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Scientists Warn of Chemical-Autism Link.

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posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 10:41 PM
This article is interesting, I just wish they could find out what causes it for sure and nail it down. I have family that have worked with autistic children, and even though it was a rewarding job it was one of the most difficult things for them. To watch so many kids with autism and feel the frustration from them knowing they want to learn, and wanting to say something but can't is heart breaking. Autism Speaks is a great foundation trying to do just that and maybe give them a trip to camp where they are not considered different but the same from their peers.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by riley

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by TheUniverse

Dear TheUniverse,

We are not a disease, we are not a virus, we are not a syndrome, we are who we are and we don't need a cure. Would you cure the world of artists or engineers?

Sometimes autism can be so severe that it renders the person to a near permanent catatonic state. Never having independence and instead depending on others to care for them 24/7 for their entire lives. Never developing the luxury of real communication with others.. including literacy and speech which you obviously are able to do. Some certainly do not have the option of being artists or engineers .. besides which not all artists and engineers have autism.

Clearly you are not burdened with that level of autism so to say it does not need a cure leaves those with the more severe variety up the creek. You say "we" yet if they COULD speak for themselves they may not agree with you.
edit on 9-6-2011 by riley because: (no reason given)

Dear riley,

I do understand that what people say is out of concern, I really do. I wrote a post on people with Aspergers, you can read it, others spoke what they felt. The problem is not autism, that is just our inability to understand social cues and lies, that is autism. Okay, we hyper-focus on something, that is also our way. The problem is that we, just like anyone else, can have other problems, we can be narcissists or pedophiles or stupid or you name it. We are not all the same that is why they call it spectrum. There are smart and stupid pedophiles, lets deal with that issue. Deal with us as you would with any personality trait.

My autism is a blessing to me, it is not a burden or a curse, why would I want to be able to read facial expressions better? Why don't people just learn to tell the truth, then it would not matter. What is wrong with out becoming overly focused on one thing, that is where invention comes from. The problem for others is that we are more difficult to train because we will question everything if we find it of interest, we will wear you down. Even the "low functioning" of us are harder to deal with because they don't let up.

Neither Aspergers nor general autism are excuses for our how we behave, we have to take responsibility for that. That is true if you are "autistic" or not. There was an article that said they were going to group us all into the category of "autistic" and not even bother recognizing the idiot savant in those with Aspergers as different. Cure bad actions don't allow us to be vilified anymore. I am a productive citizen of this world, I hurt none and am a pacifist.

Riley, we have spoke before but I don't remember the subject. I do not wish you to think that I do not respect you or am angry in my response, neither would be true. For some reason whatever we discussed left me with a good impression of you. I think your post was very measured and have no problem with it. When I was born we were one in ten thousand and now it is claimed that we are one in one hundred, some say one in about 56 for boys. Why would you want that many people to grow up thinking they are disabled when they are not, some of us are disabled and I say deal with the disability not with the personality. Some of us are blind, some have no legs, some have bad hearts or diabetes, we are not all disabled and I certainly am not. Be well and do enjoy.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by AQuestion


Severe autism can leave people severely developmentally disabled. Aside from not being able to learn speech or literacy, it can mean they may have to be dependent on others for the rest of their lives, that they may never be employable or have families of their own or have any chance of independence.

I really do not care if you are proud of your "autism" but please do not try spread the myth that all autism is some sort of blessing as then people will start thinking it doesn't need to be treated.

edit. I see others have said the same thing to you and you've ignored them. You've already got a pro-autism thread going perhaps you should post there instead of taking this thread further off topic.

Now ON Topic:

I think it's wonderful news that they are admitting that toxins/chemicals may contribute to this neurological disorder. It seems there is a subset of the population who have a predisposition to enviromentally triggered autism.
edit on 10-6-2011 by riley because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by riley
reply to post by AQuestion


Severe autism can leave people severely developmentally disabled. Aside from not being able to learn speech or literacy, it can mean they may have to be dependent on others for the rest of their lives, that they may never be employable or have families of their own or have any chance of independence.

