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FaceBook Just Got Real!!

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posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Star and Flagged for the title alone. Yeah Facebook can be funny. I always wonder what kinds of information is around floating on the internet forever for all to see.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
reply to post by just_julie

Use Skype or some other VOIP system....... why have your personal details plastered all over the internet and cyberspace.....

People only use Facebook et al because everyone else does......... it's human behaviour to follow the crowd...... Me, I'm a contrarian and try to think a little differently to the herd.........and not be in the marketing / control pocket of the corporations.

Just remember that what goes up into Cyberspace , Stays in Cyberspace probably longer than the indiviual stays on this planet.........

Just food for thought



So it's not just as easy for someone to hack into my skype conversation and watch that? I don't have a webcam, thats why I don't use that program. I don't have "all my personal details plastered all over the internet", as you so dramatically said. All it has is my basic information that if anyone asked I would tell them anyway.
I'm glad to see your so proud to be such a non-conformist. But it seems to be a little militant.
I don't understand what you mean by "and not be in the marketing / control pocket of the corporations". How is me being a member of facebook making me controlled by corporations? Can you please elaborate on this?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by just_julie
Why would anyone hack my facebook? I'm just an everyday joe schmo with nothing to hide. So what if they hack in to my account? I only have close friends and family on mine, because it's cheaper to keep in touch, and up to date when you live 2500 k's apart.

PurpleDog has it correct when he says "why have your personal info plastered on the net". Just because you have your nifty little password doesn't mean anything. Askin who would want to hack your Facebook account is like asking "who would break into my house"? Anyone who wants to know something about you or do you some harm would. A password is like having a thousand dollar lock on your front door and leaving your bedroom window open. Hackers will go through your window wether it's open or not. Think spouse or suspicious girlfriend, boss or co-woker, spy or just an average nosy person.

I feel confident in saying I don't have people like that in my life. If anyone wants to know something about me, they could just ask. Like I said, I have nothing to hide, and I'm not paranoid.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by just_julie

What if (HYPOTHETICALLY!!) i didn't like your comment and i wanted to teach you a "lesson". I trace your IP, read every post you've ever posted (for personal information of course), figure out your name and email (now i can find you on Facebook). I browse your Facebook for more information, all your "friends" are personal acquaintances i can really get some info on you now. I now have your address/phone #, i know who your family and friends are and i can even monitor any communications between you and them.

Why would i do this you ask. Maybe i'm crazy, maybe a stalker, maybe i just don't like your type, maybe i have a point to prove, maybe i'm in competition with you in some sort of way (business/love interest/who knows??) The point is things such as Facebook subject you to anything anyone wants to do and you put the information out there.
edit on 6/11/2011 by ProphecyPhD because: misspelled acquaintances

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:06 PM
I was shocked when I saw that if you filled out the city that you live in, clicking on it brings you to a map showing where you live in that city. I never gave Facebook my address. I only typed in the city and state and on the map it had that hotair balloon thingy pointing exactly where my house is located on my street. The physical address was not shown, but if someone really wanted to track me down they could just stalk my street, watching which house I come in and out of. And they can cut out watching half the street if the balloon thingy is showing my house is on the south end of the street. Ya know? Also, when I had my account activated to be updated via SMS, my phone number was on display! So I went and I removed that info and changed my settings. I know a genious hacker could find that info anyway, but at least it's not right there in the open anymore.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
reply to post by just_julie

What if (HYPOTHETICALLY!!) i didn't like your comment and i wanted to teach you a "lesson". I trace your IP, read every post you've ever posted (for personal information of course), figure out your name and email (now i can find you on Facebook). I browse your Facebook for more information, all your "friends" are personal acquaintances i can really get some info on you now. I now have your address/phone #, i know who your family and friends are and i can even monitor any communications between you and them.

