People are not movie characters you know, and we are real flesh creatures, so have hardened black hearts and souls, and us have lighter colored hearts
and souls called light, beasts and marks of the devil is stuff that matrix dreamers and atlantis serching souls need to dream as they have little
direction in life from thier religions, and I wish them luck with breaking thru the lies they grew up with, as I did...
O hby the way, the beast is a symbol, devolped to scare men all times and its actuall a type error in the books and should read " the liers who wrote
for if you recall men used to be stupid, oh sorry we are still in exile, we are still dealing with our stupidity, anyhow refute lies, and challenge
all that you know other than the old testament, why ????????
Take a guess bro.......
No didn't get it, well black and white here written just for you.....
The bible old testament was given to man for mans understanding of this world and to grasp a taste of the divine, and help change this lowly world so
G-D can come live with us.................?
Or why else would there be so much secret and lies and murder.....
IOW people faith is the only ground that is firm........... Wait dont leave this idea in your mind, try develop it.....
Eg, you each have unlimited faith in something, the sun and moon?
Its going to rise and set today, tomorrow, etc right, or wrong? this is faith..
An easier one... You have faith your going to relive yourselves soon, right, no , i mean did you even have to worry if this was going to occur, or
not, no you just belive that its going to work, like it did last time .......Faith
More ...Ok
Do you even worry for a second ever, about the air becoming polluted that you die from no air?????????
Oh you in the back please stand up....
Sorry sir where do you live?
Ah irag, ok you have worry, cool but anyone else ever worried about this for 24 hours ever, or even once??????????/
This is called faith people, and its an unconditional, inbred aspect of man/woman/children, etc, wierd but true you know.....
but here are those kats whoever they MASK themselves as and trick or treat us to whatever well buy, dare/truth of a lie/ scary movies or whatever the
hell they want us to be led in like those german nazi freeking murderous cancerous blood sucking the life out of the good to feed the evil, and they
won, yes they won for how many year , but guess what....
NAZI amalek twins... you won the battle not the WAR
Anyhow if you find lies keep hold it reveal to the wrold your find and then smile towards heaven as your creator wants to see you smile for his good
ness he allows you 24 hours a day since the beginning of creation...
Go search each in your own knowledgale areas and dig, dig dig, lets see what we find...
My words are recorded and my word is a bond between this world and the next.....
If you die then you were on to something so dont freeking die, just battle until you win the war, but dont get killed in your quest dudes..
May you be Blessed With speed and the truth...