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OBE? I might now believe...and I or We need your help!!

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posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 02:35 AM
I apologize if I offend you but you are not much of a skeptic if simple testimony changes your mind. If you have an interest in the subject what you should do in my opinion is do your own experiments. OBE's can look and feel real, you can feel real emotions like fear or happiness, even though all it is is a dream. Sleep paralysis in particular can be terrifying if you don't understand what is happening.

I have a test I perform to see if my OBE was real or a dream. I shuffle a deck of cards and place a few of them face up on a shelf above my line of vision. If I am really out of body then I can float up there and look at the cards and remember what I see. Whenever I am back in my real body I can check to confirm whether or not the OBE was authentic or not. I have had a total of 7 out of body experiences over the past three years but only two have occurred after I started the experiment and both times were not authentic even though it was extremely vivid and powerful. I'm still continuing the experiment and trying different techniques.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by MrAndy

no offend bro...

this person had no need to lie to me..and her story matched with all those encountered on ATS before..with the only difference this person is not into conspiracies, paranormal studies etc...she doesnt care about OBE, it just happened to her unwillingly.

not that i am now a total im leaning towards accepting the fact that it might be true and that from now on..i will listen to those who would like to share their experiences.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 03:09 AM
I haven't read all the posts, forgive me if this has already been addressed...

I thought OBEs were associated with traumatic (NDEs) near death experiences? The light at the end of the tunnel sort of thing, with light and love and all that butterfly goose-pimple stuff! I love to hear people's stories...("I survived; Beyond and Back" on the Biography channel).

I may be confused, as the OP suggests what an OBE is. Sorry.

I went to Saturn once, in my youth.

Astral Projection?

Dang, check this out!

Astral Projection Official homepage of the Israeli trance band of Avi Nissim and Lior Perlmutter with biography, news, contact, video and mp3 downloads.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 03:18 AM
regarding all the other posts on pg 1, i am not into experimenting myself with OBE, i am not capable to relax and believe enough...still i'm getting interested in starting some meditation..since becoming an atheist i feel like i got disconnected spiritually

maybe through meditation i might acquire some skills which will help me to relax and trust enough.

Reading all the members posts on Pg1 I realized that even though OBE might let you travel through the Cosmos you might actually be traveling in a different Plane or a different reality thus you cant have a look at what is incoming , nor you can have a look at how life evolved elsewhere.

Also time traveling whilst in OBE state can be much different than I presumed and thus not giving you straight answers to questions like Who built the pyramids and why

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by loveguy
I thought OBEs were associated with traumatic (NDEs) near death experiences?

OBEs & NDEs share many characteristics ... they are similar in many ways ..

But the obvious similarities of leaving your body and aside ...

OBEs can be both voluntary and involuntary ...

NDEs are always involuntary ...

Although you can meet and interact ith other entities in both experiences ..
There are characteristics of an NDE, that do not appear in OBEs ...

For example:

Going through the tunnel of light ...
Experiencing your life review ...
Speaking with your loved ones ... Jesus, or God ...
Experiencing an indescribable encompassing unconditional boundless love, that any NDE'r will tell you they are unable to articulate as words do not exist to adaquately describe nd convey the experience ...
Being made aware you are in heaven (or my understanding, the realm before heaven .. the gates if you will) ...
Being given choices to make whilst there, and made aware of choices made here, and missions or spiritual learning that is still incomplete here ...
Being taken on a tour of our universe in this plane, or sneak previews of other planes with a guide ...

Just a few examples of the difference between NDE & OBE ... although in an OBE you can still tour the universe on your own, or go to other planes, as you can in some NDEs without a guide ... But many NDEs are planned .. by that i mean, they have a guide that takes you through it as it unfolds ...

OBEs do not seem to be planned as such .. and the experiencer does not have a guide to take them through their experience as far as i am aware ... although they still very well may come across other entities, who are 'around'

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by Segenam


Your post cleared things up for me.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 05:31 AM
One of the main differences being ...

