's one reason I watched the show, to see some of the evidence, but what I really say was mostly a lack of evidence or people grossly misinterpreting evidence to fit their belief system. My belief system is that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Can you cite even one example of extraordinary evidence for ancient aliens?

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I strongly belive in aliens and think they are here however, in our modern times i would think that most are just secret military aircraft.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel

If the maneuvers were accurate---as opposed to being ECM. Tehran was front line of recon efforts in the Cold War. Could have been an SR-71, or a Soviet craft (they were excellent at rocketry) still unacknowledged or identified.

Certainly you aren't referring to the sighting involving the Iranian fighter pilots? You think the object described could have been an SR-71? In what way does that fit?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:06 AM
My friends firstly I wanna say is "MrMysterion face palms himself"

The technological advancement of the military technology is not the cause of such things. Secondly yes they use these air crafts but it is not our technology and it is by the share fact that people are so silly to see the suspicious connection of technological advancement.

1. You do not go from horse, wheel to space travel and weapons of mass destruction.

2. The jumps of tech is way too far to be call evolutionary stages which is why bzzzz you are wrong.

3. The military would not be flying in the wide open on their flashy crafts like this.

4. All the sightings involved different races and beings that piloted the crafts.

Which is why it involves an outside group and further more which is why it disproves the possibility of it being military crafts.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by MrMysterion
My friends firstly I wanna say is "MrMysterion face palms himself"

The technological advancement of the military technology is not the cause of such things. Secondly yes they use these air crafts but it is not our technology and it is by the share fact that people are so silly to see the suspicious connection of technological advancement.

1. You do not go from horse, wheel to space travel and weapons of mass destruction.

2. The jumps of tech is way too far to be call evolutionary stages which is why bzzzz you are wrong.

3. The military would not be flying in the wide open on their flashy crafts like this.

4. All the sightings involved different races and beings that piloted the crafts.

Which is why it involves an outside group and further more which is why it disproves the possibility of it being military crafts.

Ray Kurzweil would disagree with you.

I highly recommend you check him out.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by TheMur

Ufo's are definitely military aircraft.

Nikola Tesla did work on them and he even published his dynamic theory of gravity.The papers of that theory are classified today while the papers on how to make hydrogen bomb are not.

The Nazis in ww2 relaid heavily on his research and made great advances in antigravity, as a part of Hitler's super weapons project.Which also made the jet engine and v2 rockets.

Later, as part of the Operation paperclip, antigravity craft were produced and continued advancing as the years passed.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Black121

I do not think this is pure human invention. Turning 90 degrees at speeds at which your body would... deteriorate or you will simply die, and all this done by humans? Nah, not all.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 07:41 AM
I haven't seen any "glowing spheres" that do nothing but float back n forward, nor have i seen any flying saucers...

i have however seen something that looked like half of an arrowhead with a silent burner on its rear that didn't behave like a normal vehicle, i posted my story up on the forums with some pretty low class pictures i did in paint xD and after a bit of talk it was drawn up to being some sort of military craft (due to the triangular like shape)

and i personally have for a long time believed that "UFOs" are toys not being shared with all of us.

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