I'm going to post an excerpt from an essay I wrote that included world gun law statistics in an excel sheet. I may add the whole essay and statistics
at a later date but wanted to quote my exact feelings on our right to have any weapons we deem necessary to keep ourselves safe.
Here ya go:
This is a unique time in human history for oppression. It is amazing that such a large group of humanity has allowed themselves to be relegated to
practical slavery like this. Every government in history has eventually overstepped its boundaries. They have all "gone bad" at some time. The private
citizenry of the world has given the keys to the henhouse, to the fox for safe keeping. The governments of the world are responsible for more crime,
more murder, and more oppression in the name of, ______ fill in the blank, than any other group. Whether it’s private citizens or even hardened
criminal versus the governments, who really is the least trustworthy? And they are the one and only group of them all who are freely armed? It is
One thing to consider, above all else, is the idea of natural rights. Some of the more religious types of folks like to call them God given, but most
people who hear that term have no idea what is meant by it other than it's an expression. Well the concept is that there are certain rights, that are
above and beyond the consent or criticism of all men but belong to men as individuals. These include traveling freely, the right to eat, drink,
breathe, reproduce, and the like. These also include defending oneself. That is to defend yourself against other people or groups of people. That
includes governments. When they begin to infringe on any of these, you have your own natural right to defend yourself. You have the same capacity to
exist freely as they do. They are merely human beings as are we. This means, you may defend yourself in the same manner they would. You have the
natural right to be armed because guns exist. For better or for worse, guns do exist. They use them and as such, so may you. They are no different
from you. They are not more entitled. They are not more trustworthy. They have no say to whether you have these rights.
The governments of the world are not to be trusted. This isn't said out of hate. It is said out of truth. It is proven by every example of government
that has ever existed. They being human beings as yourself, have no grounds to take away your natural rights anymore than you do to take away theirs.
It is convenient that they keep people afraid, uninformed and convinced that natural rights are gifts they give you. It serves their purpose of
oppression nicely. But it is not true. And it is not theirs to give or take. Could one tiger take away another tiger's claws, or teeth? Can they tell
that tiger they no longer possess that "privilege"? No. It is a tiger's right to have those same implements that every other tiger has to ensure his
survival. Those are HIS natural rights.
It is a sad state our world is in. We must learn to take what is ours. Our survival and our capacity to prosper depends on it. We cannot as a species
begin to move forward, to progress, until we stop those who would hold us back because of their greed, their fear, their entitlement. Be a part of the
solution, not the problem. Don't let anyone infringe on your natural rights.
edit on 9-6-2011 by Redwookieaz because: S&G