NDE's are usually always associated with the trauma of dying .. the body is often confirmed dead ... whether on operating theatre, or car crash etc ... at which point, the persons 'death experience' begins ... Until their body is brought back to life ...

In OBE .. the body is always alive, heart pumping and breathing fine ... Whatever it is that leaves the body in OBE (the soul ... or just a segment of mind like a probe, (but i think that's more to do with remote viewing)), is still attached by a golden coloured cord (not everyone sees the cord) ... , and the body continues to automatically regulate its functions for teh duration of the experience, just as it would at any other time when you are not consciously thinking of it ... Though there may be a time or distance constraint with OBEs that i am not aware of .. the Golden 'umbilical' cord may be limited ...

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Segenam

in fact I asked my friend if she saw the chord, which she did not...

a strange fact is that I also asked her if her vision was different in any way which again it was not...i remember reading that once in OBE mode one thing that is immediately noted is that the vision is way different

but she clearly recall looking down at her still sleeping while kept floating up to the ceiling which blocked her from going upwards...if i'm not mistaken she couldnt control where to go..just floating upwards

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:12 AM
There are some 'little' inconstancies from OBE to OBE .. and from NDE to NDE .. some of which seems to be set by prior expectation at some level, if any ..
Even an atheist, pretty much has a preset expectation .. as in .. what not to expect ... and each atheists viewpoint of reality may be slightly different ...

Like the cord in the OBE for example ... i have a theory as to why only some can see the cord ...

Many people, as soon as they go into NDE, are confused, cos they dont actually realise theyre dead ... they feel very alive .. and if they put their attention to noticing any difference .. its usually the case that perception (not necesserily visual perception as such, but that also), is increased ... mental clarity .. (Tho a typical exception to this would be someone in extreme pain prior to leaving their body ... They notice a huge difference, as their extreme pain vanishes in a moment, and they feel free of it .. it doesnt take long for them to figure out what just happened )

So as the start of their NDE often co-incides with hearing the surgeon say, 'Weve lost him' ... They start telling the surgeon they are mistaken, theyre fine ... Until they realise within moments, that no one can hear or see them, and that they have an overhead perspective of teh scene, including their own lifeless body ...

Often, once they realise they are dead .. and their guide appears .. their expectation changes as they are told what is happening .. at which point some people even claim to be able to utilise 360 degree field of vision for example (or just seeing, everything simultaneously) ... only after their expectation is shifted from what is possible here, to what can be done, there ...

Sorry for the small novel ..

I guess to sum up what im saying .. from what i learn of the many NDE's .. much of what is experienced, is determined by (or limited by) the experiencers expectation ..
I think it''s likely the case the same thing happens with OBE's ..

Tho thats not why i think only some can see the 'Cord' as it were .. i think the reason for that is 'in-directly' related to the expectation thing i was talking about ..

But every OBE and NDE experiencer, that i am aware of, feel very much 'themselves', when out of body ...
Which is why some NDErs, who end up in total blackness initially, don't have a clue theyre dead ... they can spend quite some time thinking theyre in a room where someone turned the lights out ... and try to fumble their way to the closest wall or object .. but never find anything to touch ... Only when something interacts with them and takes them from the darkness, do they realise theyre dead ... or when they have spent too long in a dark room with no walls that defies logic ... Tho one guy in that scenario noticed he was unable to touch his own face .. he could not touch himself ... so assumed he had died from his jelly fish stings ..

edit on 14-6-2011 by Segenam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by heineken
but she clearly recall looking down at her still sleeping while kept floating up to the ceiling which blocked her from going upwards...if i'm not mistaken she couldnt control where to go..just floating upwards

That was exactly my experience ...
Tho i didnt try to go anywhere .. it only lasted a few moments .. and i thought nothing of it as i was 3 or 4 at the time ..

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by Segenam

Sorry for the small novel ..

Sorry???? if...that was such an intense paragraph...thumbs up bro

feel very much 'themselves'

My friend told me she felt herself

very cool post bro

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 08:13 AM
I think you are on the right track with meditation ..
Although it doesn't guarantee an OBE .. it's certainly the right path ..

