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First post and I would like to inform and get opinons on Night Terrors.My daughter suffers horribly

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posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:10 PM
Ok, thank you everyone in advance for responding and indulging in this subject with me. I am new here officially but have been viewing posts and researching for myself of about a year and realized not all of you are crazy conspiracy theorists! lol...Moving on...

So, my daughter is about to turn 3 and after reading some previous threads this seems to be the prime age...But the incidents have occurred since she was 2. I currently live with my fiance's great grandmother who thinks she is psychic. She reads a lot of Edgar Cayce and they do a lot of other things that I consider "Voo Doo" I do not know much about magic, spells, etc but they are into all of that. My belief is different as well is my fiance's. I believe in God, the creator. I do not believe in the magic fairy tales though, theoretically, some could be very real. My fiance believes in "I don't know". I do not really recall my daughter having these night terrors at all until after we moved here. On each entrance to a door in the house is a cross and two lines that were drawn with white chalk. ( I could take a photo with my cell phone and upload it if anyone is interested and can explain how to do so, as I stated this is my first post and I am new). Also, my fiance has told me that her great grandmother leaves food out and feeds "spirits" and one time when she was little she saw one. Sometimes in the house neck hairs will stand up and I feel like someone is watching me. Again, I do not try to believe in these things and when I feel like this I pray for God to protect me and not to let me see anything because I'm a baby when it comes to this stuff haha.

Moving on, it usually happens between 11pm and on. My daughter will scream soooo loud and yell, "NO! Leave me alone!!!" And she never wants me to comfort her, she only wants her mom (Which could have nothing to do with the dream as she could be entering this stage because it seems like she wants her Mother more than me on other occasions as well). I mean when she screams like this it is scary! It sounds like someone is trying to take her the way she is screaming. Sometimes she will not wake up but sometimes she will and she will be awake looking and just staring. Last night she stared at me and my fiance in bed for about 10 minutes. It kind of freaked me out because I just watched Paranormal Activity 2 about two weeks ago. Sometimes she falls back asleep on her own, sometimes she needs comforting and sometimes we need to bring her into the bed with us so she can fall back asleep.

She is too young to ask her what's going on obviously though we still try. I've taken her to the doctor and told her about what is going on and she said that she's heard of this but there is nothing they can do and to just let her cry it out because if we try to pick her up while this is happening she has a tantrum and throws her body around furiously, so the doctor said to leave her be until she becomes calm so she doesn't injure herself in her crib. It happens sometimes during the day also, the main reason I had taken her to the doctors is because it was occurring during naptime at daycare.

Is this something that I need to be worried about? Though it doesn't seem too serious because of the other threads I've read they've grown out of it and have recollections etc...Is there anything I can do to help maybe relax her more such as music, movies, etc? Also, she does not watch anything scary. If its not the Little Mermaid then its Blues Clues or Sponge Bob...

Another reason I am posting here is because my mom sometimes thinks she feels things or has dreams of things happening and sometimes to her credit, they do happen or her intuition is right. She doesn't really tell me a lot of things because I write her off with it and she is nothing compared to my fiance's side of the family with the claims and all the other things but she told my fiance that she had a dream that there's a man in the house and he tries to go near and around my daughter and she doesn't like him and he doesn't like me because of my dominant nature and he latches on to her grandmother to feed off her anger and other things that I don't quite recall.

I'm just looking for information and possible treatments to help ease the night terrors away. I hope that I posted this correctly and that I followed the rules of the sites forum correctly and look forward to responses. Thank you in advance.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:16 PM
Install CAM Record it possible in nightvision / infared / and regular visible light spectrum .

For the child play classical music softly in her room so she can fall asleep to that . But first record what triggers it ! to see if its something more then just imagination at play !

Record for one week . Send in results !

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:18 PM
I wasn't much older than that when I used to have all sorts of horrifying night time experiences .. it was my grandmother who solved it for me as well ..

She came into my room with a bottle of something she'd mixed and sprayed all around the room and on the floor.. in the closet, under the bed, around the windows.. this to me was a mystical experience as such a little kid, it stuck out in memory..

When I was about 18 or 19 I remembered that and asked her what she did because after that I slept undisturbed from then on.. she told me it was just a spray bottle she filled with water.

