greetings ATS,
i have done three experiments so far. Though i am not able to hit on all of people's issues i believe that i am able to tap into some, and even
get specifics in terms of targeted areas i.e. pain in rt foot, pain in hands,tmj in left ear, emptiness, one eye seeing better than the other, the use
of a cane. i think i am about 30%. 3 of 10, 2 of 7, 2 of 7.
Not to give myself more credit, but this is just feedback from what people are "aware of". If i am able to sense things in people at a 30%
probability rate without ever meeting, isn't it possible that i may pick up on things that the other person may be unaware of at the moment?
Since i am using reiki symbols hon-sha-ze-sho-nen, meaning no past, no present, no future. Could it not be possible that i am tapping into your
past, present, and/or future? Just some food for thought. since i am only getting roughly 30% maybe i am only tapping into the present, since it is
one third of the equation.
I mentioned this before, out of the millions of potential ailments to choose from, i think i am doing o.k. what are the chances of hitting even
If it was baseball, i'd be a future all star batting 293
even in remote viewing, they don't get the target perfectly correct, they work in percentages, and similarities. These are people that had training
at it from the CIA, and were involved in the program for years. Can't wait till i can devote years at a time to this. just think of the potential.
I hope i am making people aware, that this IS possible. It IS possible to tap into complete strangers and read there energy. If this is possible what
else are we unaware of. what else do we have to relearn. What do you want to do? read minds, speak telepathically, be claire audient, clairvoyant, be
empaths, go out of body, heal yourself. these are not the ways of shamans, these are the ways of man/woman.
I have no training in this, it was an idea, intuition, and i ran with it. you all can do the same. just try it. Thanks for all of you letting me try
it. with out you, i'd have no idea of how successful i am at it.
Just my point of view to compare how i am doing so far, not a perfect analysis, but i feel confident with the results. we'll see as time goes on. I
look forward to doing a few more of these.
I look forward to all feedback.