Various things can trigger involuntary OBE's .. tiredness .. boredom .. happiness .. depression .. it varies on an individual basis .. whatever triggers a certain mental state that allows 'detachment'

I think .. as much as i would like it .. as soon as i would feel myself 'slipping' .. the brakes would likely go on .. and nothing would happen ... i am unable to lose my instinctive, but, uneccessery fear of not having a body ...

But for voluntary OBEs ... meditation is the way to go ... and at the very least .. even without an OBE .. you will certainly gain in a spiritual way regardless ...

As you likely know .. Meditating initially, is kinda like building your muscles for example ... each time you do it .. you go that bit further .. get a bit more experienced ... learn a bit more, about you, your mind, your limits ... as your expectations of your meditation change also down the line .. so does you advanced involvement ... and your perception of reality .

I would say similar is true of an OBE .. But for someone who is caught off guard, outside their body .. and never really had an in-depth understanding of OBEs ... (or NDEs) .. would be shocked .. and too busy trying to wrap their 'mind' around their new vantage point of looking at their own body from outside it .. that the shock would be the strongest point of their experience ..

If your friend manages it again .. I have no doubt she will be able to move around the 2nd time ... Its done purely by thinking it ... and is apparently very easy .. more natural than walking .. cos everythings done by thought ... even talking . as you form what you want to say in your mind .. youve already said it and had your reply ..

Going forward ... as people embrace and experience OBEs more and more .. they 'get better at it' ... and get more advanced at it .. and their expectations are always being re-formed ...

If your friend could learn to embrace this ... and bring it on at will .. i think she would be very lucky ..

But its not for everyone ..
Our body here is also like a protective shell ...
Not everything out there is beautiful .. but with the right knowledge .. then a person would know they can not be harmed by anything ... and armed with that knowledge, can experience other realms as much as they want to ..

I know hearing this can be a lot for some people to wrap their head around (generally speaking .. not aimed at you heineken) ... never mind actually believing it ...

Like .. its all too convenient to be true ... that was the way i felt, when i was on the fence about NDEs many years ago ... Believing didnt happen overnight for me ... it was a transition of many years ..

But ... if i were allowed to 'experience' it for myself .. i would have believe instantly

I know the topic is about OBEs .. but ive done far more research in NDEs since initially researching OBEs, and feel some of it is relevant ..

Good luck with the meditating .. I wish i could meditate here ... sooo much noise ..a aarghhh .. stupid main road at my window ...

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Segenam

I think you are on the right track with meditation .. Although it doesn't guarantee an OBE .. it's certainly the right path ..

glad you like the idea..i trust you on this subject

If your friend manages it again .. I have no doubt she will be able to move around the 2nd time ... Its done purely by thinking it ... and is apparently very easy .. more natural than walking .. cos everythings done by thought ... even talking . as you form what you want to say in your mind .. youve already said it and had your reply ..

i encouraged her to use her gift to no avail..she is too scared..and living a too normal life

Good luck with the meditating .. I wish i could meditate here ... sooo much noise ..a aarghhh .. stupid main road at my window ..

looool, very same problem!!!!!

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by heineken

energy and matter is seperate to cognitive thought

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 01:51 AM
I like that one scene out of the Right Stuff when they are in the Australian outback to watch Glenn go overhead in orbit, I believe.

An aborignee talks with them and they tell him what they're doing, and the aborignee says something like, "aye, that's great, he's been to the moon too" and he points over at an old white-haired man by the fire. A village elder, or something.

I think that pretty much answers all your questions in the OP

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 11:47 PM
I've had involuntary OBEs (I call it astral projection) since I was 13. When I told my mom about it, it turns out that she started having them at the same age. She'd never told me about her experiences before I came to her with mine. This leads me to believe it's hereditary? I've read that everyone does it and only some remember it. I've also read that dreams in which you fly are astral projection experiences, but it's hard to say. I actually become paralyzed before I fall asleep most of the time, then start vibrating really hard and feel like I'm being pulled from my body. It's terrifying.

