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Secret Space Base Found on Mars Debunked [UPDATED]

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posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 10:31 PM
to the ones who still love life, living under the the security blanket of denial
1 If there is nothing hidden on the moon why has nasa for over 40 years continue to smudge pics and information
2 if there is nothing on mars which is hidden why has nasa spent the time to smudge pics again and information
3 if there is nothing to be seen about mars moons why the smudging of the pics and information
4 if satilite by nasa stereo behind euvi195 which looks at and around the sun has no hidden agenda, why have they spent so much time making sure some of the pics from their satilite keeps out of public view which shows what even a half blind person can see is giant non natural mechanical objects bigger than a football stadiums
5 if the gov agencies have nothing hidden and its all in the conspericers head. why with tracking into our countires yearly budgets is being shown like 500 billion going into black agenda budgets where they do not have to answer to even the president
6.if there is no secretive things our money is being used for why does the gov spend so much money shutting people up and spending money to try to discredit whistle blowers and hack into citizens computers and take the researched information someone has done in research on hidden agendas from their compluters.

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