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'Melt-through' at Fukushima? / Govt report to IAEA suggests situation worse than meltdown

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posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by whatisanameanyway

there is one thing i will never understand about this whole situation. Why the hell didnt they bury it and make a sarcophagus??? What prevent them to do so? Do these bastards have ANY excuse?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 01:58 PM
here in California days ago.......many people spotted a rainbow type of outline around the sun.....I wonder if this nuclear disaster is of any relation......

+1 more 
posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 02:02 PM
It seems like 2012 is becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy, people have been doing stupid destructive things recently like it's their job. I think it's about time we find a new planet, but instead of funding space travel like we should have been doing for the past 50+ years, we've been siphening our money in the War on Drugs and the other wars going on around here. If only humans could have set aside their differences and realize that we're all one race, not the Japanese, American, or Russian race, maybe now we wouldn't be dealing with this crisis (which is just one of many) because we could potentially have free energy. Just look up in the sky, the sun emits so much energy that we are not harnessing, instead we play with fire like nuclear energy and sucking oil out of the ground which ends up causing catastophic oil spills or meltdowns. We never seem to learn from our mistakes either, you'd think after the first oil spill/meltdown we would say "WOW that was terrible, let's not mess with that stuff again", but people are stupid and keep using those ticking time bomb methods.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Nomad451

I'm pretty speechless. The third largest economic nation is officially and literally toast...

Well because of the grave nature of the lack of information campaign going on in Japan, not to mention Iran's nuclear program, we are pretty much left to alternate media, like this one, to spread news and protect ourselves, our families and our national interests. We can no longer depend on the bureaucratic machine to inform us.

If we are to survive we must be prepared to muster own information (experts), our own defenses, our own sense of reality.

So now. what does 3-4 complete nuclear meltdowns mean for Japan, the rest of the world and the resistence here in the US?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 02:46 PM
I imagine the beauty of a world balanced by the advisement of God. Therefore I seek.


posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 02:56 PM
i wish my family would take a look at this site sometimes evrytime i even mention it they say this is a bunch of bs and they will stick with fox news and such....

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 03:44 PM
Wow, that seems like an "on topic" post....

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by [davinci]

I do not understand why this is not getting more coverage either. I guess you can't tell the whole story in just 2 minutes.

This is going to get worse and it's going to last for a long time. As in years.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 03:58 PM
It just amazes me that reactor containment vessels are not built with refractory materials able to withstand the temperature load caused by a meltdown. Maybe the materials in question are too expensive. This seems to be an area where these systems are "under engineered", for some reason.

Maybe a second Chernobyl will change that situation.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 03:59 PM
im so tired of our old enemies screwing up the world

back in the day, when you went to war with a nation, the winner, gained control

now we do this rebuilding and all this other crap

and the nations get fixed then make terrorists or nuclear power plants that end up screwing us up or the entire world

if the nuclear power plant affects the usa as much as REAL educated people think it will, then we need to bomb the japs again and take over, and i recommend doing the same thing in any other country we have to be at war with, stop the games, nuke the fools, end the problems and lets move on

stop all the nonsense and games
edit on 8-6-2011 by TheTruthShallLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:02 PM
The BBC News did a short report last night that mentioned the increase in the estimate of radiation that was released immediately after the incident began. That was all though. No mention of the current state of the cores.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by whatisanameanyway

Thanks for posting but anyone who has their head screwed on knows that these three reactors started meltdown within a week of the bullsh!t 9.1 quake.

Was Japan enriching uranium for Iran?

Que HAARP and a big bomb at the bottom of the sea

if the epicenter was 25 miles offshore, why was there no damage to the town before the tsunami hit the STUXNET infected plant.

somethinh stinks.... and it is beyond the comprehension of joe public.


posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

awesome post boss

never knew about japan and iran, mustve missed it but thats pretty big news

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by TheTruthShallLive

I am pretty sure these reactors are American in origin and supplied from GE. Perhaps you need to look a little closer to home for your bombing targets?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Nomad451

I'm pretty speechless. The third largest economic nation is officially and literally toast...