This may not be useful to you but it is just to let you know that the power of suggestion is a POWERFUL thing.. I was convinced as a little kid that my grandma just did something to protect me from whatever was terrifying me and really all she did was plant an idea.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by NephlimKilla

Send out positive thoughts! As long as you are more positive than negative, I dont think it can touch you. Try telling your daughter to send out positive loving thoughts at all times and see what happens. No guarantee (Ive never had a spirit stalk me) but I think it will help.
edit on 9-6-2011 by mattime because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:27 PM
Good luck and a prayer for your daughter. Of course, most parents have some experience with night terrors and it could be fairly normal except for frequency.

However, and you basically have the suspicion yourself, it's possible that Great-Grannie might have opened some doors in her own life that could possibly be spilling over in the house. If she's saying things in front of your daughter that promote her spiritual beliefs--and conflict with yours--I would personally find that concerning as it could cause some confusion.

I hope you two find some peace and answers.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:27 PM
Everything that your daughter suffers from is a product of her own mind.
There has been an upset in the family, she's probably working that out in her own way.
If she gets to the point where she hurts herself or others she requires psychiatry or some sort of counselling.
I concur with the person above and I'd like to add, "stop filling her head with crap, grandma."

And shame on the other "ambulance chaser" above who states that they want to see footage, footage of what? A child freaking out?

Now, night terrors are not nightmares. It sound like your daughter is not suffering from night terrors, but is suffering from some form of mental distress.

Above all, try to provide a normal, calm, stable environment for her full of age-appropriate joy.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by seedofchucky
Install CAM Record it possible in nightvision / infared / and regular visible light spectrum .

For the child play classical music softly in her room so she can fall asleep to that . But first record what triggers it ! to see if its something more then just imagination at play !

Record for one week . Send in results !

Do this. Do you have any animals in the house? If so will they go into her room? Does her grandmother really practice VooDoo?

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by NephlimKilla

Our youngest daughter had night terrors,

It started when she 5 and only lasted a few months. it was absolutely surreal to watch her, she would not respond to anyone, my husband would have to hold her so tight to calm her down, and in all the panic and the whole house would wake and everyone was making sure she was ok, her face changed in front of everyone, her cheeks looked sucked in her eyes wide with fear, it was though the fat in her face had gone and it was just skin close to the skull. She would say she saw bugs crawling on us.

She is 14 now and has witnessed many ghostly apparitions.

So maybe your daughter is a medium or a sensitive. I’d recommend going into her room and saying in the firmest tone… do not come and see (your daughter name) anymore, go away, you are disturbing her sleep.
And i would also recommend having the house cleansed. It seemed to help us.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:47 PM
18 y/o male here, I suffered horribly from them all of my childhood.

There really is no "cause" from what I remember, they just happen. Talk soothing words to her, it always helped me when my mother did.
I do remember that they get worse before I got sick or as I was sick. Something to do with a fever caused VERY bad ones. I even remember a couple when I had a high-fever ... it was THE MOST horrific experience imaginable. I thank God I didn't have full awareness during the others, it would've scarred me.

Don't worry, she'll out grow them!

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:49 PM
My son is about to turn two and he had a spell for a few months with night terrors. He would sleep walk and scream and cry. I did a lot of researching on the subject and employed some of the advice I found in some forums on the subject.

1) DO NOT try to wake her up, just hold her and protect her from herself, so that she doesn't get hurt by falling or tripping on something.

2) Children have no recollection of the episode after they wake up from it

3) The most common time they occur is right about the time REM sleeps starts happening, usually about 3 hours (give or take) after they fall asleep.

4) Make sure your daughter maintains the same schedule throughout the day, everyday. This is key to preventing them. Same meal times, same nap time and length, etc..

Usually night terrors go away on their own as a child gets older, but you can do your part to try and prevent them. Good luck, I know how hard it is to see it happening and not being able to do anything about it.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:53 PM
If you go and buy some black onyx ( a crystal) and place it under her pilliow no more than 5 nights a week the nightmares will slow and then not occour

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:53 PM
If you go and buy some black onyx ( a crystal) and place it under her pilliow no more than 5 nights a week the nightmares will slow and then not occour

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:02 PM
The Malaysian Dream Theory is in regards to the indigenous people of Malaya. A tribe known as the Senoi employ in their culture a method of dream interpretation. Dr. Kilton Stewart, who first encountered the Senoi in 1935 in the rainforests of Malaya, wrote; "I was introduced to an isolated tribe of jungle folk, who employed methods of psychology and inter-perso nal relations so astonishing that they might have come from another planet."

