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Originally posted by Jugtalicus
Tell this to all the people in third world countries who have no choice but to succumb to these ever hungry corporations and be absorbed into them as cheap labor.
Tell this to the food that you eat. Its barely food.
They have poisoned our food, our music, our government, our education and our values.
I'm sorry but in MY opinion, you are wrong.
edit: Not to mention the political whores who work as an extension of these corporationsedit on 14-6-2011 by Jugtalicus because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by pcrobotwolf
reply to post by gncnew
someone has been reading atlas shrug you sound like my professor in my business class, Truth be told a corporation gives its larger share holders control over the corporations hence the problem of greed. They will cut cost to receive greater profits even if that means shipping all the jobs to china or some other 3rd world country in doing this they push the middle class into the lower class all in the name of profit.
Originally posted by gnosticquasar
When people speak of corporate greed, they are actually talking about the greed of those at the very top of the corporation who do the actual controlling and decision making (i.e. board of directors, executives, etc.). They are referring to the fact that in many corporations, the executives will get their millions in bonuses the same year that they "have" to layoff thousands of lower employees and many other actions like it.
To apply your analogy in the sense that we mean when we speak of corporate greed, we could say that a this chair making man built up an empire. He retired, leaving the empire to the Board of Directors, and they chose a CEO from amongst themselves. Now, when sales numbers for the quarter were a half percentage under forecast, these folks decide that they'll have to close the original plant in Vermont and move it to China. They lay off thousands of people. The small town that had depended upon the factory for its livelihood for over fifty years is decimated. The Board of Directors still get their million dollar bonuses. Nobody does anything about it, and the once middle class town is now rife with poverty.
Originally posted by James1982
When a corporation puts their profit above the rights and quality of life of others, I feel that's a bad thing.
When a corporation exploits and destroys our environment, and then lobbies the government so that they can exploit it even MORE, I feel that's a bad thing.
There is nothing wrong with wealth and making money. However, there is something wrong with the control large corporations have, as the destruction of the environment, and people's quality of life.
Large companies get rich off the labor of the "little guy" from the purchases by the "little guy" and from the rights they are granted from the country they operate in. Because of this they owe the country, and the people, that made them great.
If you deny that corporations have tried to control and lie to the America people, you are lying to yourself. Look at Aspartame, look at GMO foods. Monsanto is making people sick, and ruining the environment. In your opinion this is OK, is that what you are saying?
The option is to not support a company that you don't agree with. But that is getting more and more difficult to do, as pretty much everything around is now a monopoly of the industry. THAT is not right, we should have the choice to support corporation A or corporation B, but many time we don't, because corporation A corrupted the government into putting policy in place that edges out corporation B.
Without corporations we would still have jobs. To say otherwise is ridiculous, and a flat out lie. Small business is far better for the economy than big corporations are.
Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
Tell that to the Bank executives from the " Too big to fail banks" that received Multi million dollar bonuses, after they received tax money from the government to help keep them afloat. Tell that to the people who see the greed in their eyes.
Watch them spit in your face and laugh as they walk away if you ask them to give that money back or to maybe donate to a charity.... Oh no, they couldn't do that, THAT would be selfless..... But they aren't that. They are greedy and selfish.
That is truth.
Originally posted by endlessknowledge
What a load of crap.
Obviously not every corporation is evil and bad but your chair maker example is not illustrative of reality.
As you said, the main goal of corporations is to make a profit. So how can that not be a problem if the corporation produces weapons for example, and a peace treaty might make them obsolete. Do you think they will support such treaty??? How about medicine companies that make a living from people being sick, do you think they will ever show us a cure for a disease that might make their drugs useless??? How about a prepackaged food producer that has a chance to lower its cost by adding high-fructose corn syrup to their food, do you think they will pass up on the extra profits??? What about a tobacco company get the picture I hope.
It's simplistic to blame corporations for all of our problems, but it's plain ignorant to dismiss all the harm they have caused and in turn defend them. You should be ashamed.
Originally posted by WhoKnows100
OP, how wrong you read the awakening of society.
It is NOT about jealousy of the wealthy
It is the realisation that our government has sold out the PEOPLE in favour of allowing corporations to rape society at all costs - pollution, poverty, jobs and freedom for the sake of massive profits to corporations.
It is the realisation that our government has put Corporate GREED first, above creating a society that is based on innovation which could benefit MANKIND.
It is the realisation that our government sold their souls to the Devil.
Yes bite the hand that feeds see where it will get you. The fact that the businesses started in this country and had been fund by loans which come from our tax payer money is the reason if got off the ground in the first place. The business isn't going to tank its going to level off and yes I'm ok with that like a smart person i will not hold all my eggs in one basket and will get shares in other companies uping the overall growth of the US market. Its people like you that are killing the market thinking that profit should rise continuously without having to wait a couple of years.
Originally posted by gncnew
Originally posted by pcrobotwolf
reply to post by gncnew
someone has been reading atlas shrug you sound like my professor in my business class, Truth be told a corporation gives its larger share holders control over the corporations hence the problem of greed. They will cut cost to receive greater profits even if that means shipping all the jobs to china or some other 3rd world country in doing this they push the middle class into the lower class all in the name of profit.
That's their job though. Share holders (like us) tend to whine when our portfolios drop. When's the last time you looked at your retirement account - saw the 20% loss - and said "good! We didn't exercise any corporate greed this quarter!"
Again - Government is the problem, not the "corporations".