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ANONYMOUS: Bernanke is next

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posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by FTD Brat

Which group of sheeple are you talking about? this place is filled with sheeple are you talking about them? or the people who don't visit here?

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by aivlas

All of the sheeple. There are far too many!

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 05:18 PM
Never happen...JMO though

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I don't know what you take me for but I know pretty damn well what Anon is (hard to explain) and I know pretty well of the governments attempts to hijack Anon. I have been there from the beginning and I have seen it evolve and devolve.
It has been tried and tried and tried a few more times to hijack Anon with the same results, namely FAILURE which forces them to do Cyber false-flags and blame it on anon to somehow gain more control. Don't get me wrong, there are a few idiots here and there who have no clue what they are involved in but the hundreds of cores (Self-aware) that anon has remain hidden and have tentacles that span the entire globe. Some are even Anon without knowing.

I think the problem that causes this difference of opinion between you and me is that you identify a group of individuals that call themselves "Anonymous" and you label them as THE Anonymous group. That's your problem right there and I don't blame you or anyone else on the outside for that misconception. You have to have been on the "inside" (lack of a better word) for a long time before you understand just what Anonymous is and why it is so critical for the OpFor to gain control over Anon.

Please take this from me, Anonymous is extremely hard to define and there are no rules to define "membership". Heck, membership doesn't even exist. It's all about your willingness to identify yourself with an idea and what you choose to do with it. Anon isn't just a group of hackers or basement-dwellers or serial killers or anarchists who spend time on 4Ch (As I said, both good AND evil). It's much bigger than that. The mere difficulty that someone like me has who was there from the very beginning, trying to explain just what it is should already speak louder than words. The "group-dynamics" between the different "factions" and "cores" are extremely complex and it reaches farther than only the Internet.

For the record, I am not a hacker and I have never breached somebody eases' privacy over the Internet and as we all can agree, I am no longer "Anonymous" since being anon requires just that- Anonymity. However, I can share my experiences and beliefs of what Anon was and what it has become since I have that knowledge through experience.


posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by MrWendal
Let us say that I think Boondock-Saint is purposely misleading people and I set out to prove it. Do I first warn Boondock of my intentions? Or instead do I keep my mouth shut, allow Boondock to continue as he always has, compile my evidence, present it, and take him by surprise?

Again this is only an example, Boon thanks for participating

you're welcome

I'll expect a royalty check
from the Actors Union Guild
within a couple weeks

and this:

"allow Boondock to continue as he always has"

I'm gonna have to request some new writers
for this material. That's not in my union contract.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by edog11
I don't know what you take me for but I know pretty damn well what Anon is

Did you also know that 1 in 4 Anon members
are FBI Informants ????

who do you think they work for ???

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Wow, I've never even heard of that before. Very interesting stuff.

That is the beauty of anonymous though. They are everyone while also being no one.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Oh PLEASE don't be ridiculous
1/4 of "Anonymous" on 4ch alone is at least 5-10x more people than what the FBI and CIA have COMBINED, depending on what time of year it is. As I said, the biggest problem is that you, like most others, mis-identify Anonymous. It's like when you want to refer to a certain species of elephants, you instead say "mammal" which is correct since elephants are mammals, but you fail to bring your point across because instead of narrowing the possible group you are referring to, you broaden them.

There isnt much to infiltrate. That type of anonymous groups you are referring to have virtually NO leadership structure as I stated before. Anonymous shares one aspect with for example the mythical Al-Qaida- they "both" operate in cells with no real knowledge over other cells/cores. To gain that kind of knowledge, you must have been there when it branched off into thousands of different directions and started expanding over the net.
It originated on the internet in the 90's and expanded rapidly when 4chan was created in late 2003 by "m00t".
When m00t sold out to TPTB at around 2006, anon spread to other places over the Internet and started growing exponentially (to this day).

Continuing with this "kind of anon" you are referring to (It's almost like a new species so forgive me for using weird or confusing terminology.):
Each cell/core is different. Each cell acts/reacts differently and has different ways of "protesting" or fighting.

