posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:07 PM
I've often heard about this supposed animosity between females. I've never understood it, despite being a female myself. When I first moved to the
city where I currently live, I struck up a friendship with another girl - or at least I blithely assumed it was a friendship. It was not long before
she began making snide remarks to me/about me at almost any opportunity in a social setting. If I got into a conversation with her husband while out
with people at the pub she'd watch like a hawk, and when she deemed we'd been talking for a few seconds too long, she'd jump up and go outside for
a cigarette. All I'd done was be friendly in an attempt to integrate socially into a new city and try to make friends with everyone.
This was really quite frustrating, as I cannot stand it when people have a problem, but do not say it directly, and resort to passive-aggressive
behaviours. Rather than follow suit, though, I just wrote her off and pretty much ignored her. If I have a problem with someone, I won't hesitate to
tell them what it is, and why it's a problem. I can see why this girl was so catty towards me - I'm not exactly unattractive if I may say so myself,
and she must have felt threatened by my presence. It's just compensating for their insecurities, and a lot of women seem to have a lot of those.
The way I see it, if someone's an arsehole towards me, whether they be male or female, then I simply stop aring about them. Easy as that. It's
immature and ridiculous.
Perhaps it's a remnant of the previous subjugation of women. Because they had no real power in society, they would, for example, persuade and
manipulate their husands to act in accordance with their own wishes. A genetically learned behaviour or something? Either way, there's no need for it
now and I hope such women will cease to do it so much - it's giving all of us a bad name.