Catchy title, huh??
Anyway I've come to a number of reasonable conclusions (I think), and strangely enough, I have the internet to thank for it.
Nearly every site (95% or thereabouts) that accuses Masons of satan-worship, NWO, eating small children, practicing black and sex magic (the latter of
which I try to practice as often as I can), is somehow (most times very closely associated) with a.) part of the Christian church, b.) a member of
the Christian clergy, c.) a layperson who is a devout Christian and feels guilty about what he sees as sinful practice.
Why only Christians? No, not the level-headed ones that you probably find in Masonic lodges, but the overzealos, overly-devout ones.
1.) That business about spitting on the cross as part of a Masonic "test" for young masons to determine if they are fit to study the "black arts"
. . . . . . . . BOTH instances I found on Google were from In fact, ALOT of anti-masonic propaganda is from A Christian organization, or one that claims to be.
2.) ALL of the personal testimony of people who left the masons (quit) suggest clearly that they are Crhistians who felt guilty about one thing or
3.) The misquotations about "the seething energies of Lucifer" and Satan-related writing attributed to Albert Pike comes from . . . . . you guessd
it ! Christian groups. Mostly "web-ministries" that sell books and preach the benefits of being "saved" by Christ.
What does all this mean?
Interesting how I don't see the same kind of propaganda (or ANY propaganda) from Muslim masons, or Buddhist masons, or the ultimate in FREEDOM and
taking it easy: Taoist masons. many of these groups, as far as I know, don't use the word "satan", and some don't even have a comparable
'evil" deity. There is no Taoist "hell", for instance . . . . just alot of partying and nature-loving. I think the same goes for Shinto.
1.) The Chrstian church has always seen Freemasonry as subversive. Why? Another power structure, aside from the state, that has a membership, has
secrets, and uh . . . oh yes, also has money and more than a little bit of power.
2.) "Satan", and this is more of an assumption so please correct me if I'm wrong, is a Christian creation. Christianity itself is, as far as I
know, a creation. It is no better and no worse than Islam, Bddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, etc. Hinduism . . . .hundreds of gods . . .can 600 million
people be wrong???? ;-)
So, in reality, when masons are accused of worhipping satan, they are actually accused of worshipping a Christian creation, which carresi with it
Christian conception of what is wright and wrong. Hindus worship elephant and animal gods . . .so should they be called "pagans" and
"Satanists"?? I wonder what the Hindus and Muslims call the forms of worship practiced by Chrstians.
Seems like none of the other faiths feel threatened by Freemasonry. I suppose fundamentalist Christians feel that Christianity is the only TRUE
faith. Oh well. Can't please everyone.
With my sincere apologies to good, decent and REASONABLE Christians (if I've given them offense), but in reality, the accusation and label
"satanist", means very little, aside from perhaps a deity that is claimed to be "evil" (again, "evil" in relation to what?? Islamic "evil",
Buddhist "evil", Or Taoist "evil" (ther is no such thing as Taosit "evil"), that is almsot exclusively a Christian creation and which has been
used as a weapon by fundamnetalist Chrstian bodies/organzations for the purposes of stamping out what they felt wa a threat to their faith (as opposed
to the faith of Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto, Zoroastrinaism, etc.)
I look forward to joining the masons. It looks like they need more intelligent, reasonable, and open-minded advocates.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Please excuse any typos. . . . it's early.
[edit on 7-8-2004 by LTD602]
[edit on 8-8-2004 by John bull 1]