Some are extremely chaotic and do DDOS attacks on random sites like Mastercard, Visa and Sarah Palin's, with not much positive result. Others hack secure servers and leak highly classified documents (Read 2 extremely interesting ones involving Lockheed Skunk-works + unknown, extremely advanced tech back in the days when I was active).

Other cells are more sophisticated and carry out counter psy-ops but these are usually very small groups of highly skilled hackers who are talented in a certain area. I don't have much knowledge on "that kind of anon" since it's dangerous to affiliate yourself with them but I have seen some of their work and it wouldn't surprise me if they were active/ex CIA/NSA who have seen to much nasty # to remain passive (Maybe Assange? I don't know, he fits the bill). Others yet are idiots who accept a leadership structure in their own cell and forfeit the ONLY strength anonymous has over TPTB which is that there is no leadership structure to hijack or destroy. These anon are referred to as "cancer" by groups of anon that are on the same level and who also share the same goals. These are also usually the "Newfags" (inside terminology) that do it for "teh lulz".

I haven't even scratched the surface yet. All I can say is that it's an extremely sophisticated group of individuals varying from murderers to military officers to Intelligence analysts to housewives who have something in common:
They KNOW something is wrong with the world, something some of them can't quite figure out but they can feel it and they are just FED UP of how we are being treated by the elite.
REAL CHANGE- be it good or bad. That's anons' trademark if I had to give it one.

Originally posted by FTD Brat
reply to post by boondock-saint

Wow, I've never even heard of that before. Very interesting stuff.

That is the beauty of anonymous though. They are everyone while also being no one.

Exactly! You, my friend, get it!

edit on 13-6-2011 by edog11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:31 PM
Is this the anonymous Anonymous?

Let the games begin.

Elephant isn't bad when cooked right, by the way.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by edog11
There is no leadership structure. It's complete chaos. Anon is raw human nature because there are no social rules and no rules of conduct. Anon is good and evil. You want your voice to be heard? PARTICIPATE! Not their/our fault if some don't get involved, its do or die for as far as we are concerned.

boy good grief are you in the dark

you have no idea what you are involved in.

Anon is a Gov entity and driven by Gov
goals and is funded by Gov funds.
You are not a vigilante, you are a victim.
You have been had !!! The sooner u realize this,
the better. The Secret Shadow Gov sets up the
agendas and passes on what it wants accomplished
and uses kids to do their dirty work for them so
they can keep their hands clean. And some do
go to jail as scapegoats like the 5 from England
who went to prison for Operation Payback.
You sir need the real education

Anon is a Gov Psy-Op

You know ANON sounds just like
WIKILEAKS and Julian Assange..

Who is going to replace the numbskull?

This is all a gov psy-op, wikileaks (THE GOV WANTED THAT INFO OUT)
The Gov. wants to crackdown on the internet....

I'm no mathematician but when I put 2 and 2 together I get 4...
What do you get???

The only person i'd like to see hung for treason IS ASSANGE!!!
That's because I don't like his little rat face...

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

I'm not gonna voice my opinion on Assange but I want to ask you, exactly how is it justifiable for the USA to charge a non-US citizen for treason? You feel that the USA is above the law? Assange is in no shape, way or form required to be loyal to the USA, regardless of your and my feeling about the man or rat or however you perceive him.

If the USA is allowed to charge him for treason and execute him, then so should China be allowed to charge US citizen for treason and execute them.


posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by edog11
reply to post by hillynilly

I'm not gonna voice my opinion on Assange but I want to ask you, exactly how is it justifiable for the USA to charge a non-US citizen for treason? You feel that the USA is above the law? Assange is in no shape, way or form required to be loyal to the USA, regardless of your and my feeling about the man or rat or however you perceive him.

If the USA is allowed to charge him for treason and execute him, then so should China be allowed to charge US citizen for treason and execute them.


My point is Assange was used by the Gov. for their own agenda.
Like Assange used Manning for his own agenda.
Just like ANON is being used by the Gov. for their own agenda.
Like ANON used those dimwitted (haxers) computers
(to download a proggy mostly teens) to use as servers to do a DOS attack.
who face REAL federal charges now!!