I really do not care if you are proud of your "autism" but please do not try spread the myth that all autism is some sort of blessing as then people will start thinking it doesn't need to be treated.

edit. I see others have said the same thing to you and you've ignored them. You've already got a pro-autism thread going perhaps you should post there instead of taking this thread further off topic.

Now ON Topic:

I think it's wonderful news that they are admitting that toxins/chemicals may contribute to this neurological disorder. It seems there is a subset of the population who have a predisposition to enviromentally triggered autism.
edit on 10-6-2011 by riley because: (no reason given)

The one voice not listened to in the whole conversation about autisim is the voice of the autistic. That is what irritates us the most that people continue to ignore our opinions on our condition.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by TheUniverse
Personally I don't think any level is safe,but if these toxic chemicals are in everything we eat,drink and bath in there is no chance in hell even a small amount is safe.........don't buy it.

If I had it to do all over again, I would do things so differently......

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
The one voice not listened to in the whole conversation about autisim is the voice of the autistic. That is what irritates us the most that people continue to ignore our opinions on our condition.

Some people with severe autism cannot give an opinion on their condition because they can't communicate.

You keep saying things like "US" and "WE" as if you are in a borg collective and you are trying to lead them. I am very familiar with the autism spectrum from mild to severe and am very mindful of their opinions and views.

What irritates ME is when people who are high functioning enough to speak, read, write, hold down jobs, form friendships, have access to decent education, fall in love, have families of their own and have independent lives post about the wonders of autism on the internet while IGNORING the more serious challenges and disabilities that go with severe autism.

You are the voice of ONE person who has autism.. my disregarding your views does not equate to ignoring needs of all people with ASD and I resent the implication. Sharing the ASD label with others does not mean you have a unique ability to empathise with them nor does it give you any extra right to speak on their behalf.

A reminder.

Please reread the OP. This is not a topic is about the enviromental CAUSES of autism not autism politics.
edit on 10-6-2011 by riley because: I needed a paragraph break for extra dramatic effect. ta da.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 05:00 PM
I didn't mention it in my last post as I didn't think it necessary. I do in fact have four sons, the youngest three all have Fragile X, and the youngest of the three also 'has' Autism, the first born son is 'normal'. I put has in brackets as the distinction becomes more blurred as knowledge advances, although Fragile X is definable in that it is the X chromosone that is detectably defective. Fragile X is a genetic disorder, and a female is generally the carrier while herself normal, and a male offspring is usually affected, there are also physical markers that experts will recognise. Autism is also thought of as genetic, and in both cases that should be borne in mind. How far back these disorders go nobody knows, they could always have been there. This latter day research is dealing with how environmental toxins may be exacerbating and/or increasing debility. Some of the posts here seem to suggest that induced toxins are causing Autism, that is not what the OP's link is saying, and there is no evidence for that as yet. It could be speculated that occuring chemicals have distorted DNA over millenia though, it would be as good as any theory as to the original causes, if there was as such, an origin. Most importantly, this research could lead to treatments to improve or negate, not just the above disorders, but many other genetic debilitating disorders, mental or physical.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by riley

Originally posted by AQuestion
The one voice not listened to in the whole conversation about autisim is the voice of the autistic. That is what irritates us the most that people continue to ignore our opinions on our condition.

Some people with severe autism cannot give an opinion on their condition because they can't communicate.

You keep saying things like "US" and "WE" as if you are in a borg collective and you are trying to lead them. I am very familiar with the autism spectrum from mild to severe and am very mindful of their opinions and views.

What irritates ME is when people who are high functioning enough to speak, read, write, hold down jobs, form friendships, have access to decent education, fall in love, have families of their own and have independent lives post about the wonders of autism on the internet while IGNORING the more serious challenges and disabilities that go with severe autism.

You are the voice of ONE person who has autism.. my disregarding your views does not equate to ignoring needs of all people with ASD and I resent the implication. Sharing the ASD label with others does not mean you have a unique ability to empathise with them nor does it give you any extra right to speak on their behalf.