Ask who their enemies are then. This was NO accident and it doesnt just involve them, carefully planned right to the Rockefeller Reactors and the Stuxnet virus that only affects seimens controllers and is CIA/MOSSAD created, and Israel just did a security upgrade on their offline computers one month previous. Throw in their Weird Science and Frikkin Magick occult black magick and then you have the US Ronald Reagan strangley offshore of Japan just previous to reactor 3, the Plutonium one, exploding into a Mushroom cloud (china syndrome probably already complete), why. Well it so happens the leader of Japan in the 80's met with Ronald Reagan in a secret deal to bring Plutonium into Japan for their reactors (Mox fuel is BIG, used in paramiltiary and space industry). I call that: setting the MEME for the spellcasting, because they can only control 90% or so, so for that extra uncertainty, they set the meme,. Their HH does the rest.

Really makes me
and until enough ppl wake up, the ones who know the truth but are fringe just have to watch in horror.

China/US/Rockefeller/Rothchild plan in place?

edit on 8-6-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Snappahead

its not the makers job to tell them how to do everything and how to plan

its not the makers job who decided a one page tsunami plan was sufficient

the country put it there, the country is responsible

just like we were responsible with the gulf oil spill even though its owned by bp

its one thing for us to hurt ourselves because we were overrun by morons, its another to be damaged by former enemies we defeated and are now hurting us again

edited to say, they arent my bombing targets, last i checked i wasnt a leader with that power, but if i was, i wouldnt be in the middle east wars longer then we were in the world wars

and the nation wouldnt be getting radiation effects from a former ww2 enemy we defeated and now didnt bother to plan for disaster when playing with a technology that could effect the planet
edit on 8-6-2011 by TheTruthShallLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by TheTruthShallLive
if the nuclear power plant affects the usa as much as REAL educated people think it will, then we need to bomb the japs again and take over, and i recommend doing the same thing in any other country we have to be at war with, stop the games, nuke the fools, end the problems and lets move on

stop all the nonsense and games
edit on 8-6-2011 by TheTruthShallLive because: (no reason given)

So if a nuke plant has a negative impact on the USA, they should nuke whoever is causing said negative impact? Did you even think before writing this?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by DelMar

Originally posted by TheTruthShallLive
if the nuclear power plant affects the usa as much as REAL educated people think it will, then we need to bomb the japs again and take over, and i recommend doing the same thing in any other country we have to be at war with, stop the games, nuke the fools, end the problems and lets move on

stop all the nonsense and games
edit on 8-6-2011 by TheTruthShallLive because: (no reason given)

So if a nuke plant has a negative impact on the USA, they should nuke whoever is causing said negative impact? Did you even think before writing this?

LOL, apart from anything else, its like burning down your neighbours house because the smoke from their barbecue is bothering you and then wondering why your family has choked to death.

TheTruthShallLive for Prezident!

edit on 8-6-2011 by Karilla because: of barbarous name whoopsie.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:17 PM
so as i read the info on this thread and the 'big one'...if the info is correct that the rods have melted thru the conainment vessel and are basically sitting on the floor of the houseing building, slowly melting thru that...there really is no way they can cool it down and basically have to let it continue to melt thru whatever it is going to melt thru untill it possibly explodes on contact with the water table?!?

not a good situation at all and no info in the MSM about it ...

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

In my un-expert opinion, that is the best case scenario! Let it melt through the core, and let the volcanic processes deal with it. I think that is a better scenario than having it sitting there in a containment vessel just waiting to be spilled into the air or the ocean. Of course, nobody really knows what will happen if it breaches through the mantle, but it shouldn't be that much different than the normal volcanic activity in the area........hopefully........

You mean, just let it leak into the earth? Into the groundwater? Into the soil? GREAT IDEA MAN!

I think its time to build a bunker. The fact that they are not doing this, is enough evidence for me of a nasty conspiracy going on here.

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