This discussion very much looks like it's geared towards age, rather than race or any other matter going on.
I'm an 18 year old who's skateboarded all of my life. I very well know what it's like to be called a punk, along with a plethora of other
stereotypical words that come to mind when older people see me. Little do they know that I am a very respectful individual; that is, until I feel that
respect should not be granted.
It appears the young man in the video has a similar mentality to mine. He was very clearly being respectful to the man, and doing something which my
generation finds to be respectful; that is, clearing up any issues or bad blood through calm confrontation. The old man, in my opinion, is in the
wrong. He admitted to flipping the kid off and yelling at him, while the kid was walking on land that showed no signs of private property in any way.
Such an act of uncontrolled frustration and belligerence is, dare I say, childish?
Still, the young man kept cool and tried to resolve the issue, looking to come to some kind of compromise. Then the old man continues his
disrespectful rhetoric by resorting to degrading the young man by calling out his race. This is where I, personally, would call it quits on giving
respect to anybody, regardless of age. Still, the young man stayed composed and tried to compromise the confrontation in a calm manner.
It appears the line was drawn when the old man finally put his hands on the young man. Physical intervention by the old man was completely unnecessary
and immature. The young man was showing respect, SELF-respect that is, by standing his ground and refusing to leave defeated by the arrogant and
domineering old man. From there, the old man got in the kids face in an unnecessary and disrespectful fashion, until the young man finally lost his
composure and did exactly as the old man did, only in a way that the young man physically could, in a fashion that he understands. Coming from what I
would assume is a completely different culture than the old man, the young man acted as he knew how to act in a physical situation. His mannerisms are
most likely shocking and disgusting to the older crowd of ATS. But again, being from my generation, it is language and behavior that is really quite
common in a physical altercation.
The young man did something that I though most ATSers would respect as well. He questioned what is, for lack of a better term, what could be seen as
an authority figure in this situation. The old man, stuck on old wisdom of racism, aggression, and physical dominance, was questioned by the young,
calm man who was looking to resolve a conflict independently and without problems. This escalated to the point where the young man lost his cool, but
in my opinion, it was understandable.
In closing, my opinion is that the young man was in the right here. I believe that the old man feels entitled to having respect, due to his age,
regardless of his actions. Unfortunately this is the vibe I'm getting from some members of the forum. Many members are siding with the old man, on
account of lack of respect. But why does this man deserve respect? What has he done to show me that I should admire or look up to him in any way? From
my point of view you earn respect from what you do, not how old you are, and the display of ignorance from the old man deserves no respect from me.