A reminder.

Please reread the OP. This is not a topic is about the enviromental CAUSES of autism not autism politics.
edit on 10-6-2011 by riley because: I needed a paragraph break for extra dramatic effect. ta da.

If you are not autistic then you don't speak for any of us. The OP was wondering if these chemicals might cause autism. You assume that that we all have a disability, you lump us together when convenient and separate us when that is convenient. It is offensive to be lumped together and to seek a reason that we all exist rather than asking why SOME of us face additional challenges is what I object to. SOME deaf people have low IQs, why confuse the two. I don't like the way that we are portrayed and many of us do not.

You don't need to be so defensive, we were the people you described as disabled. The ADA has just declared autism to be a disability. My needs and the needs of a "low functioning" autistic child are not the same. If you find the answer to what causes autism then people would seek to cure all of us when only some of us have a problem. If you sought what caused people to have a problem with it then you wouldn't have to cure the rest of us.

One of the first responders to this thread asked why they are talking about autism so much these days. It is a good question, some will say because the incidence is increasing. How can it be possible that they know how many autistic children were born last year? You cannot, they are still babies and you cannot be sure which are slow learners and which are autistic.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

At NO point did I say or assume all people with autism have a disability or lump you all together. It is a spectrum disorder. I have just been defending those who HAVE disabilities from people who are against finding causes, cures and treatments that could help them. It would be like someone with a limp trying to stop someone who can't walk at all access to a wheelchair.

I already explained the stark difference between mild and severe autism and resent being accused of some sort of bigotry.

Now for a THIRD time. The thread is about possible causes of autism not autism politics .. yet you seem hell bent on making sure the topic is not discussed.

edit on 11-6-2011 by riley because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by TheUniverse
reply to post by zookey

Yes Because their Agenda is to poison us so Big Pharma Can make profits later on down the Road.

ignorant Dentists and their ignorant Poison Sickening Disgusting Tactics We should revolt!



Just mention "Comfrey" herb to a dentist
Watch their faces, if they're smart ones.

Coca cola uses Phospheric Acid, that's exactly what Dentists use to break down Enamel. Enamel can regrow and does your entire lifetime, Comfrey herb is a cell growth promoter. It also accelerates tooth / gum regrowth (make it a mouth wash, dont drink it).

Dentists get paid to drill and use MERCURY by the NHS, the more they drill and stick it in, the more they get paid.

It is NOT in their financial interest to talk about Comfrey, regrowth and so on

If you got mercury, get it out, also white fillings release estrogen. And check out Comfrey.

Also, as for vaccines, I havn't had them in decades, eat Mushrooms if you have a cold etc.

Everybody I see with flu vaccinations, always have the cold, and spread it, I always laugh and say well that flu vaccine didn't work did it, they say oh theres different strains, i reply, well then you got injected with the wrong one then didn't you.
I get a growl look back. Meanwhile I have no flu

All big pharma does is patent nature, put it into a nice box and sell it to health care.

They go deep into rain forrests looking for trees, plants, herbs etc. Then sell some chemical attributes of it back to you.

You can never beat nature. Funny thing is, those in developed countries (those without coca cola and flouride in water) have the better teeth than westerners, due to their diets and lack of poisons in their food and water supply.

First thing you see is when westerners get to developed countries is Coca Cola, McDonalds and Cigarette companies take over.

edit on 11-6-2011 by zookey because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by riley
reply to post by AQuestion

At NO point did I say or assume all people with autism have a disability or lump you all together. It is a spectrum disorder. I have just been defending those who HAVE disabilities from people who are against finding causes, cures and treatments thate could help them. It would be like someone with a limp trying to stop someone who can't walk at all access to a wheelchair.

I already explained the stark difference between mild and severe autism and resent being accused of some sort of bigotry.

