posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by pellian
Try buddhism, it is more nontheistic.
Jesus was not some special son of a god, he was a man like us just enlightend. Same for buddha and most of the other religous figures. You do not need
to worship a god, just be nice to those around you and do good things. How can that be bad. If you really want, work on yourself and become a great
person. Then no one can deny your feelings of nontheism and the ability to do great things without certain belifiefs.
But to your original thought, yes most organized religon is nothing but a controll mechanism. It has been used for millenia to controll the masses
through lack of education and wealth. The bible is fiction, as are most religous texts. That dosen't mean you can't sift through it and find some
truths to life about being kind to your fellow man. If organied religon does not feel right to you, then it isnt right for you. And thats just fine.
Be a good person and your a step ahead of the rest.