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Originally posted by Qwenn
This seems to be more of an age thing than racist, I can't believe how anyone can support this kind of behaviour, young people today, think it is acceptable to harrass and bully old people, it shows by the support you have had from other posters. Let's see how acceptable you find it when you are an OAP and some 14 year old punk trash kid starts this stuff out on you !
Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
reply to post by hotbakedtater
I didnt insult you
I said you had the potential to be 2 not so nice things.
Dude no offence but your a waste of time, everyone on this thread saw and noted in there posts (even the people on the old dudes side) that the old dude got physical first.
I believe its already been pointed out by Lysergic 5:57 and then the kid saying dont touch me again is a pretty good indication the old guy pushed him.
And just got a lesson in US property law courtesy of Psyckoops, Id tell you to check the post but as you have demonstrated your powers of observation are somewhat lacking.
Ignorance in this thread is beyond belief. Let's just forget the fight for a moment and think about the property issues. Many people seem to use that as their argument. As the law is if there is no fences, signs or prior knowledge of the property lines then there was nothing wrong in walking on someone elses property. So think about that before you post.
Case closed, kid did nothing wrong, old man got verbally and physically abusive first.
Kid is right old racist dinosaur wrong.
Im still waiting to see if you have the integrity to admit you were wrong about the crap and the first shove? now you can also add a retraction about how he shouldnt have been on the lawn as well
Dont worry Im not holding my breathedit on 11-6-2011 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Swizzy
Boredom + Kids = This.
They clearly had nothing better to do than continue to do something that anoys a particular person in this case the retired fellow. Any rational thinking person would apologise for stepping on someones property and letting their dog take a dump. The only reason they went back to him was to get attention on Youtube and hopefully get beat up so they could go running home and call their brothers for help...
So god damn sad
Originally posted by Bentenheimer
I remember being young and not knowing many laws, or rules of etiquette that society had created and expected me to follow. One time, me and some friends went fishing in a pond. The owner (older gent) of the pond came by and said, "there's no fish in there boys, you might want to try a different spot". He was firm, but reasonable about it; therefore we learned that there was an imaginary line around the pond that we weren't supposed to cross any more. And we respected his rule, because we respected him.
However, If had he yelled at us, we probably would have egged his house or done some other childish and ignorant prank in retaliation. Why? Because we were young, ignorant, full of hormones and egos, and lacked the necessary information required to make better decisions.
Thus, I am thankful for people like him who guided me down the path of understanding, rather than scolding me down the path of misunderstanding instead.
Originally posted by hotbakedtater
I can shout why did you yell at me instead of asking politely, too, it does not make it true or mean no other methods were employed before the video camera came out. Just because the kid claims something on video does not necessarily make it true.
Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
It's pathetic that in American Politically Correct 'culture' someone gets called a racist for calling a typical black punk a typical black punk.
Next time, the old guy should shoot the prick for trespassing and have him arrested for harassment.
Originally posted by MrWendal
Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
reply to post by MrWendal
He is not a "blatant racist", give me break with that nonsense. Just because you have an issue with someone of a different race does not make you a racist.
I agree totally but when you insult someone and make a racial slur I and most people would consider that racist.
Why didnt he just stop at young disrespectful punk? because to him calling someone black is insulting.
Trust me dude I hate political correctness in all forms and misplaced calls of racism or sexism make my blood boil but in this instance I think its pretty obvious the guys a racist.
Im still waiting to hear where the dog crap part is, would you be so kind as to point it out coz if its true then yes the kids a punk
Just because he added the word "black" still does not make him a racist.
There is a certain attitude that comes from young black men in this country. The honestly believe that everyone who disagrees with them is automatically a racist, because they are always right. It is called playing the race card and I see it on a daily basis.
The young man is being a "typical black punk". He is standing there flaunting his sense of entitlement, like the whole world owes him something and he can do whatever he wants regardless of how others feel about it. Sorry, but the way I see it... that makes him the same "typical black punk" that I see from the gangster wannabe's who walk around my neighborhood and get mad at people who do not drive their car into oncoming traffic just because they would rather walk in the street instead of on the sidewalk where they should be. If that makes me a "racist" I will wear that badge proudly and with honor.
Originally posted by MrWendal
Originally posted by DuceizBack
This site is full of racist.
You guys talk about respect yet the old white man was cursing in front of a child.
HAHAHA that is far from a child...get real.
A Child is 8,9, 10 years old. The young man in the video is anywhere between 16-19..unless he is one HUGE 10 year old. Sorry but that is a far cry from a "child"