Now for a THIRD time. The thread is about possible causes of autism not autism politics .. yet you seem hell bent on making sure the topic is not discussed.

edit on 11-6-2011 by riley because: (no reason given)

Dear Riley,

If the cause or cure is about those who have limp (disabilities) then stop accusing all of the autistic as being disabled, we clearly are not as you have just said. I never said people who were autistic could not have other issues, I said autism was not the issue. You said I was my other thread was pro-autism, you completely misread me because you lumped us together. I am pro-autistic people, I am pro-blind people, I am pro-normal people. When you imply that people like me need to be saved from existence then group us by all together you miss the point. You do not need to be saved from "high functioning" autistic people and we don't need to be saved from normal people. Why does there need to be a "cause" for us? Why do you need to view us as not normal?

If you wish to understand us then I have no problem, if you wish to cure me then I have a big problem. If you wish to speak about us then you really should talk to us and not speak for us. Do not be gutless and question whether or not I truly am, answer the question as if I was, that will prove your point if you can. It is called a hypothetical. The OP lovingly looked at what was the reason that people like us exist, I have no problem with that. I am asking what you define is US. How do you define us, do you accept the current medical description, why do others get to define us? Why are we not allowed to participate in the discussion? How we are defined will assist in understanding who we are and how to deal with us.

If you actually took the time to read my "pro autism" thread than you would have understood that I was talking to others like me to not look down on "normal" people. I said that calling "normal" people "neuro typical" was wrong and did not lead to greater understanding. Every one of us is an individual, your classifying us is what I (and others) dislike. It is like sitting in a room, with other people talking about you and ignoring what you have to say. That is how it feels.

I do not assume you have bad intent, that is the problem, good intent can hurt more than bad intent because it has no softness. I did not call you a bigot nor I believe you to be so, I just disagree with you generalizing about me and others like me, we have some things in common, not all. I am me. Please allow me to be more than a label, more than autistic, treat me as me. Love me or hate me; but, don't relegate me to a group and don't do that to my little brothers and sisters that have to grow up being told that good people are seeking to make sure that people like them will never exist again (they say that nobody will have to face our challenges, that is how they couch it).

If you do not consider me autistic, then redefine the term so that you excuse me. If you consider me to be autistic with "high functioning" then differentiate between low functioning and us. If you choose to cure us all then you get us all. That includes us "high functioning" and we are not all as loving as I. Some of us take it very badly that we are considered a mistake, a problem, a disability. Please don't try and speak for any of us, please say if you are autistic and then define it.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by TheUniverse

Dear TheUniverse,

I am sorry for having been to vague. Why are they searching for a cause for autism? It is like searching for a cause for being an accountant. Autism is a choice. People may not like to hear that; but, it is and I am autistic. We are not victims of some disease, we are people who have certain personality traits in common and we change over time also. People were "autistic" long before vaccines or lead or mercury or whatever.

It's a choice? Well if that's the case I guess they are trying to search for a way that an autistic person can learn more about those alternative choices then.

Btw... I don't believe there's a choice involved until you're aware of the alternative. Perhaps some autistic people can learn themselves out of the condition, if its mild enough, but not all are capable of such reasoning or understanding. Their cognitive abilities are way too underdeveloped not just psychologically but also organically.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:46 AM


posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:57 AM


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

I got really mad when I read your post, the most asinine thing I have ever read. My brother has autism and it is mild to almost severe. My brother cannot communicate with me like my other siblings, I remember one time he cried because he tried so hard to describe something to me. I love my brother and I want further scientific research into this DISABILITY! I don't know if this is your way of coping with your very light autism or you being completely clueless on the subject.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Warpedconsciousness
reply to post by AQuestion

I got really mad when I read your post, the most asinine thing I have ever read. My brother has autism and it is mild to almost severe. My brother cannot communicate with me like my other siblings, I remember one time he cried because he tried so hard to describe something to me. I love my brother and I want further scientific research into this DISABILITY! I don't know if this is your way of coping with your very light autism or you being completely clueless on the subject.

I understand completely, let's hope the research becomes a breakthrough Cheers, Smurfy.

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