I saw a website with information posted relating to this topic about 3 weeks ago and cannot find it anymore, so if anyone can help out that would be
What I am talking about is tagging of street signs (stop, yield, turn, no parking, etc) and other important signs that have had reflective stickers
placed on the back of the signs and point to areas of potential military interest during an NWO takeover. These points of interest are military
bases, airports, and train stations, etc. and other points of interest that would be used as detention centers like wharehouses, gymnasiums, large
open fields, etc.
These stickers or tags would be either grouped on a set of signs or individually and would generally point either up or to specific direction
(N,S,E,W) nearby that would be identified as a potential point of interest. Also by the size, shape and number of tags applied to a sign or signs, it
may indicate the proximity of these points of interest, the type of facility it is (military or civilian) and size.
Again, if anyone can find a website on this subject it would be great.
While I was investigating this subject a while back I noticed that there was a large amount of the investigative data that showed pictures of signs in
various areas of Michigan. I am originally from Michigan and decided to go back to visit family and friends and wanted to watch for these signs and
see if I could spot any of these reflective tags. To my amazement I found a very large number of tags spread across Michigan typically near military
bases, large universities, prisions and even seemingly open forest or fields.
Being the skeptic that I am about these types of things I decided to watch in other states that I travel to and see if I could find any of these tags
like I did in Michigan. I travelled to Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa and noticed some tagging of signs, but nothing like Michigan. And the
tags weren't only on new signs, but signs that showed quite a bit of wear and tear. And many signs had 2 or 3 tags on them alone.
I originally thought that these tags were reflective stickers that were placed on new signs only and stated either something about who purchased the
sign, what county or city they belonged to, or something similar I have seen when I would take them as a kid
. Upon closer examination, these
stickers stated things like I mentioned but also had big bold letters for some keywords like WARNING, STATE POLICE, and DO NOT REMOVE.
Now, I typically don't care about things like this but I was thinking about the location of Michigan and its borders and if these were actually
placed there for a specific purpose, why was Michigan so heavily innundated by these tags. Well, Michigan is almost in the heart of the midwest with
3 major highways leading into the state at each side of the lower pennisula and one in the middle. It is also surrounded by water which can be
accessed by large shipping vessels and even military ships. There are a number of military bases, and major cities with ports and large airports to
handle lots of traffic. In otherwords, you can't just escape to another state very easily and there is a large infrastructure built that can support
a large number of supply resources and the state can be locked down tighter than our borders with Mexico.
Now, I may be paranoid and I might be going a little overboard. But with the Michigan Militia and a number of other militias that exist in Michigan
it would seem like either a place that is rife with military training from recruitment or for resistance that needs to be secured.
Also, with the tags pointing to various points of interest in the state and rumors of large deployments and stockpiles of UN vehicles and suppiles in
place it would seem like something is brewing out there.
So, with my ranting am I being paranoid? I know that these tags could be placed just about anywhere but after watching Red Dawn and understanding the
geography of the state it just seems kind of odd.