posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 06:29 PM
Ah a UFO sighting above a pub, hehehe. God that brings back memories from Europe.
I remeber one night, on New years eve, after stumbling out of the German bar for some fresh air, I looked up, and saw a UFO, but then again, I had
also drank copius amounts of Ouzo, red Bull and Vodka, and some rather illicit absinthe. I came stumbling back, in, telling everyone to come outside,
there is a UFO, and people ran outside and were looking up, and pointing, then suddenly laughing. nIt turned out to be some rhintone studded womans
bra that was stuck up on the phone wires. I went back in, drank some more beer, and passed out.
Thats the last time I touched Absinthe, lol!