posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:02 AM
To head down the Astrophotography route there are some minnimum requirements, the first thing you need to know is what you want to be taking pictures
of. You can get away with less equipment for objects like the moon and planets but if you want to do DSO(deep space objects) imaging then the hardware
like the mounts and tripod need to be bigger, sturdier and accurate. An altazimuth mount like many of the go to scopes are mounted on is not going to
be good enough for the longer exposures needed.
But there is no need to run before you can walk, the moon and planets make for a great targets for the beginner while they familiarise themselves with
Get yourself a webcam which can be fairly cheap, try the phillips spc880(it needs an upgrade first, still cheap though) or if you have a dslr camera
already that's a good start.
There are many good options to take it just depends on budget and location.