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Metallic taste in mouth now being reported in Japan and US west coast — Telltale sign of radiation

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posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by blackrain17

Hi blackrain. I believe that in the video, Mr. Gundersen points out that 'filter tests' were done as these were 'hot particles' not easily detected by usual means. I'm hoping to embed video as my original post no longer seems to lead directly there.

Update - couldn't get embed to work, so please see -

edit on 6/15/2011 by ShakaDoodle because: attempting to provide direct link to video.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by ShakaDoodle

The coughing - I am here in the N.E (US). and also have been having an odd persistant cough for the last month. Not the same as the usual allergy sinus type. It also has created some breathing issues at night. Not to instill fear - but noteworthy to report in similar conditions in this region. My friends and neighbors have also reported similar complaints.
edit on 05/25/2011 by biteme because: typo in report

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Out here in the West Coast of Canada the constant theme amongst people are complaints of lack of energy and body aches. That which keeps getting repeated is that these aches and the lethargy are far more acute than the normal ones. People seem to feel weakened and crappy all the time. I have also spoken to people who report this metallic taste in their mouths.

There is also a type of flu that is without vomiting or diarrehea. It doesn't appear to be a typical flu by any means. The symptoms are complete muscle weakness so that you can barely get out of bed, mild nausea with a lack of appetite. People seem to be confused as to why they are feeling like this but few are making any possible connections with the fukushima world disaster.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by biteme

I'm sure you could ask the same people any time of the year, even before the meltdown and you would have got a similar response.

People feel like that all the time

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 07:20 AM
Southern California, Los Angeles area here. My mother and I recently came down with a very odd cough about two or three weeks ago. No other cold symptoms, cough is still persisting as of now. I feel this heaviness in my lungs whenever I take a breath and it causes me to cough, seems to get worse when I lay down and it makes it hard to fall asleep. I've learned to breathe a little lighter I guess you could say, to lessen the frequency of the coughs as deeper breaths make it worse. They keep talking about a "whooping cough epidemic" on the radio and telling us to go get our children vaccinated... this isn't whooping cough. It's fairly mild, just a bit annoying. I do have allergies but they are not acting up any worse than usual, my sinuses aren't anymore congested than usual, no itchy watery eyes. I also have very low grade asthma that never really bothers me unless I'm very physically active (exercise induced). I have never experienced this kind of cough without showing any other symptoms of being sick. I'm not fatigued, I don't feel particularly lousy, this is just odd and no OTC medication has helped thus far.

As for the strange tastes, I have had some recently but I can't exactly pin it as "metallic", it's something else I don't really know how to explain and probably completely unrelated. I do continuously drink fluids throughout the day because being without a drink for too long leads to the uncomfortable taste in my mouth and I have to wash it out with something.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Homedawg

I can attest to the cough epidemic, seeing as how I am still getting over it. Two rounds of antibiotics and steroid shots and still hacking away uncontrollably anytime I exert myself, even in my own home. It was never really determined what made me sick. I never get that sick. My hubby got it too, but did better than me. I'm not saying it's radiation, but it's definitely something to contend with.

A lot of people have had it. Some get over it quickly, some don't. Guess I'm in that other category. It isn't the flu (had tests) or strep (also had the tests). It's so comforting to hear a doctor ask you "What's going on with you?" Like I know.

I've tried honey, horehound, over the counter and finally prescription cough syrup with codeine, and nothing seems to work for very long.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by modern

I don't feel like this all the time. To say people feel like this all the time, is not accurate.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 09:41 PM
Look, I go out and water my toxic radiactive garden. I shudder when a military background friend told me that the EU was secretly working out a deal to by stealth, up the dosage allowed in European food by 2000X, and here I am on the west coast, fraser valley rain forrest, on par with Seattle for rain that had a sudden 36% spike of infant mortality.

We had yellow dust on the seals of the car, and those same seals are leaky and had puddles of raunchy water in the car, and I have no choice its our transportation.

Also, my school children have missed roughly 1/3-1/2 of all school now due to feeling very lethargic, temperatures, and very run down.

Yes I blame Fukushima and think that the only thing that will save the Northern Hemisphere is if everyone passes the tests here, withdraws all support for all wars, and demand real solutions to equalize and feed the starving and realizes they're here to be a loving equal family and stand in the light squares.

Because if we do that in large numbers, they will come in and that will be solved but ohterwise......

Now this huge garden of heritage seeds, is going to massively spiked. But, I can choose between it, and GMO, chemically dipped, nano technology laced to unlock or lock dna cellular sequences, and also radiation.

Wonder what is healthier?

And yes I've had that metallic taste all the way back to the beginning after the 3rd reactor blew and a kind of raunchy chlorine smell during a rainpour in my leaky car.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by ShakaDoodle

I end up with a coughing problem since the 8th. I was not sick at all and haven't been sick for a year and a half. This cough came out of no were and it has been a pain. When I get a cough, I do feel sick. I do not feel sick, but has this cough and I have bad coughing attacks at night. I do not cough because of allergies. I do not know what causes this cough and I have to go to the doctors if it last more then 2 weeks. It is a real pain in the butt.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by Chopper
reply to post by ShakaDoodle

I end up with a coughing problem since the 8th. I was not sick at all and haven't been sick for a year and a half. This cough came out of no were and it has been a pain. When I get a cough, I do feel sick. I do not feel sick, but has this cough and I have bad coughing attacks at night. I do not cough because of allergies. I do not know what causes this cough and I have to go to the doctors if it last more then 2 weeks. It is a real pain in the butt.

Oh my too. It has been so strange in that i havent been sick, but cough mainly at night. And its a very loose, deep, phlegmy (sp), cough too. Let me know what doc says.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:31 PM
It's been raining pretty good here this past week in Michigan. I've been avoiding doing anything out in the rain since Fukushima. Even though I don't usually work in the rain, I needed to get 40 hours in this week, so I've been out in the rain a lot this week. Today I started to get the metallic taste in my mouth. It's on the tip and the top of my tongue to about one third back. Its also on the roof of my mouth. I've been taking iodine supplements since about three weeks into Fukushima. I applied iodine to my skin right after the disaster until I could get the supplements. If it is radioactive iodine fallout in the rain I'm tasting, I feel somewhat protected. Still, I feel doomed now that this taste has just appeared today. If I am doomed, it will make it easier to take care of business when the SHTF. Might as well take a few chances now.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by tncryptogal

You can use Thyme, as a cough remedy, about 1/8 tsp. in a cup of hot water .. as a tea.
Odd to the taste buds, but often it can help.

Also:: Lemon is the only citrus with Negative ions in it, as an organic quenching substance, you might want to look into some organic lemons, and maybe a little REAL Maple Syrup from the health food store, to go with the Thyme Tea.

Also helpful foods (Google this!!) ...

Tumeric, Kelp, Apples, Miso, and many more!! Eat for your health!

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by blackrain17

Here is a guy who just took his radiation meters across much of the country, and he posted videos of all the tests he took and the data ..he also updates his subs about Earthquakes and Volcanoes ... he is totally level headed, and he has been doing it for some time!! Enjoy!


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:03 PM
Coughs are getting worse in my home in California. My mother is convinced she picked it up at the hospital when she was visiting a family member after surgery, but I didn't go to the hospital and mine came about at the same time. She coughs so bad that it causes her to throw up sometimes. I spoke to a friend in Hawaii and asked if anyone he knew had come up with a strange cough and he said no, all was normal there. He just says I'm overreacting whenever I mention the radiation. I figured they would certainly be just as exposed if not more than California.

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