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have I found the Common denominator for conspiracy theorist's?

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posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:28 PM
Now, I don't label myself a conspiracy theorist, and neither should any of you. Labels put you in boxes you may only partially fit into, while leaving out core parts. That being said, I will label one of my many faults as being un-able to trust. Un-able to trust what I am being told is the truth. Healthy skepticism is good, but what I'm trying to heal is the fact that I can't hardly bring myself to trust anyone or anything outside my small group of family and close friends. Even then, sometimes I have my doubts.

This is not me whining, complaining, moaning, groaning, belly aching or self pity. This is merely my attempt to look at myself from the outside in order to gain a different persepctive.

Now onto my point:
I don't feel the need to mention my distrust for world events, world facts, or world issues. That should be immediately obvious. But what happens when we ARE told the honest to goodness truth? Will we believe it? Even if we scream for un-adulterated facts and get them will it be enough?

My questions are: Does conspiracy theorism create a self-perpetuating machine of self-destructive Miss-trust? And if we won the truth that we so desire could we learn to trust what were told again? Would we even be able to trust our fellow truth speakers?

My answers are: possibly, hopefully, and if we can't there's probably no point to any of this. In that order.

What are your answers? Thoughts? Hopes? Fears?

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:39 PM
That's an interesting perspective on "conspiracy theorists". I myself don't trust people. That comes from my childhood and watching my parents lie to eachother about EVERYTHING. Huge liars they are. You should be able to trust your parents right? So that probably set the stage for my dis-trust in people in general. I sound like I'm whining here too. I'm not. Just trying to state WHY I don't trust people. I'm not blaming them. It's just... seeing that as an example almost made lying and deceit "normal".

But I've always been an objective person. I've always liked to see both sides (or in some cases, multiple sides) of a story. I am very open minded and it's difficult for me to hear something and simply believe it. Unless it's cold hard fact. Even then... I question.
This has caused issues on a lot of levels! I'm not sure I will ever trust a spouse. I've had identity crises with my faith.
I sorta believe in doing or believing the exact opposite of whatever the government is trying to do or say about a certain subject. Not out of rebellion. Just because I don't believe they are looking out for the best interest of the general, middle class public.

Once again, I'm not BLAMING my childhood. I could change if I wanted. But I always wonder if I was brought up without the CONSTANT lying, maybe I would view the world differently. Some days, I'd love to be blissfully ignorant!

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Deafseeingeyedog

I think the best thing to do after criticizing anything, is to criticize yourself. Works for me?

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Deafseeingeyedog

I hear you there. I think there's obviously different levels of a "conspiracy theorist", so different people with differing opinions.

As the world progresses, so do the levels of conspiracy, so much to the point we are at now. Self-perpetuating in a sense yes. We can sometimes be our own enemy.

IF we ever learned the truth, then no, I don't think we would be able to trust again fully...Although I guess we'd be forced to trust whatever happens..
edit on 9-6-2011 by SmoKeyHaZe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:43 PM
Lots of people are liars. Not trusting them makes a lot of sense, unless you like getting scammed.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:43 PM
Good post.

I can only speak for myself with this. I don't feel any obligation whatsoever to "find the truth", unlike a lot of people on here, I'd say. I simply find this stuff interesting. But I don't think people will ever fully trust each other. Suspicion seems almost like its an instinct. I've always had a deep feeling that something's "off" about the world and our consensus "reality". I wouldn't even classify it as paranoia because reading these conspiracy theories never makes me lose sleep at night or have any effect on my social life. I just feel like there's a single, big secret that's being kept from the general public that would change everything we do.
edit on 6/9/2011 by BirdOfillOmen because: spelling

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:44 PM
If your having trouble trusting people try this: Go bungie jumping someplace not safe like off a bridge with jagged rocks below where you have to trust the man who's putting your rope together with your life.

Look him in they eye and know that if he screws up your weight or the length of the rope that your a goner. Your life is in a strangers hands.

If you live you might just find yourself a bit more trusting of others.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:44 PM
The "TRUTH" will resonate within "YOU"!

The "GUT" feelings. Please do not over think the issue, that is falling into the trap.

"YOU" will know the "TRUTH" when you feel it!

Regards and Nameste,

edit on 9-6-2011 by ChungTsuU because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by ChungTsuU
The "TRUTH" will resonate within "YOU"!

The "GUT" feelings. Please do not over think the issue, that is falling into the trap.

"YOU" will know the "TRUTH" when you feel it!