These Senoi operate under a system that Dr. Stewart describes as "But the: major authority in all their communities is now held by their primitive psychologists whom they call halaks. The only honorary title in the society is that of Tohat, which is equivalent to a doctor who is b oth a healer and an educator, in our terms."

According to the Senoi, there have not been any instances of violent crime or inter-communal conflict for at least two or three hundred years of which the credit to their reliance on the halaks and the Tohat. Stweart was also impressed at how the Senoi were able to devise strategies to instill fear in any strangers with ambitions of invasion. They were not only a society with no internal conflict or violent crime, but they were a society who had managed to stave off attack from without as well by cultivating an image of practice in black magic.

The Senoi do not practice black magic, and only allow strangers to believe that they do in order to give these strangers pause. However, while the appearance of black magic explains the lack of conflict from without, and since they don't practice black magic, it hardly explains how they have managed to avoid internal conflict for so long. Stewart formed his dream theory:

"This fear of Senoi magic accounts for the fact that they have not, over a long period, had to fight with outsiders. But the absence of violent crime, armed conflict, and mental and physical diseases in their own society can only be explained on the ba sis of institutions which produce a high state of psychological integration and emotional maturity, along with social skills and attitudes which promote creative, rather than destructive, interpersonal relations. They are, perhaps, the most democratic gro up reported in anthropological literature. In the realms of family, economics, and politics, their society operates smoothly on the principle of contract, agreement, and democratic consensus, with no need of police force, jail, psychiatric hospital to rei nforce the agreements or to confine those who are not willing or able to reach consensus. Study of their society seems to indicate that they have arrived at this high state of social and physical cooperation and integration through the system of psycholog y which they discovered, invented, and developed, and that the principles of this system of psychology are understandable in terms of Western scientific thinking."

Stewart soon follows with this astonishing statement:

"Being a pre-literate group, the principles of their psychology are simple and easy to learn, understand, and even employ. Fifteen years of experimentation with these Senoi principles have convinced me that all men, regardless of their actual cultura l development, might profit by studying them."

The Senoi spend a great deal of time engaging in dream interpretation and dream expressions through a ceremony of "agreement trance" or "cooperative reverie". As Stewart put it:

"Dream interpretations, however, is a feature of child education and is the common knowledge of all Senoi adults. The average Senoi layman practices the psychotherapy of dream interpretation of his family and associates as a regular feature of education and daily social intercourse. Breakfast in the Senoi house is like a dream clinic, with the father and older brothers listening to and analyzing the dreams of all the children. At the end of the family clinic the male population gathers in the council, a t which the dreams of the older children and all the men in the community are reported, discussed, and analyzed."

Explaining how it works, Stewart writes:

"While the Senoi do not, of course, employ our system of terminology, their psychology of dream interpretation might be summed up as follows: man creates features or images of the outside world in his own mind as part of the adaptive process. Some of th ese features are in conflict with him and with each other. Once internalized, these hostile images turn man against himself and against his fellows. In dreams man has the power to see these facts of his psyche, which have been disguised in external forms, associated with his own fearful emotions, and turned against him and the internal images of other people. If the individual does not receive social aid through education and therapy, these hostile images, built up by man's normal receptiveness to the out side world, get tied together and associated with one another in a way which makes him physically, socially, and psychologically abnormal."

Soon after stating:

"The Senoi believes that any human being, with the aid of his fellows, can outface, master, and actually utilize all beings and forces in the dream universe. His experience leads him to believe that, if you cooperate with your fellows or oppose them wit h good will in the day time, their images will help you in your dreams, and that every person should be the supreme ruler and master of his own dream or spiritual universe, and can demand and receive the help and cooperation of all the forces the re."

He is arguing that the Senoi master their dreams and become the conscious authors of their future dreams. Eliminating any fearful images and replacing them with positive and friendly images. An emphasis on cooperation among each other is, of course, part of the equation, but the mastery of ones own dreams reflects a remarkable causative action that must be quite empowering. It is as if they are developing a competent consciousness in order to maintain a competent unconsciousness.