Why would i do this you ask. Maybe i'm crazy, maybe a stalker, maybe i just don't like your type, maybe i have a point to prove, maybe i'm in competition with you in some sort of way (business/love interest/who knows??) The point is things such as Facebook subject you to anything anyone wants to do and you put the information out there.
edit on 6/11/2011 by ProphecyPhD because: misspelled acquaintances

I feel a bit sad that you let such fear rule your life.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Shawny2222
I was shocked when I saw that if you filled out the city that you live in, clicking on it brings you to a map showing where you live in that city. I never gave Facebook my address. I only typed in the city and state and on the map it had that hotair balloon thingy pointing exactly where my house is located on my street. The physical address was not shown, but if someone really wanted to track me down they could just stalk my street, watching which house I come in and out of. And they can cut out watching half the street if the balloon thingy is showing my house is on the south end of the street. Ya know? Also, when I had my account activated to be updated via SMS, my phone number was on display! So I went and I removed that info and changed my settings. I know a genious hacker could find that info anyway, but at least it's not right there in the open anymore.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Simple answer: DON'T fill that part out. Leave it blank.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:22 PM
Did you know that now you can update Facebook from yor cable box (so now i know what you're watching) and the newer cars read your Facebook wall comments to you while you drive (so now i know where you're going). Fear doesn't rule my life, facts do however (and i'm no scientist). Have any of you ever heard the phrase "Don't put all your eggs into one basket"?? You see, if you put all your eggs into one basket and (God forbid) something happens to that basket....... well, i think you get my drift.

edit on 6/11/2011 by ProphecyPhD because: misspelled facts

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:33 PM
All I know is that I want to watch the "opera" unfold.

It's amazing how social networks have changed human interaction.

But you can't really compare an online network to real life.
Apples and oranges.

The only good use I see for them is to keep in touch with lost friends.
Other than that, it's a giant popularity contest.
(and don't deny the excitement people get from having tons of "friends")

Besides, any information you make known to people, that could be used against you...
Is your own fault.
People choosing to post all their life story online must be able to accept the loss of privacy.


edit on 11-6-2011 by havok because: Added text.....

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:37 PM
Reply to post by just_julie

I deleted the info and it's blank now. I thought I already said that. Hm.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Shawny2222
Reply to post by just_julie

I deleted the info and it's blank now. I thought I already said that. Hm.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

i deleted my facebook about a year ago. Did you know that if i tried to log in with my same e-mail address i could restore my page to the exact same state it was in when i deleted it? The same pictures, wall posts, name and "friends" (granted they are still active on Facebook. What you put on the internet STAYS on the internet, PERIOD.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Ivann1217

I know what you mean, hey. When I'm wandering around the city being bored, I sometimes speak to people, for instance at a museum if we're looking at the same exhibit, or in a shop, or whatever. It's about a 50/50 split regarding how they react to a stranger chatting to them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who seize every chance they can to tell their entire life stories and problems to the world, etc, but rather just a friendly, easygoing person who is always up for a chat about whatever's in context. I started doing it when I moved to a new city - that's how I made friends here. But a lot of people just look terrified, as though direct communication is a totally alien concept to them. It's kind of sad.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:47 PM
I have been saying it for ages to my friends. These social networks are methods implemented whereby individuals police each other. They can be used to spread mass hysteria and fear or soothe you with a funny kitten that can stand on it's head. They directly effect family lives and values, not to mention keep record of everything you do or HAS BEEN REPORTED that you have done. Welcome this is the information age.

Obscene ~ Intrusive ~ Immoral ~ Perverse ~ Dangerous ...are all things that come to mind about the collection of this data knowing that historically odds are that a tyrannical government could rear it's head at any point. This data then becomes the foundation for lists which become 2am knocks on doors to take you away to the camp.

Sound extreme? Yep, far fetched? Not at all. Just scary as hell and enough to keep a whole lot of people oppressed and in-line despite there being valid reason to speak the truth and ones mind about the conduct of gov. etc.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by Shawny2222
Reply to post by just_julie

I deleted the info and it's blank now. I thought I already said that. Hm.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

i deleted my facebook about a year ago. Did you know that if i tried to log in with my same e-mail address i could restore my page to the exact same state it was in when i deleted it? The same pictures, wall posts, name and "friends" (granted they are still active on Facebook. What you put on the internet STAYS on the internet, PERIOD.

