ONE BAY AREA: "AGENDA 21", the UN's diabolical plan comes to the San Francisco Bay Area
“For The Greater Good”
The citizens feel that planning ahead might be good. But the citizens feel manipulated. They felt like their voice was not given enough treatment as
the people and non-profit organization that were presenting to them. The citizens did not like that they were not allow to choose their own choices
made by them but instead given predetermine choices made by the organizations. The citizens have a difficult time trying to distinguish why the
organization are involved so early on in the process when it is the beginning stage of the new program. The organization of the program was
disorganize and seemed like propaganda to the citizens. The citizen don’t want to be herded into predetermine choices in term of what the
organization want for them. The citizens found out that if they did something the organization didn’t like they would rule against the citizens.
They would like more hearing about the program.
01:16 - Comments on the meeting by the Public 7:24 - Amy Worth - Metropolitan Transportation Commission of Bay Area Government discusses the growth
estimated for the Bay Area and how to plan for the future of Bay Area’s growth. Plan Agenda 21 is called Plan Bay Area, which is formulated by the
organizations. The non-profit organizations plan on adopting it by 2013. So the citizens are given the early opportunity to take part in shaping the
plan, so that it would help reflect their dreams. They are glad to be working with two great non-profit foundations called Greenbelt Alliance &
Transform. They are thankful to receive grants from a foundation to support Envision Bay Area.
Jesus Christ! It sounded like the non-profit foundations already had the Agenda all laid out but wanted to find out whether people would accept. I
think it is either they are awakened or the non-profit organization totally messed up and is disorganized.
Well, i've read your post three times, and still cant discern what this agenda 21 is or how it actually relates to the bay area. Furthermore,
searching the net I find even more vague talk abut how 'evil' 'agenda 21' is, but little description of 'why' its evil
Wouldn't it make more sense to send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper? I honestly don't understand what global agenda or conspiracy you
see in a plan for population growth and urban planning.
I'm on the east coast so it makes no difference to me, but I hate to see you waste your breath preaching to the wrong choir.