In terms of replacing the horrifying images with safer or more friendly images, and at the risk of gross oversimplification, the Senoi begin their dream interpretation first thing in the morning and sitting at the breakfast table will have the children tell the family the dreams they had the night before. If a child was dreaming of falling, they will praise his dream of flying. Each time that child dreams of falling, the family will interpret it as a glorious dream of flying, and eventually the child stops dreaming of falling and begins dreaming a flying.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:04 PM

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by NephlimKilla

I have had these all of my life since I can remember (I"m 28 now). I really felt compelled to reply to this post not only because of my experience with night terrors, but because i know how upset these episodes had made my parents. Rest assured though, I, despite my parents fears, never had any dreams of them hurting me. I would bet that your daughter's experience is the same in that regards. I can also tell you that you will never be able to get a detailed picture of what is your daughter is actually dreaming about. With me, it is more of a feeling of sheer terror that washes over me when i get them (and a feeling of turning into wood). Although there is indeed a dream that goes along with the experience. But as many times as I have been asked by my parents, I have never been able to put it into words simply because there is some kind of block in my mind as soon as I reenter normal waking state.
Like you daughter, I also had a preference for my mother, and would scream at the top of my lungs "I want my mom" repeatedly. I don't know your whole experience, but do not be troubled by this. I do not think it has any significance. At least it did not for me. What I have read about night terrors said that they usually go away as one gets older. For you, this may not be for some years off. For me, they simply tapered off and have remained coming once a year, even to this day.
There is so much I'd like to say to you, but I have to head out now. I just wanted to reply before the mass of replies came in, burying mine. Feel free to email me questions if you would like.
Also, I usually always try to sit in the bathroom (I have no idea why), but before that I use to try and get outside. I do not know how typical this is. But, due to the fact that on several occasions I woke up outside, I would be aware of this for your daughter.
edit on 9-6-2011 by telephonemonkey because: Grammar

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by NephlimKilla

I just read through some of these replies. These are clearly night terrors, and not some form of "mental distress." Although, they are distressing, these night terrors are no more a sign of future mental disorder than are a child's imaginary friends.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by NephlimKilla

There is a lot of stupid stuff being written in this thread.

1)Yes, try to wake them up (this is nothing more than a myth surrounding the sleep walking person, though you probably will not be successful), and also restrain them into one room so that they don't fall down the stairs or something.
2) Despite people saying that children have no memory of these events, they do. I do. Usually, I was deeply embarrassed, and simply said i did not, so I would not have to deal with the questions. I would bet that your daughter is aware that she was up last night screaming.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by NephlimKilla

Get your daughter out of your fiancés grandmother's house as soon as possible, you daughter is very sensitive and the environment she is now is to much for her.

Get her out and do it fast.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:21 PM
If they are truly sleep terrors, then there is little point in asking your daughter what it’s about. Patients with this disorder have no recall of dreams associated with the episode, though they may recall a figure in the room with them akin to those with sleep paralysis. If she can recall any vivid details of what frightened her, like a dream, then its not a night terror, but rather has another cause (Post traumatic stress disorder, nightmares, etc.). Night terrors occur in Delta (slow wave) sleep, and will most likely resolve themselves as she gets older due to a natural decrease in slow wave that occurs with age. They can be triggered by stress, medications, over exhaustion, and even eating before bedtime.

Your best bet is to go to a board certified sleep doctor (not just your normal primary care physician), and have a polysomnography preformed at an accredited sleep center. Most sleep doctors are either pulmonologists or neurologists, so that is a good place to begin looking for one that is board certified, if your primary care physician cannot refer you to one. Though they may not be able to fix the issue directly, then can give you help with how to handle it, and minimize the instances of it happening. If you need further help, feel free to contact me via the U2U.

BTW, the house I just bought had little crosses like that over every window and door. What exactly is that associated with?

edit on 6/9/2011 by defcon5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by NephlimKilla

I recommend you move out of that house asap. I also recommend you watch this video so you know what you're dealing with:
Your daughter is clearly at the mercy of spiritual forces with little or no current protection, and what you need is a spiritual solution to that (and moving out too!). It's not for me to tell you what to believe or who to turn to, but I recommend hearing out the guy in that video, and his documented cases.

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