posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 07:45 AM
I want to test the power of belief, I want as many people possible to participate in this test.
I want to test whether trigger of belief, collectively can alter reality. In order to test this, our belief have to be very specific so that we don't
have misconception amongst our participants. We don't want a broad belief, rather an extreme narrow so that everyone has the same exact one.
In that sense we need to elaborate on that belief.
So I want the participants to shape their belief firmly within a month, I want the participants to believe firmly that a specific number of US troops
will withdrawal by next month.
To be exactly on the dot, we will set our belief which states that all members of the First Battalion, 17th Infantry regiment will withdrawal from
Afghanistan by next month, the starting date is Friday, 10, June, 2011.
Some advise on how to make this belief strong, talk about it as the truth, so that through time your belief gets stronger.
Repeat every night before you go to sleep, that the First Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment will withdrawal from Afghanistan by next month. This will
spread the belief beyond, to the subconscious.
That's the two advises I have, others may put forward their own advise, on how to make this belief stronger.
The results will be very interesting, it will keep you anticipating. The test will show if the power of belief can shape reality, you have nothing to
lose from joining this test, I hope all joins, the more, the better.
Thanks in advance to all who are going to participate.