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What if you suddenly had no water.

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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:34 AM
A personal experience. Water, we turn a little knob and "wah-La' it`s flowing into our cup to quinch our thirst from the summers steaming heat, jump in the shower and come out squeeky clean, we turn a knob and water brings us the beauty of nature through nourishing our lawns our pretty flowers and most important the garden which we feast from. Our farmers bring the refreshing liquid to the cows, sheep, goats, horses and so on. We notice our car is getting a little dusty there, quick as we can we rush to the car wash center and within 30 minutes the car is looking totally new. Water, it is endless, so we think...
What happens when things change and technology goes away. I am currently on my 3rd day of not having a pump to give me this precious resource. I live 18 miles to the nearest store, my husband left 3 days ago on a business trip, 2 hours after he left the pump for the well stopped working. So you say that is kinda bad but fixable right? We have 1 vehicle, he left in our only vehicle, we have one cell phone, he left it with me because it is my only lifeline to anything. Where I live is so far out there the taxi cab companies didnt even know of my area. ( I live in a private small secluded area) after calling every taxi in the phone book, as I am dialing the very last listing I prayed, God please please help me, I need water. By this time I was down to 1/2 gallon on water the time was around 2:00pm. After much emotional pleaing, this taxi came to me drove me the 36 round trip miles waited 15 minutes while I went into the store and bought 25 gallons of water, the price was $100.00. Know I have the containers, where I live there are approximately 18 other neighbors we all dwell within a 150 acres bayish area. I went to the nearest neighbor explained my delima, and they are allowing me to get water everyday as needed. Thankfully we are all well water and this wont make them feel finacially strained.
I have watched on various television specials on our world water problems from lack of water to toxic, filthy water. Until 3 days ago I had no clue what the significant value water has in my life. I knew it is slowly becomming a precious resource, i knew we are destroying it...but I honestly didnt know what it feels like to not have it at my beckon call..(I forgot to mention, without running water I cant take a shower or bath, I have been able to wipe myself down okish, but, i am feeling kinda dirty know)
Reason my pump hasnt been fixed yet, the city that is 18 miles away where all the business is to be found dont operate on weekends,( I called all 5 well service listings, left my name and number and have yet t get a return call) we are a extremely small city, I moved here 3 years ago, I had no idea certain emergency can only be dealt with monday through friday....Im still in the water need emotional mode, I left out a few details, my mind is extremely focused on the water issue.
edit on 12-6-2011 by lbndhr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by lbndhr

Wouldn't want that flouriide infested "mind control" stuff anyway. I'd rather find fresh and salt waters and filter/desalt it myself and probably still keep my brain cells, as long as I don't get alzheimer's lol. Who knows? maybe Alzheimer's is caused by flouride, all the reason to drink something else and or fliter your own water from natural sources.

I would say also dril an hand pumped well...I don't think that flouride is in well water either?
edit on 12-6-2011 by ldyserenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

No flouride no chemicals in my well water, Our well is about 150 feet lower then the normal well, we are located atop one of americas very large aquafiers, our water is very fresh we have it tested once each year and its good water

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:45 AM
Kind of like a broken washer or dishwasher... it teaches you to appreciate things. I hope you get your water back soon. We can't live without our water. I'm glad you have good neighbors who will share.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:47 AM
I have water stored up in my closet, I try to empty and refill them and shake them up so that the water doesn't stagnate. I just use all the leftover liquid containers in my house.
Except yesterday I probably looked pretty crazy when I told my mom to not throw out the jugs because I've been storing water. She got pissed and said I don't need to do that stuff and she demanded I tell her where my water's next to my puny bug out
I felt shunned
edit on 12-6-2011 by matrixportal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:49 AM
It is a good thing you were able to get a ride, otherwise you might have to starting looking up survivals tip for gathering water...not a fun thing. I can sympathize though we had someone similar happen at my house when I was 10, we were distilling creek water for 2 days using solar stills...slow process.


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:50 AM
I recently got a dehumidifier, and was realizing, "Hey, this thing is pulling much water right out of the air!" But I have no idea how clean or dirty this kind of water is.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:51 AM
Well I think if all my taps suddenly stopped working, it would be a bummer, but not the end of the world.

Theres loads of ways to collect water, wells, rain water and various other ways. I'd just boil it to purify it.

Some times I think about people that have trouble getting it, like some Africans. I know Africas a pretty dry place, but I look at some of the missions they go on to get water and I do think, cant you re-locate nearer to the water holes? Cant you build your owns wells...and so on.

Hope that dont sound to stupid, but I do wonder how they havent mastered certain survival techniques.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by tinker9917
Kind of like a broken washer or dishwasher... it teaches you to appreciate things. I hope you get your water back soon. We can't live without our water. I'm glad you have good neighbors who will share.

Thank you. I honestly expect anywhere from 3 to 7 more days, somthing like this happen before in a rental home, only differnece was we had real close neighbor and he let us hook up hoses to reach our home that was enough to survive, where i am know te nearest neighbor is to far for hose connection. But yes I am very thankful for the neighbors kindness of allowing me to enter their property whenever i need water.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by matrixportal
I have water stored up in my closet, I try to empty and refill them and shake them up so that the water doesn't stagnate. I just use all the leftover liquid containers in my house.
Except yesterday I probably looked pretty crazy when I told my mom to not throw out the jugs because I've been storing water. She got pissed and said I don't need to do that stuff and she demanded I tell her where my water's next to my puny bug out
I felt shunned
edit on 12-6-2011 by matrixportal because: (no reason given)

very smart to have water, my husband is like your mom, I tried to have stored water but he kept findign them and using them said I was crazy, he is one of the sheeple people, its kinda difficult t have preparation with a sheeple in your life. But this incident is going to change everything around here, him and I are going to have a very long talk about emergency preparedness and our lack their of.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by xXxtremelySecure
It is a good thing you were able to get a ride, otherwise you might have to starting looking up survivals tip for gathering water...not a fun thing. I can sympathize though we had someone similar happen at my house when I was 10, we were distilling creek water for 2 days using solar stills...slow process.


