Originally posted by Phage
The source makes it very difficult to believe...period.
it's interesting comment Phage - you should try and listen to the recording of the radio interview as well, perhaps review the supporting links to the
article. This is a very important issue with larger ramifications
and may I add that another reason for attacking Japan is the recent call to replace the ailing USD as the currency of international trade.....?
I live in "safe" Australia, the land with no bill of rights, where you are guilty until proven innocent.....but I am highly concerned for Japan and
the US right now
it is obvious Japan is being held hostage by someone to play along with the official version of their own 9/11
lets just look at one detail - reactor 3 - officially its still there with readings up to date and has probs, melt downs and all kinds of dramas - but
reactor 3 was blown away buddy
dont just take my word for it - or Jim Stones for that matter - get on Google earth and see for yourself - Google updated imagery after the tsunami -
and lo and behold reactor 3 is smashed....
I will keep bumping this issue as the dots remaining to join head to the good old US of A and the reactors there - now that MSM have "proved" that
reactors that are flooded melt down and arent safe, let's just look and see how many reactors could be impacted by the Mississipi and other rivers
flooding right now
and guess what software they use? the same as Fukushima, and have the same weakness to Stuxnet......
what happens if all the food and water in USA is radioactive? What will people do? What will the Government do?
I think you can finish that hypothetical scenario - along the lines that WW1, WW2, Vietnam, 9/11 slash Iraq Afghanistan, all these events triggered US
military involvement by banker-contrived and Presidentially supported acts of terrorism on the US - the Lusitania, Pearl Harbour, PT boat attack,
planes hitting WTC....
now we live in an era where disasters and disease outbreaks happen nearly every day. Environmental terrorism has become the norm
the info Jim presents on how reactors cool themsleves is quite accurate - they dont need external generators etc, but they are great catalysts for
this is probably the biggest conspiracy sine 9/11 eh?
edit on 6-6-2011 by Highlander64 because: spelling