Exactly, so don't put anything on there you don't want people to know! Plain and simple! I don't have cable that hooks up through the internet (yes I'm in backwards rural OZ where we only get Austar), and my '96 falcon ute certainly doesn't interact with my facebook via mobile phones. I'm just trying to say, that if you use facebook with a bit of common sense, you have nothing to worry about.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:58 PM
I have 159 people on my friends list. if I didnt go to school with them, im related to them, have a deep friendship with them or at some point saw them naked. I am not even searchable except for by people who are already on said list. I do not have credit cards and if someone wants to take my identity...dont be upset when some undesirables want words, lol. If ole Zuck wants to take a gander at my profile...meh. Stalkers existed way before the internetz and the government goonies probably know plenty about me already just because of hubby's job. So Id rather live beyond the fear of what *could* happen and just go about my life. If someone random shows up on your doorstep and says they have been monitoring your online activities and have come to get you......shoot their f**kin face off.

besides....if I wanted to round up dissidents....sites like ATS are far more profitable for said endeavors. Its like Fish in a barrel on here.
edit on 11-6-2011 by irsuccubus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by just_julie

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by Shawny2222
Reply to post by just_julie

I deleted the info and it's blank now. I thought I already said that. Hm.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

i deleted my facebook about a year ago. Did you know that if i tried to log in with my same e-mail address i could restore my page to the exact same state it was in when i deleted it? The same pictures, wall posts, name and "friends" (granted they are still active on Facebook. What you put on the internet STAYS on the internet, PERIOD.

Exactly, so don't put anything on there you don't want people to know! Plain and simple! I don't have cable that hooks up through the internet (yes I'm in backwards rural OZ where we only get Austar), and my '96 falcon ute certainly doesn't interact with my facebook via mobile phones. I'm just trying to say, that if you use facebook with a bit of common sense, you have nothing to worry about.

All i'm trying to say (my friend) is this: Information such as you have Austar cable and you drive a '96 Falcon UTE can be used against you whenever ANYONE who chooses to use this information likes. Imagine how much miscellaneous information you have posted about yourself on the internet that (pieced together) can be used against you. Not to mention the fact that you live in rural OZ (and that is just ONE post on ATS). Imagine what i could learn from reading your ("private") Facebook messages. Your naivety to my thread makes me "curious" to say the LEAST!!

If i knew how, I would hack into your computer right now just to prove that i could. That is the type of random "attack" i'm talking about in the OP.
edit on 6/11/2011 by ProphecyPhD because: typos (hey, i'm a perfectionist!!)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by irsuccubus
I have 159 people on my friends list. if I didnt go to school with them, im related to them, have a deep friendship with them or at some point saw them naked. I am not even searchable except for by people who are already on said list. I do not have credit cards and if someone wants to take my identity...dont be upset when some undesirables want words, lol. If ole Zuck wants to take a gander at my profile...meh. Stalkers existed way before the internetz and the government goonies probably know plenty about me already just because of hubby's job. So Id rather live beyond the fear of what *could* happen and just go about my life. If someone random shows up on your doorstep and says they have been monitoring your online activities and have come to get you......shoot their f**kin face off.

besides....if I wanted to round up dissidents....sites like ATS are far more profitable for said endeavors. Its like Fish in a barrel on here.
edit on 11-6-2011 by irsuccubus because: (no reason given)

Here is some personal information about me. My mother and a few other family members tagged me as Son, Brother, ect. That is why i deleted my Facebook. My Facebook had NONE of my personal information. NONE. When these people "tagged" me my cover was blown. Ponder my words for a second before you "de-bunk" me. If you wanted to get to me and my MOTHER had me tagged as her son.... how hard would your goal be??

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

Social networking is a nightmare waiting to unfold. I hate being negative considering while I am saying this I feel we essentially live in the best age of humanity. There has never been an age like this but I sincerely feel that we as a whole are in jeopardy of losing all the things that are good to the few things that are EXTREMELY bad right now.

The bad: Corpocracies, GMO, Nuclear Safety Standards, Pollution (Pharma ~ Ind. Chemicals). Corruption of the highest orders running rampant in general (Financial/Political systems)

PS. Please flag me because it is the only reason I bother posting on this site. I don't have a sports car...or do I?
edit on 11-6-2011 by TheRemedial because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

You are right in what you are saying that people can find stuff out about you, but what people? Who? Honestly what makes you so special?? Or me so special for that matter? Why should I feel afraid? What should I be afraid of?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by just_julie
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

You are right in what you are saying that people can find stuff out about you, but what people? Who? Honestly what makes you so special?? Or me so special for that matter? Why should I feel afraid? What should I be afraid of?

A wolf
(Second line)

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