If I hadnt found a solution by about 5:00pm I was going to call american red cross, where my situation became bad is, I didnt even have containers to beable to bring water in. but that is all changig know. If somethign happen again later in life, I do have an option, it is the lake about 1/2 mile away...again know that i haev the containers I dont feel so trapped and helpless.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Sinny

I saw a special on water a fwe weeks back, and in Africa the people have to get a permit to dig a well, if there are wells found without a permit the people are jailed and the wells are closed. As for myself my water issues is self made, I didnt have anythign for water survival mode. ANd believe me I do feel as dumb as they come right know. I live 18 miles from the nearest a very large desert, and to top it off this years heat has been making records nearly every day, and zero rain for nearly 2 years. Im self analizing this whole situation and have gained great insight to my errors..i consider this a wake up call that I shall listen to.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by lbndhr

What if you suddenly had no water ?

I would probably go thirsty !!!!!!!!!!

No, really you ask a good question which most in society take completely for-granted......!

I live reasonably rurally in the UK but within reach of shops however since 2008 I have always kept a personal store of drinking water (3 mths) in a secure location.............. I replace it and use it on an on-going basis...

I don't tell anyone locally and make no issue out of it but I always think that you should be able to take responsibility for one's self. In the UK currently there is a worry about droughts and restricted water supplies and the general population will do the usual and blame the Government (boring) but if WE ALL analysed our water usage then we could be far more conservative with what we use......

I think that any New houses built should be completley self sufficient and water effiecient......... A law should come in tomorrow enabling this........... It would hurt developers and those greedy for money in the short term but as a society we ALL need to get our act together and plan for the future !!



posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:08 AM
I'd probably move north where its cold and water is abundant in the form of ice and snow.
I've always managed better in the cold.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:29 AM
Saw that show "dual survival" last night, and learned a little bit about collecting water. When using the container to collect water, collect it with the bottle facing downstream, not upstream. It's also a myth that if you collect water from the part of the stream where there are more rapids or where the water is moving faster it'll be wont.
Bleach can decontaminate water, but it takes a good hour or so before it's drinkable. 4 drops of bleach for every quart of water.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by lbndhr

Gosh I had'nt realised they would restrict people from building wells...that just takes the p***.

Yes it must be very hard for you...18 miles!! It is a long way to go

But unless you consider moving, It looks like you going to have to be Inventive and creative....all the best

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by matrixportal
Saw that show "dual survival" last night, and learned a little bit about collecting water. When using the container to collect water, collect it with the bottle facing downstream, not upstream. It's also a myth that if you collect water from the part of the stream where there are more rapids or where the water is moving faster it'll be wont.
Bleach can decontaminate water, but it takes a good hour or so before it's drinkable. 4 drops of bleach for every quart of water.

Good information thank you, I will put appropriate bleach in the containers that I will forever have from this day forward, and like the poster above, I will uses it often enough, changeing it so that it wont go bad. This water issue I am having has most deffinately made me realize I cannot realy on my husband or anyone else toprepare, I realize sheeple are sheeple I cant waist time trying to get him to wake up. I will get a surivival plan and action to gether and he will leave my methods and things alone...I personally take this whole ordeal as a form of an attack from my husbands lack of reasoning with me...I guess it is true sometimes men cant think rightly and we woman need to buck up and take the mule by the nose and lead it.....
edit on 12-6-2011 by lbndhr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:55 AM
I too have a well and use well water and so far it hasn't broke. I'm assuming that's a costly fix. I have some water stored but not enough. We have a rain barrel but if it's empty and hasn't rained then would be out of luck there. I do live close to streams and lakes and even have some low areas on my property that right now have water. I would have to collect it in containers and bring it back to the house and boil it to use it. It would definitely be a pain to go through all this. I agree that yes, we are used to our daily conveniences of modern living. I hope you get your well fixed soon and as hard as it is sometimes to ask for help, we need to do so for survival. Good luck.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Sinny
reply to post by lbndhr

Gosh I had'nt realised they would restrict people from building wells...that just takes the p***.

Yes it must be very hard for you...18 miles!! It is a long way to go

But unless you consider moving, It looks like you going to have to be Inventive and creative....all the best

Im out here for the future reasons. I wont move into town, if and when the shtf Im in a good place. I just came to a awareness with this water issue I need to as you said become creative because there is a 50-50chance in the future it will be every man for himself and where i am we are in a good place. I am also finding out the some 17 or 18 other families out here are pretty decent people who are willing to look out for each other, this area has a real good vibe to it.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:59 AM
I would suggest getting some 55 gallon food grade containers and a hand pump for them. Fill them and keep them in the basement with a few drops of bleach in them. In a small town as you have described they may be harder to find though. Next best option would be the jugs they use in office water coolers which come in various sizes. Maybe your husband will be a little more open minded about keeping some kind of survival items in the house now. At the very least you could point out those jugs of water are cheaper than the $100 taxi ride into town.

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