I have done a lot of reading into how magnetic fields and interplanetary alignments are and how they coexist in a relatively close neighbor hood of
respect. You know, how the Universe contains so many solar systems and how they all seem to hang in the vastness of nothingness.A void with an
infinity aspect to it. The discovery of the so called "Black Matter" ideology has always peaked my attention of interest. The usual question's how,
when , why and whats of how it was to come too be. Einstein set the standards for it to have a "Fabric" of space/time continuum. The bending of
light as it passes through this perspective unseen field of line of sight. But to me , there was something actually missing for the explanation of the
true motions of the solar systems throughout the Universe that truly boggles my mind. What was the interaction of said solar systems to one another
and the implications of there being a force driven perpetual natural motion machine powered by none other than magnetism in a vacuum of the space/time
Then it dawned on me that there "May" be an answer to this riddle of my confusion. Most MS sciences accept the "Big Bang" theory as a factual and
acceptable event, and have basically accepted as it to be the answer for the creation of the Universe as we know it.There have been numerous studies
into this implication of explanation of what has came from where and how it all fits together in the whole scheme of things that are currently and
relatively accepted by all members of the scientific community as "Proven", but with the "Black Matter" issue being relatively new to the paradigm
of these implications, and without explanation of why it exists, it became relevant that there was more to these questions than just what has been
brought to the table for discussion.
Perpetual motion has always fascinated me, and the Universe is the best place to witness this phenomena. The vastness blows my mind of the forces
involved and the energy necessary to with stand such tests of time. But, with all things said, there has to be explanation of the power plant that
evolving this massive machine. This is when my thoughts became more a tuned too the basis of the magnetic influences of our Universe and the
implications of the "Black Matter" as too being a somewhat of a "Carbon" footprint of the existence of energy becoming visible after being spent
and returned to another form of existing material or state of being.
There are few serious papers written on the fact that magnetism does create a form of friction. But, none the less, there are people that find these
thing's vital to understanding our current state of affairs for furthering the understanding of these implications and there importance to the
Hypothetical implications being prudent to a Universal understanding (Pun intended..LOL) The "Carbon Footprint" I had mentioned earlier is a prime
example of this hypothesis. "Black Matter" could very well be the magnetism spent state of being and that the Universe as we know it is running out
of fuel for perpetual energy and therefore could one day have a devastating end. Though magnetism is best created by nature, it too has it's limits
when being submitted to uses beyond it's parameters of expectancy. The principles are the same, it is just a larger scale of the Universes magnetism
Accepting that the Universe is expanding is a given, but when one finds that the culprit could be the very thing that protects us from harmful UV and
GR from our own sun, this means that the perpetual motion theories do have shelf life's. The greater the force of magnetism, the longer the shelf
life, but regardless, it doe have it's limited life expectancy.
Now, I hope you don't think I am losing it, but it just so happens, after years of pondering these hypothetical contingent ideas, there are some
remarkable new discoveries that are being found out with our technology that supports my theory of exhausting magnetic fields in our Universe. For
instance, the NASA space lab has discovered massive 100 million mile wide magnetic bubbles at the edge of our universe conversing into a massive blob,
this, my supports my secret ideology that the magnetic field is expanding to and beyond the reaches of current solar systems and possibly dissipating
into oblivion, and there is nothing we can do about it , except for apparently watch it happen now. Here's the article for this event discovery;
NASA explains: Like Earth, our sun has a magnetic field with a north and south pole. The field lines are stretched outward by the solar wind or
a stream of charged particles emanating from the star that interacts with material expelled from others in our corner of the Milky Way galaxy. "The
sun's magnetic field extends all the way to the edge of the solar system. Because the sun spins, its magnetic field becomes twisted and wrinkled, a
bit like a ballerina's skirt. Far, far away from the sun, where the Voyagers are now, the folds of the skirt bunch up," said astronomer Merav Opher
of Boston University.
The Edge of the Universe is home to 100 million mile
wide magnetic Bubbles
Here's a PDF on the findings and theory of magnetism interaction with magnetism outside of each other study. The PDF is a long read with scientific
notation, which I have to Google or ask .com it to understand it wholly, (Sure there will be some of you able to read it and understand it with out he
Google and all that though..LOL) but it is ironic how all of my thoughts and theoretical ideology seems to be coming full circle with these under
studied theories and with the NASA finding of these Magnetic bubbles, interconnected none the less, which would create even more validating friction
implications, to support my hypothesis of the perpetual Universe being in an unstable and not so infinite process of existence. I always thought that
magnetic force would be in a circular pattern of massive pockets, here it is for me to see, absolutely mind blowing to me, I didn't ever think I
would be so accurate with an assumption of such great magnitude too my personal understanding of self perceptions..."WOW!!" is all I can reiterate
about how I feel with my current thought perceptions. For some reason, I can't get the PDF to download for too share with you, I will have to use the
ask .com method to get it too you for your scrutiny. I copied link location, hope this works.
Model for current sheets and X-ray bright points
Sorry about the format of this link post, but it was the only way to share it with you. I suppose these are the indelible implications of what "Black
Matter" could be created from and what lies a head as our static Universe becomes slowly dormant and docile? Though I don't have the mathematics of
it all, the theory I have is relevant with these new finding's none the less.
Wish I would have shared these thoughts sooner with you here on the ATS forums too substantiate my hypothesis on this matter, just didn't have
relevant and substantial scientific inquiries to back my ideologies up for respectable intuitive argument. Let me know what you think of my hypothesis
of this potential quark of perception..."Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you all about this possible epiphany I have had."