Manning used as a pawn LOCKED UP FOREVER!
Assange gets off scott free..
Script kiddies used as pawns are facing federal charges..
ANON gets off scott free.

The banker elites steal your money

Look who is left holding the proverbial bag!

There is nothing good that will come about from these
two groups i'm here to tell you now..

If you think ANON and wikileaks is for the working man
(the little guys) your wrong,

Why give the Gov. a reason to *f* us*

Terrorist sure gave the TSA a reason to finger us

Anon is going to give the Gov. a reason to bring an end to the free web as we know it...
It does not hurt THEM

Open your Eyes!!!
edit on 13-6-2011 by hillynilly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by edog11

Goddamn #ing right, you took the words out of my mouth. This boondocks saint guy is ill informed. Sorry you just heard about anon the the past year due to the media. You must understand that the global elite want to use anon, but it just doesn't work like that. Sure they can pretend to be, like this video.

This video is not "the" anon, but its some anonymous person, sitting around, wanting to do something. That is what makes the beauty of anonymous. The feds do not understand anonymous, only anonymous does.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by smartbuddy

Oh my god.

I just found out who Anonymous is.

Listen to the voice.


posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

...but you are wrong they are not against us. We can understand what is real and correct. Of course they will us us, but we understand. Not just anonymous, but people who understand. Can't it be obvious to us who is in charge? We all know the global elite have been controlling us for centuries.

Sure the global elite will use anon as a weapon, but this isn't "anon" its some random youtube video, it is anonymous, some random person, with an idea.

This is all.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:42 PM
LOL, After I saw the video, I had a nightmare that the earth split in half and ANON came by with his ship, and picked up the survivors and we all had to listen to him.
I guess tomorrow will be interesting.

edit on 13-6-2011 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by TypeSH2001

Exactly. The Fed Chairman is a temporary spokesperson and public "face" for the Fed that comes and goes. The owning families are the real power and they're a permanent fixture - we're talking Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, Harriman, Carnegie, Warburg, etc. here. The media NEVER reports about these extremely wealthy and powerful people, the most powerful people in the world. They're well hidden from society and need to be exposed once and for all.

Now you are talking.

Theses families are global, Swiss, Cayman, Argentina...need I go on? I assumed this was a local fight, but am happy to go international. No one is angrier than I at what off shore banking has done to the US economy...well, for that matter, all economies of the world!

Your list is impressive. There are at minimum 55 families, some have listed 93.

Know this, children of your aforementioned families plus have fled to safe houses to leave the treachery of their families. Their numbers are growing.

Again, please understand, we have a serious quadrangle: the mutli-national corporations, the families, the off- worlders and the secret societies. All working together.

Further, know this, there is no safe media outlet. But, have heart, when the families are exposed, it will all fall...

And we will prevail.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:50 PM
Just pointing out again... this is the work of a guy who's anything but Anonymous .. his name is David DeGraw and he's been trying to light this fire for months, it's a good effort and he's trying to harness the power of "Anonymous" by making an official looking video.. but this operation is of his own invention.

It would be great if it worked.. sure seems to have done well at being convincing..

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:54 PM
That's funny - I had a nightmare too - I was going in to do a job and rescue some folks but half my team turned out to be PLO and they took me captive- one of the dudes was a kung foo expert I'd known since I was a kid.
They kept saying you can't really be anonymous if you know who you are working for, so don't work for anyone but yourself. lol

Crazy. Woke up with a headache.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

Your joking right?

Why give the Gov. a reason to *f* us* Terrorist sure gave the TSA a reason to finger us Anon is going to give the Gov. a reason to bring an end to the free web as we know it... It does not hurt THEM IT HURTS US!!!!

You honestly think they need a reason to do what they are doing? You WAKE UP! If they
can't find a reason they will create one. How many times have they done so in the past?
What do you think...TPTB grew halo's?

OMG! Why don't you just quick get under the covers and hide? Maybe it'll all go away
but for God's Sake don't give them a reason to look this way....

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