Regards and Nameste,

edit on 9-6-2011 by ChungTsuU because: (no reason given)

Utter nonsense and here's why. What if two members of ATS come across an issue and they each get a gut feeling that are totally opposite each other. They both can't be right. Gut feelings are for people who lack the ability to analyze information properly and come to a conclusion based on evidence.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:50 PM
Yes, this is a problem.

If the 'truth' doesn't turn out to be spectacular enough, then we may not believe it.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:51 PM
I think that "conspiracy theorists" or whatever they are named are a breed apart - not a good breed.

You see many of us do not believe one damn thing coming from our leaders but that is because education and knowledge of how politics evolved and is used.

Conspiracy theorists on the sites I have visited seem to show up a large percentage of unemployment, radical views that inspire radical action, a stubborn belief they are wholly right and will never be corrected. And above all they hate to be disbelieved. This to me in unhealthy and simplistic.

They scorn those who listen to the MSN yet ALL of their evidence comes from the very same sources the MSN get their news. ITs just two side of the same coin.

For me its easy. I believe no one and even less those who claim to have proof. Everyone's proof is based on another persons partial research and therefore the overall proof is not proof of anything except using data that someone or a group of people have collected without YOU present. Conspiracy theorist just repackage other peoples data to fit their own theory.

And theory does not mean they are right.

Take 9/11. All the PROOF in the world is biased by views of others and political agendas that become apparent. Not one person on this site was part of the team that investigated the attack so therefore any info garnished is second hand as YOU were not part of it. So to me its a no go.

You can't even believe your own theories as they are tainted by preconceived notions and how you may of been raised or religious influence or peer attachments.

Undeniable proof does not exist in today's world so we are all but in the dark. The best way is too be prepared for the worse but live your life as if it was the last day.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Deafseeingeyedog

I think that is definitely an interesting way to look at it and that you are partly right, but I believe the common denominator for conspiracy theorists is that we all question what we are told instead of just accepting what we are told. You can't believe everything you see or hear and you can't disbelieve everything either. There is a common ground between the two, and I think what truly separates us from sheeple is that we are able to see the holes or lies in the story. You are right, sometimes they aren’t even there and our mind puts them there because that is how we have conditioned ourselves to think. But if things don't add up we don't just go along with them, we theorize and try to find out the missing pieces. I believe that is much better than accepting everything you are told as the absolute truth.

edit on 9-6-2011 by tooo many pills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by kro32

Originally posted by ChungTsuU
The "TRUTH" will resonate within "YOU"!

The "GUT" feelings. Please do not over think the issue, that is falling into the trap.

"YOU" will know the "TRUTH" when you feel it!

Regards and Nameste,

edit on 9-6-2011 by ChungTsuU because: (no reason given)

Utter nonsense and here's why. What if two members of ATS come across an issue and they each get a gut feeling that are totally opposite each other. They both can't be right. Gut feelings are for people who lack the ability to analyze information properly and come to a conclusion based on evidence.

Go with "YOUR" gut my friend. It is clear where you want to go. Leave behind the Polarity/Duality.

To pre-ement your next question... I want "LOVE" and compassion to win out. We are all "ONE" and what "I" do effect "YOU" in turn effects "THEM"..."LOVE God and one ANOTHER", will win out!

You are using "ego" again. I just gave you credit for leaving it behind.

Regards and Nameste,


posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by kro32

Only from someone elses perspective, though.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 12:09 AM
When it comes to what the media and the government, there are valid reasons not to trust these sources.

Would you just "trust" a used care salesperson? You know why you wouldn't? Past history and current motivation and ability to be dishonest. If you do any research you know governments and media have a long history of lying.

Why doesn't the government have "trust" in us to pay our taxes instead of taking it from our paycheck?

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by kro32
If your having trouble trusting people try this: Go bungie jumping someplace not safe like off a bridge with jagged rocks below where you have to trust the man who's putting your rope together with your life.

Look him in they eye and know that if he screws up your weight or the length of the rope that your a goner. Your life is in a strangers hands.

If you live you might just find yourself a bit more trusting of others.

Follow this...

This must be why I strapped in with the "Belgium Commandos" at their Mountaineering School, and who had just drank several beers at lunch , no joke, told me "Ranger, trust ME, the knot is good!"

I have done so...problem is the larger picture is not what we have been told. This is my perspective and will now let you decide.

I am done, look around and decide for yourself, take 3 days friend.

Regards and Nameste,


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