I think you can project to different planes. The reason I think this is because sometimes I project to our world where I can watch things in real-time... like people in my household, then I can tell them about events I've seen that I shouldn't have been able to see. This is rare. Sometimes it looks a lot like our dimension, but things are slightly off. The lighting's wrong, for instance, or things are set at a slightly wrong angle. Like the couch won't be straight, it'll be a little off to the side and diagonal or something. A door might be off center. I can't really put my finger on it. Other times it's a totally different place. I don't know if I'm in a different place in our world or a different world altogether. When I first projected, I was in a room with a bed and a "port" window (circular shaped window) very high on a wall. That was it, just a bed. The walls and the floors were made of the same thing... it was very barren. I was having a hard time figuring out how to navigate and couldn't figure out how to get through walls, so I was "stuck" kind of like your friend? I've read that it's true that there are different planes or dimensions. I've apparently only been to the very low-level ones.

ETA: I can also do it willingly a lot of times, but sometimes I fall asleep before I successfully project. I'm terrified of it, though, because of my experiences of being "taken" involuntarily. It always begs the question, "Who or what is wanting me out of my body so badly? Because if I'm not doing this and I'm fighting it, who/what is and why?" That question really freaks me out. Sometimes I literally spend all night trying to wiggle a toe to snap out of the paralysis. Most of the time, even when I do, I go right back into paralysis when I lay back down. Sometimes changing positions helps, sometimes I have to force myself to stay awake for a while and get up before going back to bed and attempting again.
edit on 19-6-2011 by jackieisinlove because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Zamini
reply to post by heineken

When you die you get a big shot of '___' from your brain and you pretty much trip 'till the end of time.

Too easy? :/

That would suggest that your brain and body continue to work for all eternity after you die, and neglects the fact that the body decomposes and stops working. I suppose the energy you were made up of, is still around, but your brain would not be able to process said '___' for all eternity, let alone give a shot of it big enough to last that long.

So no.... Not too easy

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:07 AM
I've experienced this once, it was like i was floating in space not a single planet in sight, i knew all the answers anyone could ask, but then on second thought nothing of those answers wouldnt have any meaning, my form was like only energy but i had my thoughts, then there was this bright spot of white light which where i started to move, as i got closer, voices told me that i need to stop, if i would go any further it would be a 1 way trip, there i had to make my choise and i chose to go back to my parents and all my friends, i couldnt leave them behind me.

that feeling was the most mind expanding experience i've ever had and doubt will ever feel.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by heineken

If someone says they travel out in the cosmos, they really cannot know that unless they've seen it before. If they've seen it before, then I'm very skeptical that it is not something else going on in the brain.

It's very hard to say that anyone who has had a dream isn't having an OBE except that they are less obvious to the feeling of being out of their body.

It's all very difficult to grasp. I have had one experience that I described once, and someone told me that I was likely just having a very intense visualization. I said I was lying in bed relaxing and I guess in a meditative mood. I can't remember if I was trying to visualize something or not, but I got this super crystal clear image of my bedroom floor, and it was small and circular in shape. I didn't have full vision; it as like looking through a paper towel tube. Around the image of the circular-shaped image of the floor was only blackness, and it was not a sharp contrast but a fuzzy fade type "border" gradient / transition. I remember when this happened, my eyeslid felt like they were fluttering.

I've very willing to accept it as a dream-like thing, but yet I was fully awake. It sounds nothing like an OBE, but it was very intriguing to me. The image I saw of my floor was in such detail. It was amazing. I've had dreams, but nothing like this. Extremely vivid. Lasted only for a few seconds. I'm fine considering it just something that happened once. The brain is capable of things like this happening, I'm sure. Just interesting. I wouldn't expect anyone to believe it was anything special though, at all.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

That would suggest that your brain and body continue to work for all eternity after you die, and neglects the fact that the body decomposes and stops working. I suppose the energy you were made up of, is still around, but your brain would not be able to process said '___' for all eternity, let alone give a shot of it big enough to last that long.

So no.... Not too easy

You know sometimes when you fall asleep and you wake up and 10 hours have passed and for your sense only a second passed?

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